Spectacularly sited Harlech Castle seems to grow naturally from the ro перевод - Spectacularly sited Harlech Castle seems to grow naturally from the ro русский как сказать

Spectacularly sited Harlech Castle

Spectacularly sited Harlech Castle seems to grow naturally from
the rock on which it is perched. Like an all-seeing sentinel, it gazes
out across land and sea, keeping a watchful eye over Snowdonia. The
English monarch Edward I built Harlech in the late 13th century to
fulfil this very role. It was one of the most formidable of his 'iron ring'
of fortresses designed to contain the Welsh in their mountain fast￾ness. Ironically, in 1404 it was taken by Welsh leader Owain Glyndwr
who proceeded to hold a parliament here.
A long siege here during the Wars of the Roses inspired the
stirring song 'Men of Harlech'. Although an imposing edifice. Harlech is
at one with its surroundings, a quality rare in the great Edwardian
castles. There is a sense of harmony at work here, created by the way
in which the castle builders took care to exploit the site's natural ad￾vantages. Looking seawards, Harlech's battlements spring out of a
near-vertical cliff-face, while any landward attackers would first have
to deal with a massive twin-towered gatehouse. The sea, like Snow￾donia, is one of the keys to Harlech's siting. Seaborne access was cru￾cial in times of siege, and although the waters of Tremadog Bay have
receded over the centuries, they may originally have lapped the cliffs
beneath the castle. The fortress's massive inner walls and towers still
stand almost to their full height. The views from its lofty battlements
are truly panoramic, extending from the dunes at its feet to the purple
mass of Snowdonia in the distance. Harlech, a combination of magnif￾icent medieval military architecture and breathtaking location, is an
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Spectacularly sited Harlech Castle seems to grow naturally from the rock on which it is perched. Like an all-seeing sentinel, it gazes out across land and sea, keeping a watchful eye over Snowdonia. The English monarch Edward I built Harlech in the late 13th century to fulfil this very role. It was one of the most formidable of his 'iron ring' of fortresses designed to contain the Welsh in their mountain fast￾ness. Ironically, in 1404 it was taken by Welsh leader Owain Glyndwr who proceeded to hold a parliament here.A long siege here during the Wars of the Roses inspired the stirring song 'Men of Harlech'. Although an imposing edifice. Harlech is at one with its surroundings, a quality rare in the great Edwardian castles. There is a sense of harmony at work here, created by the way in which the castle builders took care to exploit the site's natural ad￾vantages. Looking seawards, Harlech's battlements spring out of a near-vertical cliff-face, while any landward attackers would first have to deal with a massive twin-towered gatehouse. The sea, like Snow￾donia, is one of the keys to Harlech's siting. Seaborne access was cru￾cial in times of siege, and although the waters of Tremadog Bay have receded over the centuries, they may originally have lapped the cliffs beneath the castle. The fortress's massive inner walls and towers still stand almost to their full height. The views from its lofty battlementsare truly panoramic, extending from the dunes at its feet to the purple mass of Snowdonia in the distance. Harlech, a combination of magnif￾icent medieval military architecture and breathtaking location, is an
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Эффектно расположены Harlech замок , кажется, растет естественным образом из
скалы , на которой он сидит. Как и всевидящего страж, он смотрит
по всей суше и на море, внимательно следят над Сноудонию.
Английский монарх Эдуард Я построил Harlech в конце 13 -го века , чтобы
исполнить эту самую роль. Это был один из самых серьезных его "железного кольца"
крепостей , предназначенных для размещения валлийцев в своей горной быстрой ??? Несс. Как ни странно, в 1404 году он был взят лидер Welsh Оуайн Глиндур
который приступил провести парламент здесь.
Долгой осады здесь во время Войны Роз вдохновила
волнующую песню 'Мужчины Harlech'. Несмотря на то, внушительного здания. Harlech находится
в согласии с окружающей средой, качеством редких в больших эдвардианских
замков. Существует чувство гармонии на работе здесь, созданный, кстати ,
в котором замок строители опекал использовать естественное объявление сайта ??? ществ. Глядя в сторону моря, зубцы Harlech весна из
почти вертикальной скалы лица, в то время как любые Landward злоумышленники сначала придется
иметь дело с массивным двойным возвышались сторожке. Море, как снег ??? Дония, является одним из ключей к размещению Harlech в. Seaborne доступ был крю ??? CIAL во время осады, и , хотя воды Тремадог залива уже
отступала на протяжении веков, они , возможно , первоначально внахлест скалы
под замком. Массивные внутренние стены и башни крепости по - прежнему
стоят почти на полную высоту. Взгляды из его возвышенных бойницами
действительно панорамная, простирающейся от дюн ноги к фиолетовому
массе Сноудонию на расстоянии. Harlech, сочетание magnif ??? icent средневековой военной архитектуры и захватывающие дух места, является
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