THE EARTH AND ITS STRUCTURE The features of the earth's surface range  перевод - THE EARTH AND ITS STRUCTURE The features of the earth's surface range  русский как сказать


The features of the earth's surface range from vast plains to towering mountain peaks, from tablelike plateaus to deep ocean floors. For centuries scientists have devised theories to help explain the diversity of the earth's surface features and the forces that change those features. The Earth's origin. Scientists have only theories, or scientific guesses, about how the earth appeared. According to one theory, a hot, spinning cloud of dust and gas formed in space. Parts of this dust and gas cloud separated, forming the sun, the earth, and the other planets .,The part of the dust and gas cloud that became the earth slowly cooled. As it cooled, it gradually became a solid mass. There are scientists who believe the earth became a solid mass about 4.65 billion years ago. The Earth's interior. Scientists have studied the surface of the earth for centuries. Yet each year brings new information about the earth's surface that is added to the data already known. Direct observation of the earth's deep interior, however, remains impossible. Currently scientists can gather information about the center of the earth only through indirect evidence. Vibrations of the earth caused by earthquakes, or seismic waves, tell what the earth's inner structure is like. These waves change speeds as they move through different kinds of rocks: faster through solid material, slower through molten material. By studying the wave patterns, scientists can learn a great deal about the earth's interior. From such studies they have concluded that the three major layers of the earth's interior are the core, the mantle, and the crust.Drifting continents. The earth today is very different from the earth of millions of years ago. The texture of the land, the locations of the landmasses, and the climate have undergone tremendous changes — changes that scientists even now can only begin to understand. Most scientists are convinced that the earth's continents are slowly moving, or drifting. One of the first proponents of this idea was Francis Bacon, a seventeenth-century British scientist. After studying the latest maps of the earth and trying to piece together the shapes of the continents, Bacon concluded that the continents once were joined, forming one huge landmass. In 1912 a German geographer named Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift. Wegener believed that there was once a single supercontinent that he called Pangaea, from the Greek words pan, meaning "all", and ge, meaning "the earth". According to Wegener, Pangaea split apart millions of years ago to form two huge continents — Laurasia in the Northern Hemisphere and Gond-wanaland in the Southern Hemisphere which later broke up to form continents. Wegener believed that the landmasses drifted for millions of years to their present locations. He also claimed that the continents are still drifting. Wegener's theory caused a storm of controversy. Despite fossil and geological evidence, most scientists could not accept the idea. They argued that it was scientifically impossible for the continents to move across the solid seafloor. At the time Wegener and his supporters could not conclusively prove their arguments. New studies of the seafloor, however, have given more scientific evidence to support the theory of continental drift.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
ЗЕМЛЯ И ЕЕ СТРУКТУРА The features of the earth's surface range from vast plains to towering mountain peaks, from tablelike plateaus to deep ocean floors. For centuries scientists have devised theories to help explain the diversity of the earth's surface features and the forces that change those features. The Earth's origin. Scientists have only theories, or scientific guesses, about how the earth appeared. According to one theory, a hot, spinning cloud of dust and gas formed in space. Parts of this dust and gas cloud separated, forming the sun, the earth, and the other planets .,The part of the dust and gas cloud that became the earth slowly cooled. As it cooled, it gradually became a solid mass. There are scientists who believe the earth became a solid mass about 4.65 billion years ago. The Earth's interior. Scientists have studied the surface of the earth for centuries. Yet each year brings new information about the earth's surface that is added to the data already known. Direct observation of the earth's deep interior, however, remains impossible. Currently scientists can gather information about the center of the earth only through indirect evidence. Vibrations of the earth caused by earthquakes, or seismic waves, tell what the earth's inner structure is like. These waves change speeds as they move through different kinds of rocks: faster through solid material, slower through molten material. By studying the wave patterns, scientists can learn a great deal about the earth's interior. From such studies they have concluded that the three major layers of the earth's interior are the core, the mantle, and the crust.Drifting continents. The earth today is very different from the earth of millions of years ago. The texture of the land, the locations of the landmasses, and the climate have undergone tremendous changes — changes that scientists even now can only begin to understand. Most scientists are convinced that the earth's continents are slowly moving, or drifting. One of the first proponents of this idea was Francis Bacon, a seventeenth-century British scientist. After studying the latest maps of the earth and trying to piece together the shapes of the continents, Bacon concluded that the continents once were joined, forming one huge landmass. In 1912 a German geographer named Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift. Wegener believed that there was once a single supercontinent that he called Pangaea, from the Greek words pan, meaning "all", and ge, meaning "the earth". According to Wegener, Pangaea split apart millions of years ago to form two huge continents — Laurasia in the Northern Hemisphere and Gond-wanaland in the Southern Hemisphere which later broke up to form continents. Wegener believed that the landmasses drifted for millions of years to their present locations. He also claimed that the continents are still drifting. Wegener's theory caused a storm of controversy. Despite fossil and geological evidence, most scientists could not accept the idea. They argued that it was scientifically impossible for the continents to move across the solid seafloor. At the time Wegener and his supporters could not conclusively prove their arguments. New studies of the seafloor, however, have given more scientific evidence to support the theory of continental drift.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
земля и ее структурыособенности поверхности земли варьируется от обширных равнинах на возвышающихся горных вершин, из tablelike плато на глубоководных этажей.на протяжении веков ученые разработали теории, чтобы объяснить разнообразие земной поверхности, возможности и силы, изменить эти черты.земной происхождения.ученые не только теории, или научные предположения о том, что земля появилась.согласно одной из теорий, горячие, вращается облако пыли и газа, сформированное в космосе.часть этой пыли и газового облака разошлись, образуя солнца, земли и других планет, часть пыли и газового облака, что стала земля медленно охлаждается.а это, поверьте, он постепенно превратился в сплошной массы.есть ученые, которые считают, что земля стала сплошной массой около 4,65 миллиарда лет назад.недр земли.ученые изучили поверхность земли веками.однако каждый год приносит новую информацию о земной поверхности, что добавляется в данных, уже известны.непосредственное наблюдение земли глубоко внутри, однако, по - прежнему невозможно.в настоящее время ученые могут собирать информацию о центре земли только через косвенные доказательства.вибрации земли в результате землетрясения, или сейсмических волн, сказать, что земной внутренней структуры, как.эти волны изменения скорости, как они перемещаются через различных пород: быстрее за счет твердого материала, медленнее через расплавленный материал.изучая волн, ученые могут узнать многое о недр земли.от таких исследований пришли к выводу, что три основные слои земной внутренних дел ядро, мантию и кору. дрейф континентов.землю сегодня, отличается от земли, миллионы лет назад.текстура почвы, где сушу, и изменения претерпели огромные изменения - изменения, которые ученые даже сейчас можно понять.многие ученые убеждены, что все континенты земли медленно движемся, дрейфующий.один из первых сторонников этой идеи был фрэнсис бэкон, семнадцатого века британский ученый.после изучения новейших карт земли и пытаемся вспомнить очертания континентов, бекон, пришли к выводу, что континенты, когда были вместе, образуя одну огромную площадь.в 1912 году немецкий географ по имени альфреда вегенера предложил теорию континентальный дрейф.вегенер считает, что когда - то был единый суперконтинент пангея, который он назвал, от греческого слова пан, что значит "все", и GE, означает "земля".по словам вегенер, пангея расколоться обособленно, миллионы лет назад в форме двух огромных континентов - лавразия в северном полушарии и gond wanaland в южном полушарии, которое позже расстался с формы континентов.вегенер считает, что на сушу, как за миллионы лет, чтобы их нынешних местах.он также заявил, что по - прежнему дрейф континентов.болезнь вегнера теории вызвал бурю споров.несмотря на ископаемых и геологических данных, большинство ученых не может согласиться с идеей.они заявили, что это невозможно с научной точки зрения на континентах пересекать твердого дна.на время вегенер и его сторонников не может убедительно доказать свои аргументы.новые исследования морского дна, однако, дал более научных доказательств в поддержку теории континентальный дрейф.
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