The main advantage of being at college was that she could work in the  перевод - The main advantage of being at college was that she could work in the  русский как сказать

The main advantage of being at coll

The main advantage of being at college was that she could work in the library until nine o'clock. She was now able to feed and clothe herself. She had, for the moment, no worries about money. In her own eyes she was rich, and it was known, how, she did not understand, that she was not on a grant,' did not share a flat with five others, did not live in a hall of residence, and took abundant baths, hot water being the one element of life at home.

There was also the extreme pleasure of working in a real library, with access to the stacks. The greed for books was still with her, although sharing them with others was not as pleasant as taking them to the table and reading through her meals. But in the library she came as close to a sense of belonging as she was ever likely to encounter.2

She was never happier than when taking notes, rather elaborate notes in different coloured ball-point pens, for the need to be doing something while reading, or with reading, was beginning to assert itself. Her essays, which she approached as many women approach a meeting with a potential lover, were well received. She was heartbroken when one came back with the words "I cannot read your writing" on the bottom.

She bought herself a couple ofpleated skirts, like those worn by Miss Parker;* she bought cardigans and saddle shoes3 and thus found a style to which she would adhere for the rest other life.

* Miss Parker — Ruth's teacher at school.

The days were not long enough. Ruth rose early, went out for a newspaper and some rolls, made coffee, and washed up, all before anybody was stirring. She was the neatest person in the house. As she opened the front door to leave, she could hear the others greeting the day from their beds with a variety of complaining noises, and escaped quickly before their blurred faces and slippered feet could spoil her morning. She was at one with the commuters at the bus stop.4 There would be lectures until lunch time, tutorials in the afternoon. In the Common Room there was an electric kettle and she took to supplying the milk and sugar.5 It was more of a home than home had been for a very long time. There was always someone to talk to after the seminar, and she would take a walk in the evening streets before sitting down for her meal in a sandwich bar at about six thirty. Then there was work in the library until nine, and she would reach home at about ten.

'But don't you ever go out?' asked her friend Anthea. For she was surprised to find that she made friends easily. Needing a foil or acolyte for her flirtatious popularity, she had found her way to Ruth unerringly;6 Ruth, needing the social protection of a glamorous friend, was grateful. Both were satisfied with the friendship although each was secretly bored by the other. Anthea's conversation consisted either of triumphant reminiscences — how she had spumed this one, accepted that one, how she had got the last pair of boots in Harrod's sale, how she had shed five pounds in a fortnight — or recommendations beginning 'Why don't you?' Why don't you get rid of those ghastly skirts and buy yourself some trousers? You're thin enough to wear them. Why don't you have your hair properly cut? Why don't you find a flat of your own? You can't stay at home all your life.

These questions would be followed rapidly by variants beginning 'Why haven't you?' Found a flat, had your haircut, bought some trousers. It was as if her exigent temperament required immediate results. Her insistent yet curiously uneasy physical presence inspired conflicting feelings in Ruth,7 who was not used to the idea that friends do not always please.

By the end of the second year a restlessness came over Ruth, impelling her to spend most of the day walking. The work seemed to her too easy and she had already chosen the subject for her dissertation: "Vice and Virtue in Balzac's Novels". Balzac teaches the supreme effectiveness of bad behaviour, a matter which Ruth was beginning to perceive. The evenings in the library now oppressed her; she longed to break the silence. She seemed to have been eating the same food, tracing the'same steps for far too long.8 And she was lonely. Anthea, formally engaged to Brian, no longer needed her company.

Why don't you do your postgraduate work in America? I can't see any future for you here, apart from the one you can see yourself.

Ruth took some of Anthea's advice, had her hair cut, won a scholarship from the British Council which entitled her to a year in France working on her thesis, and fell in love. Only the last fact mattered to her, although she would anxiously examine her hair to see if it made her look any better. Had she but known it, her looks were beside the point;9 she was attractive enough for a clever woman, but it was principally as a clever woman that she was attractive. She remained in ignorance of this; for she believed herself to be dim and unworldly and had frequently been warned by Anthea to be on her guard. 'Sometimes I wonder if you're all there,'10 said Anthea, striking her own brow in disbelief.

She did this when Ruth confessed that she was in love with Richard Hirst, who had stopped her in the corridor to congratulate her on winning the scholarship and had insisted on taking her down to the refectory for lunch. Anthea's gesture was prompted by the fact that Richard was a prize beyond the expectations of most women and certainly beyond those of Ruth.11 He was one of those exceptionally beautiful men whose violent presence makes other men, however superior, look makeshift. Richard was famous on at least three counts.12 He had the unblemished blond good looks of his Scandinavian mother; he was a resolute Christian; and he had an ulcer. Women who had had no success with him assumed that the ulcer was a result of the Christianity, for Richard, a psychologist by training, was a student counsellor,13 and would devote three days a week to answering the telephone and persuading anxious undergraduates.

Then Richard would wing home to his parish and stay up for two whole nights answering the telephone to teenage dropouts,14 battered wives, and alcoholics. There seemed to be no end to the amount of bad news he could absorb.

Richard had been known to race off on his bicycle to the scene of a domestic drama and there wrestle with the conscience of an abusive husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister.

He was rarely at home. He rarely slept. He never seemed to eat. His ulcer was the concern of every woman he had ever met in his adult life. His dark golden hair streamed and his dark blue eyes were clear and obdurate as he pedalled off to the next crisis.

Into Ruth's dazed and grateful ear he spoke deprecatingly of his unmarried mothers and his battered wives. She thought him exemplary and regretted having no good works to report back.15 The race for virtue, which she had always read about, was on.

So Ruth took more of Anthea's advice and found a flat for herself
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The main advantage of being at college was that she could work in the library until nine o'clock. She was now able to feed and clothe herself. She had, for the moment, no worries about money. In her own eyes she was rich, and it was known, how, she did not understand, that she was not on a grant,' did not share a flat with five others, did not live in a hall of residence, and took abundant baths, hot water being the one element of life at home.There was also the extreme pleasure of working in a real library, with access to the stacks. The greed for books was still with her, although sharing them with others was not as pleasant as taking them to the table and reading through her meals. But in the library she came as close to a sense of belonging as she was ever likely to encounter.2She was never happier than when taking notes, rather elaborate notes in different coloured ball-point pens, for the need to be doing something while reading, or with reading, was beginning to assert itself. Her essays, which she approached as many women approach a meeting with a potential lover, were well received. She was heartbroken when one came back with the words "I cannot read your writing" on the bottom.She bought herself a couple ofpleated skirts, like those worn by Miss Parker;* she bought cardigans and saddle shoes3 and thus found a style to which she would adhere for the rest other life.* Miss Parker — Ruth's teacher at school. The days were not long enough. Ruth rose early, went out for a newspaper and some rolls, made coffee, and washed up, all before anybody was stirring. She was the neatest person in the house. As she opened the front door to leave, she could hear the others greeting the day from their beds with a variety of complaining noises, and escaped quickly before their blurred faces and slippered feet could spoil her morning. She was at one with the commuters at the bus stop.4 There would be lectures until lunch time, tutorials in the afternoon. In the Common Room there was an electric kettle and she took to supplying the milk and sugar.5 It was more of a home than home had been for a very long time. There was always someone to talk to after the seminar, and she would take a walk in the evening streets before sitting down for her meal in a sandwich bar at about six thirty. Then there was work in the library until nine, and she would reach home at about ten.'But don't you ever go out?' asked her friend Anthea. For she was surprised to find that she made friends easily. Needing a foil or acolyte for her flirtatious popularity, she had found her way to Ruth unerringly;6 Ruth, needing the social protection of a glamorous friend, was grateful. Both were satisfied with the friendship although each was secretly bored by the other. Anthea's conversation consisted either of triumphant reminiscences — how she had spumed this one, accepted that one, how she had got the last pair of boots in Harrod's sale, how she had shed five pounds in a fortnight — or recommendations beginning 'Why don't you?' Why don't you get rid of those ghastly skirts and buy yourself some trousers? You're thin enough to wear them. Why don't you have your hair properly cut? Why don't you find a flat of your own? You can't stay at home all your life.These questions would be followed rapidly by variants beginning 'Why haven't you?' Found a flat, had your haircut, bought some trousers. It was as if her exigent temperament required immediate results. Her insistent yet curiously uneasy physical presence inspired conflicting feelings in Ruth,7 who was not used to the idea that friends do not always please.By the end of the second year a restlessness came over Ruth, impelling her to spend most of the day walking. The work seemed to her too easy and she had already chosen the subject for her dissertation: "Vice and Virtue in Balzac's Novels". Balzac teaches the supreme effectiveness of bad behaviour, a matter which Ruth was beginning to perceive. The evenings in the library now oppressed her; she longed to break the silence. She seemed to have been eating the same food, tracing the'same steps for far too long.8 And she was lonely. Anthea, formally engaged to Brian, no longer needed her company.Why don't you do your postgraduate work in America? I can't see any future for you here, apart from the one you can see yourself.Ruth took some of Anthea's advice, had her hair cut, won a scholarship from the British Council which entitled her to a year in France working on her thesis, and fell in love. Only the last fact mattered to her, although she would anxiously examine her hair to see if it made her look any better. Had she but known it, her looks were beside the point;9 she was attractive enough for a clever woman, but it was principally as a clever woman that she was attractive. She remained in ignorance of this; for she believed herself to be dim and unworldly and had frequently been warned by Anthea to be on her guard. 'Sometimes I wonder if you're all there,'10 said Anthea, striking her own brow in disbelief.She did this when Ruth confessed that she was in love with Richard Hirst, who had stopped her in the corridor to congratulate her on winning the scholarship and had insisted on taking her down to the refectory for lunch. Anthea's gesture was prompted by the fact that Richard was a prize beyond the expectations of most women and certainly beyond those of Ruth.11 He was one of those exceptionally beautiful men whose violent presence makes other men, however superior, look makeshift. Richard was famous on at least three counts.12 He had the unblemished blond good looks of his Scandinavian mother; he was a resolute Christian; and he had an ulcer. Women who had had no success with him assumed that the ulcer was a result of the Christianity, for Richard, a psychologist by training, was a student counsellor,13 and would devote three days a week to answering the telephone and persuading anxious undergraduates.Then Richard would wing home to his parish and stay up for two whole nights answering the telephone to teenage dropouts,14 battered wives, and alcoholics. There seemed to be no end to the amount of bad news he could absorb.Richard had been known to race off on his bicycle to the scene of a domestic drama and there wrestle with the conscience of an abusive husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister.He was rarely at home. He rarely slept. He never seemed to eat. His ulcer was the concern of every woman he had ever met in his adult life. His dark golden hair streamed and his dark blue eyes were clear and obdurate as he pedalled off to the next crisis.
Into Ruth's dazed and grateful ear he spoke deprecatingly of his unmarried mothers and his battered wives. She thought him exemplary and regretted having no good works to report back.15 The race for virtue, which she had always read about, was on.

So Ruth took more of Anthea's advice and found a flat for herself
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Главное преимущество в том, в колледже было то, что она не могла работать в библиотеке до девяти часов. Она была теперь в состоянии прокормить и одеть себя. Она, на данный момент, не беспокоясь о деньгах. В ее глазах, она была богата, и это было известно, как, что она не понимает, что она не была на грант, «не разделял квартиру с пятью другими, не жить в общежитии, и взяли в изобилии ванны, горячая вода является одним из элементов жизни у себя дома. Был также крайнее удовольствие работать в реальной библиотеке, доступ к штабелей. Жадность для книг все еще ​​был с ней, хотя делиться ими с другими, не был приятным, как принимать их к столу и читает сквозь еды. Но в библиотеке она пришла как можно ближе к чувству принадлежности, как она была когда-либо, скорее всего, encounter.2 Она никогда не была счастливее, чем когда заметок, а разработать заметки в различных цветных шариковых ручек, для необходимости делать что-то в то время как чтение, или чтении, начинают утверждать себя. Ее эссе, которые она обращалась, как многие женщины подойти к встрече с потенциальным любовником, были хорошо приняты. Она была убита горем, когда один вернулся со словами "Я не могу читать ваши письма" на дне. Она купила себе пару ofpleated юбки, как и носить мисс Паркер; * она купила кардиганы и седло shoes3 и, таким образом, нашел стиль в котором она будет придерживаться для отдыха другой жизни. * мисс Паркер -. учитель Рут в школе дни не были достаточно долго. Рут встал рано, вышел в газете и некоторых рулонов, из кофе, и умылся, все, прежде чем кто шевелился. Она была опрятная человек в доме. Когда она открыла входную дверь, чтобы уйти, она могла услышать других приветствие день с постели с различными жалобами шумов, и быстро убежал, прежде чем их размытыми лицами и slippered ноги может испортить ее утром. Она была в одном с пригородной зоны на автобусе stop.4 Там будет лекции до обеда, учебные пособия во второй половине дня. В общей гостиной было электрочайник, и она взяла на поставку молока и sugar.5 Это было больше, чем дома дом был в течение очень долгого времени. Был всегда кто-то, чтобы поговорить с после семинара, и она будет погулять в вечерних улицах прежде, чем сесть за ее еды в баре сэндвич около шести тридцати. Тогда не было работы в библиотеке до девяти, и она будет добраться домой около десяти. Но ты никогда не выйти? попросила подругу Anthea. Потому что она была удивлена, обнаружив, что она подружилась легко. Нуждаясь в фольгу или псаломщик для ее кокетливой популярности, она нашла свой ​​путь к Рут безошибочно, 6 Рут, нуждаясь социальной защиты гламурной другу, был благодарен. Оба были удовлетворены дружбы, хотя каждый был тайно скучно другим. Разговор Антея состояла либо из триумфальных воспоминаний - как она вспененной это одно, принято считать, что один, как она получила последнюю пару сапог в продаже Харрода, как она пролить пять фунтов в две недели - или рекомендаций, начиная «Почему не вы?' Почему бы вам не избавиться от этих ужасных юбки и купить себе несколько брюки? Ты достаточно тонким, чтобы носить их. Почему бы вам не ваши волосы правильно резать? Почему бы вам не найти квартиру вашей собственной? Вы не можете остаться дома всю жизнь. Эти вопросы будут быстро сменяется вариантов, начиная "Почему нет?" Найдено квартиру, был свой ​​стрижку, купила несколько брюки. Это было, как если бы ее требовательным темперамент требуется немедленный результат. Ее настойчивый еще любопытно непросто физическое присутствие вдохновило противоречивые чувства в Рут 7, который не привык к мысли, что друзья не всегда пожалуйста. К концу второго года беспокойством подошел Руфь, побуждая ее проводить большую часть дня прогулок , Работа, казалось ей слишком легко, и она уже выбрал тему для своей диссертации: "порока и добродетели в дилогии Бальзака". Бальзак учит высшей эффективности плохое поведение, вопрос, который Рут начинает воспринимать. Вечера в библиотеке в настоящее время угнетенных ее; ей хотелось, чтобы нарушить молчание. Она, казалось, были едят ту же пищу, отслеживание the'same шаги для слишком long.8 И она была одинока. Антея, формально не занимается с Брайаном, больше нет необходимости ее компании. Почему бы вам не сделать вашу аспирантуру в Америке? Я не вижу никакого будущего для вас здесь, кроме того, который Вы можете увидеть сами. Рут взял некоторые советы Антея в, имел ее постричься, выиграл стипендию от Британского Совета, который имеет право ее к году Франции работает над ней Тезис, и влюбился. Только последний факт имеет значение для нее, хотя она с тревогой изучить ее волосы, чтобы увидеть, если он сделал ей выглядеть лучше. Если бы она, но известно это, ее внешность была рядом с точки 9; она была достаточно привлекательной для умной женщины, но это было главным в умной женщины, что она привлекательна. Она оставалась в неведении этого; потому что она считала себя тусклым и не от мира сего и не раз предупреждали Антея быть настороже. "Иногда я задаюсь вопросом, если вы все там, '10 сказал Антея, ударив ее собственный лоб в недоумении. Она сделала это, когда Рут призналась, что она была влюблена в Ричарда Херста, который остановил ее в коридоре, чтобы поздравить ее с победой Стипендия и настаивал на принятии ее к трапезной на обед. Жест Антея была вызвана тем, что Ричард был приз за рамки ожиданий большинства женщин и, конечно, за те Ruth.11 Он был одним из тех исключительно красивых мужчин, чьи насильственные присутствие делает других людей, однако превосходные, посмотрите самодельных. Ричард был известен, по крайней мере три counts.12 он имел безупречной блондинка внешность своего скандинавского матери; он был решительным христианином, и он был язву. Женщины, которые не имели никакого успеха с ним предполагается, что язва была результатом христианства, для Ричарда, психолог по образованию, был студентом советник, 13 и посвятит три дня в неделю, чтобы ответить на телефон и убедить тревожные магистрантов. Тогда Ричард крыла дом, чтобы его прихода и оставаться в течение двух ночей, отвечающих целых телефон для подростков, бросивших, 14 избитых жен, и алкоголиков. Там, казалось, не будет конца в размере плохие новости, он может поглотить. Ричард был известен в гонке с на своем велосипеде на сцене отечественного драмы и есть бороться с совестью оскорбительного мужа, жены, матери, отца, брат, сестра. Он редко бывал дома. Он редко спал. Он, казалось, не едят. Его язвы заботой каждой женщины он когда-либо встречал в своей взрослой жизни. Его темно-золотые волосы струились и его темно-синие глаза были ясными и упрямый, как он крутил педали прочь к следующему кризису. В кайфом и благодарной ухо Рут он говорил неодобрительно его незамужних матерей и его избиению жен. Она думала, что он в качестве примера и пожалел, не имея добрые дела, чтобы сообщить back.15 гонке за силу, которую она всегда читал о, была. Так Руфь приняла более советы Антея и нашел квартиру для себя

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
основное преимущество в колледже, заключается в том, что она может работать в библиотеке до девяти часов.она в настоящее время кормить и одевать себя.она, на данный момент, не беспокойся о деньгах.в ее глазами, она богата, и она была известна, как, она не понимает, что она была не на грант, "не имеют квартиру с пятью другими, не жить в общежитии, и принял в изобилии ванны,горячая вода является одним из элементов жизни дома.

также было крайне приятно работать в реальном библиотеки, с доступом к трубы.алчности книги еще с ней, разделяя их с другими было не так приятно, как их на стол и читая ее блюда.но в библиотеку, она пришла как близко чувство принадлежности, как она вообще может столкнуться с. 2

она никогда не была счастливее, чем когда заметки, а разработать отмечает в различные цвета шариковые ручки, необходимость делать что - то, читая или чтения, начинает заявить о себе.ее эссе, в котором она рассматривается как многие женщины подход встречу с потенциального любовника, были также получены.
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