Результаты (
хмонг) 1:
qhov teeb meem rau peb lub chaw?Muaj coob tus neeg ntseeg tias qhov uas peb nyob tus peb lub neej hnub no muaj nyhuv tsis ua heev rau lub cheeb tsam. Nov yog ib co piv txwv ntawm cov hom teeb meem peb fim, taug kev los ntawm tej yam uas peb yuav ua tau los pab tiv thaiv peb cheeb tsam.LUB TSEV COG KHOOM NYHUVPaug ntawm lub tsheb factories thiab fais fab kev noj yog yuav ua teeb meem tsev cog khoom gases los txoos ua ke nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb cua. Cov gases tiv thaiv tshav kub los ntawm escaping, thiab ua peb tus ntiaj chaw lawm rhaub. Txoj kev no yog paub tias ntiaj teb no sov taus. Sov taus ntiaj teb no yog ua rau cov nab kuab tom sab qaum teb thiab South tug rau yaj thiab hiav txwv ntau ntau and hiav txwv muaj peevxwm mus nce, ua rau cov dej nyab loj heev thiab los nag violent nyob ntau qhov chaw hauv lub ntiaj teb. Nyob rau lwm qhov chaw, yuav muaj tsawg tshaj lub ntuj thiab lub teb chaws yuav nres tsis ua suab puam. KEV UA QIAS TUAJTus biggest polluter hnub no yog lub tsheb. Tso pa muaj tus ua ntsiab cua tsis zoo, uas ua rau neeg muaj mob thiab muaj teeb meem rau kev ua pa. Qhov teeb meem no yog phem tshaj nyob hauv lub zos, uas tus nab npawb ntawm lub tsheb muaj coob zuj txhua txhua xyoo, ua rau mob loj congestion thiab sau cov huab cua uas smog. Governments sim los txhim kho qhov teeb meem no los tsis ntshai luaj twg cov neeg siv cov tsheb tsawg los muas tsheb uas tsis txhob siv cov roj ntau npaum. All over the world, wildlife habitats are being destroyed. there are many endangered species that could soon become extinct. Rainforests are being cut down so that people can grow crops and feed the world's increasing population. Modern farming methods, for example using pesticides and genetically modified crops, are having a very bad effect on the food chain. killing insects may be useful for growing crops, but it reduces the amount of available food for other animals and birds. CLIMATE CHANGEIs also making conditions difficult for some animals. In the Arctic, the ice is melting , threatening the survival of animals such as polar bears.
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