Результаты (
русский) 1:
www.tvsubtitles.net 00:00:0000:00:13 утром, sunshines.00:00:16 кофе.00:00:18 что мы получили?Мы получили заголовки?00:00:19 не так много, хотя они keepbitching о его Библии.00:00:22 может быть задолженности ГК.00:00:23 Ну, все это, он отсутствует, и они не happyabout его.00:00:26 Эй, ребята, у нас ситуация.00:00:31 это что Барелли?00:00:33, что он doingdown здесь?00:00:35 я не знаю, но он не может быть хорошим.00:00:36, Пол Игнацио, его племянник.Здесь включите микрофон.00:00:38 - ***-***00:00:44 ***00:00:51, вы, ребята, ФБР, право?00:00:55 нам нужна ваша помощь.00:01:00 на прошлой неделе кто-то walksinto моей церкви... крадет Библии.00:01: 07 A Библии?00:01:08 фактические Библии?00:01:10 да, вы знаете--потоп, Авраам приносит в жертву Исаака.Вы слышали об этом?00:01:14 почему требуется наша помощь?00:01:16, я гражданин налогоплатящих.00:01:18 так?Подать в полицию.00:01:20 Ну, Берк.00:01:21 у тебя свой guyssitting на меня.00:01:23, это является частью игры, я знаю, но видимо я не свободен... Ну, узнать, кто сделал это.00:01:29 Да, значит вы не freeto бюст главы, до тех пор, пока вы делаете.00:01:32 у меня takethese обвинения?00:01:34 добраться до вашей точки.00:01:36 этой Библии--это не просто книга, которая gideons оставить на тумбочке.00:01:40--это пять centuriesof История от Неаполя.00:01:44 святым молился за эту книгу.00:01:52 ваш личный feelingsfor Барелли сторону, мне не нужны archdiocesecrawling вниз наши шеи00:01:57 because we refused to helprecover a medieval bible.00:02:00 Fine.00:02:02 But if barelli askedfor our help,he mustreally want it back.00:02:10 All right,let's get thisstraight,here.00:02:12 You may go to confessiononce a week,but the bureaudoesn't forgive sins.00:02:15 We don't work for you.00:02:18 What do you want?00:02:19 Shut down your book making operations at masso's club.00:02:27 Masso'S.00:02:29 It's a restaurant.00:02:31 See for yourselfanytime... after thursday.00:02:39 Please.00:02:41 Please help me findmy goddamn bible.00:02:52 Please stop.00:02:55 It's part of my process.00:02:59 Look,either you taught hertoo well,or it's just a bottle.00:03:04 It's more than that.**00:03:09 There's a message here.00:03:16 Hello?00:03:18 Yeah,peter.I'll be down in 5.00:03:21 Oh,okay.I'm coming right now.00:03:25 Oh,the man interferes yet again.00:03:27 - Can you please --yes.00:03:29 I'll take it back to the lab,run some tests.00:03:33 You don't have a lab.You have a storage unit.00:03:35 Semantics.00:03:37 Thanks,moz.00:03:51 -=http://sfile.ydy.com=- proudly presents00:03:55 -=http://sfile.ydy.com=- sync:°îµÂÖГ00:04:00 white collar Season01 Episode0300:04:10 The bible belonged to the church of saint camillus de lellis in naples.00:04:14 It was brought here in 1903.00:04:16 It's been the heart of our parish.00:04:18 Now this.00:04:20 No alarm,no witnesses,no sign of a forced entry.00:04:23 It looks like a smash-and-dash.00:04:25 Anything unusual that night,father?00:04:27 No,not that I recall.00:04:30 Have E.R.T. Run the prints against the parish roster.00:04:33 Something tells me we'll get a few matches.00:04:35 Nobody from this parish stole that bible.00:04:37 Oh,sure.You guys are all choirboys,right,barelli?00:04:40 No surveillance cameras.00:04:42 The lord sees all.00:04:44 And that's good enough for us.00:04:45 Maybe I'm getting my st.Whatevers mixed up,but didn't you used to run a soup kitchen here?00:04:50 Not anymore.00:04:55 Who steals a bible?00:04:56 People steal everything.00:04:58 Why would we steal one?00:04:59 Just in theory.Uh,they're rare.00:05:02 Yeah,it makes them valuable,but not like a picasso.00:05:05 It's definitely niche markets.00:05:08 Tough to fence.00:05:10 People get weird about buying stolen religious artifacts.00:05:13 I think it's an irony thing -- that pesky eighth commandment.00:05:17 Yeah,"thou shalt not steal.00:05:19 " Well,it depends what's important to people.00:05:21 Did you know that an original "star trek" dome lunchbox goes for 600 bucks?00:05:27 I don't try to explain it.00:05:28 No,I-I can appreciate that,but why this one?00:05:31 Well,your missing book is famous.00:05:33 It's known as the healing bible.00:05:35 Really?Attribution.00:05:37 I-in 1588,the plague passed through naples.00:05:41 Father camillus carried the book into disease-stricken ships in the harbor.00:05:45 Not a single person who touched the bible died.00:05:48 Good story.00:05:49 20 years later,a blind girl regained her sight when she rescued the book from a fire.00:05:54 I could give you many more examples.00:05:56 No,I-I'm sure you could.00:05:59 Look,maybe you don't steal it for the money.00:06:03 Maybe you steal because you're a true believer.00:06:06 - True believer? - You gotsomething better?00:06:08 Every person in that churchhas a felony record.00:06:11 The only people I don't suspectare the ones in prison.00:06:13 So,let's startwith the faithful.00:06:15 "It cures blind nunsand lepers.00:06:19 " Sounds like every storyin sunday school.00:06:22 Okay.Look at this.00:06:24 In 1918,30,000 people in new york died from the spanish flu.00:06:28 No one in this parisheven caught a cold.00:06:31 Maybe whoever took itthinks it's gonna heal them.00:06:34 It's worthlooking into.00:06:41 - Nobody in this churchgot the flu? - It's true.00:06:44 Why these guys and notthe church down the block?00:06:46 Because of a book?00:06:48 Tough to swallow.00:06:49 - I thoughtyou were catholic. - Lapsed.00:06:51 So you don't thinksome higher power could have savedthe congregation?00:06:54 Oh,I'm more inclined to thinkthey kept the doors shut and loaded upon vitamin C.00:06:59 Maybe god works with what he's got.00:07:00 And god said,"shut thine doorsand eat thine oranges"?00:07:03 Why not?00:07:05 все в порядке, посмотрите.00:07:06, когда они выкопали king tut, все сделал такой большой dealout Проклятие фараона.00:07:11 Да, два десятка человек whoentered гробницы в конечном итоге мертвых.00:07:14 Да, они вероятно caughtsome старый бактериальной инфекции.00:07:17 микробов--there'syour божественного вмешательства.00:07:19 Бог не может использовать бактерии?00:07:21 я предпочитаю мои чудеса с немного больше поражающий и молния.00:07:24 священника: может я вам помочь?00:07:26 Спасибо, увидев нас, отец.00:07:28 мы хотели запустить downone вещь.00:07:30, вы не Расскажите нам вашу Библию был также неразделанные заживление Библии.00:07:34 я не thinkit был соответствующим.Может быть 00:07:36.00:07:37 был там anybodyin вашей церкви, кто истинно верующий целительную силу Библии?00:07:42 Someonewho был неизлечимо болен?00:07:43 кто-то кто Хада больным членом семьи?00:07:46, я был afraidthis может произойти.00:07:48 что?00:07:51 г-н Барелли отнюдь не бездомных от церкви.00:07:55 он сделал вам закрыть кухне суп downthe.00:07:57 как христианские его.00:08:00 в ночь кражи, я пусть бездомных mansleep в святилище.00:08:05 его зовут Стив.00:08:06 он болен?00:08:07-No.But someonevery рядом с ним.00:08:15 Steve?00:08:18 Uh, меня зовут Питер.00:08:20, это мой друг Нил.00:08:22 вы возражаете, если мы задаем вопросы yousome?00:08:27, churchyou остался на прошлой неделе--они отсутствуют Библию.00:08:32 вы знаете anythingabout это?00:08:35 Yeah,I-I took it.
00:08:40 Great.
00:08:41 We need it back.
00:08:42 No.No,i need it back.
00:08:44 What do you mean?Where is it?
00:08:46 I took it from the churchlike he asked me to.
00:08:49 Now,he saidthat he would show me how to help lucyget better.
00:08:52 Then he took it from me.
00:08:54 Now,he has notbrought it back.
00:08:56 Do you know where he is?
00:08:58 No.I wish I did.
00:08:59 Who asked you to take the biblefrom the church?
00:09:01 Look,he said that he wouldhelp lucy get better.
00:09:05 She's not getting better,okay?She's getting worse.
00:09:08 What's wrong with her?
00:09:12 She's tired all the time.
00:09:14 S-she don't eat nothing.
00:09:16 Now,if I could get that bibleback,she'll get better.
00:09:19 The man who asked youto take the bible -- did you meet himat the church?
00:09:24 Yeah.
00:09:28 Steve,if we showed yousome pictures,do you thinkyou could recognize him?
00:09:32 We just need to getthe bible back,okay?
00:09:35 'Cause she's fading,all right?
00:09:47 You okay to keep going?
00:09:50 What?
00:09:53 There's more of them?
00:09:56 Yeah.Let's,uh,just get throughthis one,okay?
00:10:01 Glad we followedyour hunch.I hopeit takes us somewhere.
00:10:05 O ye of little faith.
00:10:06 Been waiting all day to trot that one out,huh?
00:10:09 Been holding onto it since lunch.
00:10:16 Um,I'm gonna beright back,okay?
00:10:20 - That bad,huh? - Yeah,"that bad"was about an hour ago.
00:10:27 Just give methe damn thing.
00:10:32 No luck,huh?
00:10:33 No,not --not really,no.
00:10:36 Look,um...I'm sorryI'm not more help to you.
00:10:40 My bell got rung pretty good in fallujah.
00:10:45 You were in iraq?
00:10:46 Yeah.
00:10:48 T-that's whereI found lucy.
00:10:52 We called in this predator strike on this trigger house.
00:10:57 Two hellfires came in... ...and just destroyedeverything.
00:11:03 Then I hear this littlewhimpering,so...
00:11:06 I lift upthis piece of roof,and there she was,just wagging her tail.
00:11:14 Well,you think you could lookat one more book?
00:11:18 Yeah.
00:11:18 Okay,the rest of yougo over there,make surenypd doesn't touch anything.
00:11:23 Let's go get peter.
00:11:26 What's going on?
00:11:27 - One of barelli'senjust got shot. - Who?
00:11:31 Paul ignazio,barelli's number two.
00:11:35 Barelli's nephew.
00:11:38 - That's him. - Who?
00:11:40 That's the guy that asked meto take the bible.
00:12:01 That's our boy.
00:12:03 Close range.
00:12:04 No eyewitnesses.
00:12:05 Body's not wat
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