I took a sip of cappuccino and relaxed in the first-class seat of the  перевод - I took a sip of cappuccino and relaxed in the first-class seat of the  русский как сказать

I took a sip of cappuccino and rela

I took a sip of cappuccino and relaxed in the first-class seat of the Eurostar train as it sped towards Paris.

I wasn't really sure why I was on the train in the first place It certainly wasn't typical of me to drop everything and run off to somewhere like Paris. Actually, my wife Sandra keeps telling me I've become boring in my old age. In fact, Sandra was the reason why I was heading for the French capital.

When I had got home from work the night before I'd found a note from Sandra on the kitchen table. It said that she needed to get away for a few days and would come back later in the week.

She'd done the same thing several times during our twenty-two years of marriage. When she got fed up with things at home she would pack a bag and go, but she always cameback when she was ready.

We had been having a few problems recently, and I had to admit that our relationship had got a bit boring since our youngest daughter had left for university.
After re-reading Sandra's note, it suddenly occurred to me that the following day would be exactly 25 years since Sandra and I first met in Paris. We had always celebrated this date together, but this time she had obviously decided to spend it away from me.

I couldn't really blame her. I'd been working such long hours that we barely saw each other. When we did have some time together, I was usually so exhausted that I simply fell asleepin front of the TV.
I suddenly felt I had to go to Paris on the anniversary of our first meeting. On my own, perhaps, I would be able to see things more clearly.

I decided to catch the first Eurostar train the next morning. Soon after the train arrived at the Gare du Nord in Paris, unsure of where I was going, I bought a ticket and went straight down to the Metro. As the train rushed through the black tunnel, I found my mind going back to that day, 25 years before.

I'd been working in the Paris branch of a London based mercha.nt bank. I remember it was a beautiful spring day and I'd decided to spend my lunch break in the Tuileries gardens. I had bought a baguette and some cold meat and found myself a bench next to a pool.

I'd only been there a few minutes when a gorgeous young lady came up and asked if she could join me. She had a thermos flask of coffee and a bag of fresh fruit.

We sat on the bench, shared our lunch and chatted for ages. Her name was Sandra and she was working in Paris as a nanny. We fell in love, and eventually married three years later in London.

I paused at the gates of the gardens, wishing that Sandra was with me. I eventually went through the gates and walked along the path past the same green trees, statues and flowerbeds.

When I arrived at the pool I saw that the bench was still there. It was empty, so I went over and sat down. I took the food out of the bag, tore off a piece of the baguette and began toeat. Suddenly I heard a woman's voice behind me.

"May I join you?" it said. Startled, I turned around. In disbelief, I watched as my wife, holding a thermos flask of coffee and a large bag of fruit, came round and sat next to me.
She looked wonderful. She'd had her hair done and was wearing a floral print dress.
"Sandra!" I exclaimed.
"I was hoping you'd come, Bill," she smiled.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
I took a sip of cappuccino and relaxed in the first-class seat of the Eurostar train as it sped towards Paris.I wasn't really sure why I was on the train in the first place It certainly wasn't typical of me to drop everything and run off to somewhere like Paris. Actually, my wife Sandra keeps telling me I've become boring in my old age. In fact, Sandra was the reason why I was heading for the French capital.When I had got home from work the night before I'd found a note from Sandra on the kitchen table. It said that she needed to get away for a few days and would come back later in the week.She'd done the same thing several times during our twenty-two years of marriage. When she got fed up with things at home she would pack a bag and go, but she always cameback when she was ready.We had been having a few problems recently, and I had to admit that our relationship had got a bit boring since our youngest daughter had left for university.After re-reading Sandra's note, it suddenly occurred to me that the following day would be exactly 25 years since Sandra and I first met in Paris. We had always celebrated this date together, but this time she had obviously decided to spend it away from me.I couldn't really blame her. I'd been working such long hours that we barely saw each other. When we did have some time together, I was usually so exhausted that I simply fell asleepin front of the TV.I suddenly felt I had to go to Paris on the anniversary of our first meeting. On my own, perhaps, I would be able to see things more clearly.I decided to catch the first Eurostar train the next morning. Soon after the train arrived at the Gare du Nord in Paris, unsure of where I was going, I bought a ticket and went straight down to the Metro. As the train rushed through the black tunnel, I found my mind going back to that day, 25 years before.I'd been working in the Paris branch of a London based mercha.nt bank. I remember it was a beautiful spring day and I'd decided to spend my lunch break in the Tuileries gardens. I had bought a baguette and some cold meat and found myself a bench next to a pool.I'd only been there a few minutes when a gorgeous young lady came up and asked if she could join me. She had a thermos flask of coffee and a bag of fresh fruit.We sat on the bench, shared our lunch and chatted for ages. Her name was Sandra and she was working in Paris as a nanny. We fell in love, and eventually married three years later in London.I paused at the gates of the gardens, wishing that Sandra was with me. I eventually went through the gates and walked along the path past the same green trees, statues and flowerbeds.When I arrived at the pool I saw that the bench was still there. It was empty, so I went over and sat down. I took the food out of the bag, tore off a piece of the baguette and began toeat. Suddenly I heard a woman's voice behind me.«Может присоединиться к вам?»,-сказал он. Испуганно, я обернулся. В неверие я наблюдал, как моя жена, держа термос кофе и большой мешок фруктов, пришел и сел рядом со мной.Она посмотрела замечательный. Она имела причесанная и был одет цветочные платья печати.«Сандра!» Я воскликнул.«Я надеялся, что вы приехали, Билл,» она улыбнулась.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
я выпил немного кофе и расслабиться в первоклассных место Eurostar поезд, как он мчался в париже.я не знаю почему я был в поезде, в первую очередь, это, конечно, не типично для меня бросить все и уйти куда - нибудь, как париж.на самом деле, моя жена сандра продолжают говорить мне, я стал скучным в старость.в самом деле, сандра была причина, почему я направлялся к французской столице.когда я пришел домой с работы в ночь перед тем, как я нашел записку сандра на кухне.она говорит, что ей нужно уехать на пару дней и вернется в конце недели.она бы сделала то же самое, несколько раз в течение двадцати двух лет нашего брака.когда она достала вещи в доме она будет собрать чемодан и уйти, но она всегда cameback, когда она была готова.у нас было несколько проблем в последнее время, и я вынужден был признать, что наши отношения не скучно, поскольку наша младшая дочь уехал в университете.после повторного чтения сандра записку, он вдруг вспомнил, что на следующий день будет ровно 25 лет с тех пор, как сандра и познакомились в париже.мы всегда отмечали этот день вместе, но в этот раз она, очевидно, решили провести его подальше от меня.я не могу винить её.я работал сверхурочно, чтобы мы увидели друг друга.когда мы были вместе некоторое время, я обычно так устали, что я просто упал asleepin перед телевизором.я вдруг почувствовал, что у меня поехать в париж в годовщину нашей первой встречи.по - своему, возможно, я смог бы видеть более ясно.я решил поймать первый Eurostar поезда утром следующего дня.вскоре после того, как поезд прибыл на Gare du Nord, в париже, не знают, куда я иду, я купил билет и отправился прямо к метро.как поезд бросился через черное туннель, я нашел мой разум возвращается в этот день, 25 лет назад.я работал в париже филиал базирующейся в лондоне mercha.nt банка.я помню, это был прекрасный весенний день, и я решила провести мой обеденный перерыв в сада тюильри.я купил багет и некоторые холодное мясо и ловлю себя на скамейке рядом с бассейном.я был там несколько минут, когда красивая девушка подошла и спросила, может ли она присоединиться ко мне.у нее был термос с кофе и пакет свежих фруктов.мы сидели на скамейке, разделяет наш обед и болтали долго.ее зовут сандра, и она работала в париже в качестве няни.мы любим друг друга, и в конечном итоге замуж через три года в лондоне.я остановился у ворот сада, желая, чтобы сандра была со мной.в конце концов, я прошел через ворота и пошел по пути в прошлом же зеленые деревья, статуи и клумбы.когда я пришел в бассейн, я увидел, что коллегии был все еще там.он был пуст, поэтому я подошел и сел.я взял еду из мешка, оторвала кусок багета и начал toeat.вдруг я услышал женский голос за меня."могу я присоединиться?"он сказал.испугалась, я повернулся.в недоумении, я видела, как моя жена, проведение термос с кофе и большой мешок фруктов, подошел и сел рядом со мной.она выглядела прекрасно.она была прическу и был одет в цветочный принт платье."сандра!"я воскликнул."я надеялся, что ты придешь, билл," она улыбалась.
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