Our shopping dayOur family has a shopping day. It is Saturday. My fath перевод - Our shopping dayOur family has a shopping day. It is Saturday. My fath русский как сказать

Our shopping dayOur family has a sh

Our shopping day
Our family has a shopping day. It is Saturday. My father gets up early on
Saturday. He likes to say that an early riser is sure to be in luck. My father and I
usually go to the shops on this day.
In the morning we ask mother what we need. We take bags and go to the shops.
First of all we go to the butcher’s shop. We prefer to eat sausage and meat instead
of fish, that’s why we buy two kilogrammes of meat for a week. My father usually
takes some tinned meat and we often prepare supper using tinned meat. My brother
Roman likes to eat eggs and we often buy ten eggs and three chickens for a week.
We usually visit the baker’s shop when we go home. My sisters Sonya has a sweet
tooth and she likes sweets very much, that’s why my father and I buy a lot of rolls
and buns.
The shop assistant usually suggests that we buy cakes, biscuits and tasty tea. For
example, I like cakes and coffee and I very often ask my father to buy different
People say that there is no accounting for taste. My father likes coffee and cakes
too and he agrees to buy them.
One day my two friends Yura and Anton came to see me. Yura had a big in his
hand . He said that his mother had sent him to the greengrocer’s shop.
I decided that I should go to the shop too, as my grandmother asked me to buy
milk and cheese at the dairy. It took us ten minutes to get to the greengrocer’s shop
because it was not far from our house.
The shop was big. The shop windows were nice.
Yura explained that his father had already bought carrots, tomatoes and he had to
buy potatoes, onions and cucumbers. We looked at the counters and saw fresh
vegetables. We asked the shop assistant to weight three kilogrammes of potatoes,
one kilogramme of onions and two kilogrammes of cucumbers. When she had
weighed the vegetables she said how much they cost. Yura took money from the
pocket, paid for the vegetable and put all the vegetables into his bag. The bag
became very heavy and Anton helped Yura to carry it. He thought that a friend in
need was a friend indeed.
Then we went to the dairy. We did not take a bus but went on foot. When we came
to the dairy there were a lot of people there. We could see a lot of fresh food there
but I was asked to buy milk and cheese. It took us five minutes to stand in a queue
But it was obvious that we should buy fresh milk and cheese.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Наш торговый деньНаша семья имеет торговый день. Это суббота. Мой отец рано встаетСуббота. Он любит говорить, что ранняя пташка обязательно быть в удачу. Мой отец и яобычно идут к магазинам на этот день.В первой половине дня мы просим матери, что нам нужно. Мы принимаем мешки и пойти к магазинам.Прежде всего мы идем к мясной магазин. Мы предпочитаем, чтобы есть сосиски и мяса вместорыбы, именно поэтому мы покупаем двух килограммов мяса на неделю. Мой отец обычнопринимает некоторые мясные консервы и мы часто готовят ужин, используя мясные консервы. Мой братРоман любит есть яйца, и мы часто покупают десять яиц и три кур на неделю.Мы обычно посетить магазин хлебопека, когда мы идем домой. Мои сестры Соня имеет сладкийзуб и она любит сладости очень много, вот почему мой отец купить много рулонови булочки.Продавец обычно предполагает, что мы покупаем торты, печенье и вкусный чай. Дляпример, я люблю торты и кофе, и я очень часто спрашивают моего отца, чтобы купить различныеторты.Люди говорят, что нет нет учета вкус. Мой отец любит кофе и пирожныетоже, и он согласен купить их.Один день двух моих друзей Юра и Антон пришли увидеть меня. Юра был большой в своемрука. Он сказал, что его мать направила его зеленщик магазин. Я решил, что я должен пойти в магазин тоже, как моя бабушка попросила меня купитьмолоко и сыр на молочные продукты. Это заняло у нас десять минут, чтобы добраться до зеленщик магазинпотому что это не далеко от нашего дома. The shop was big. The shop windows were nice. Yura explained that his father had already bought carrots, tomatoes and he had tobuy potatoes, onions and cucumbers. We looked at the counters and saw freshvegetables. We asked the shop assistant to weight three kilogrammes of potatoes,one kilogramme of onions and two kilogrammes of cucumbers. When she hadweighed the vegetables she said how much they cost. Yura took money from the pocket, paid for the vegetable and put all the vegetables into his bag. The bagbecame very heavy and Anton helped Yura to carry it. He thought that a friend inneed was a friend indeed.Then we went to the dairy. We did not take a bus but went on foot. When we cameto the dairy there were a lot of people there. We could see a lot of fresh food therebut I was asked to buy milk and cheese. It took us five minutes to stand in a queueBut it was obvious that we should buy fresh milk and cheese.
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