If you work, you've probably got a bank account. You could keep the mo перевод - If you work, you've probably got a bank account. You could keep the mo русский как сказать

If you work, you've probably got a

If you work, you've probably got a bank account. You could keep the money you earn each month in a box under your bed, but it wouldn't be very sensible. One reason is that it's not very safe. If your house gets burgled, you'll lose everything you've saved. Another reason is that your money will lose value.

As prices rise, the money in a box under your bed will be able to buy fewer and fewer things. Money in a bank savings account, however, will earn interest. The interest will help compensate for the effect of in-flation. But banks are more than just safe places for your money. What other services do they offer?

The other main service is lending money. Individuals and businesses often need to borrow money, and they need a lender that they can trust. This is exactly what banks are - reliable lenders. In fact, most of the money that people deposit in their bank accounts is immediately lent out to someone else.

Apart from storing and lending money, banks offer other financial services. Most of these are ways of making money more accessible to customers. For example, banks help people transfer money securely. They give customers cheque books and credit cards to use instead of cash. They provide ATM machines so that people can get cash any time of the day or night.

But how do banks make a living? Basically, they make a living by charging interest on loans. Of course, when you make a deposit into a bank savings account, the bank pays you interest on that money.However, the rate they pay savers is less than the rate they charge borrowers. The extra money they make by charging interest on loans is where banks earn most of their money.

For banks, interest is also a kind of security. Sometimes people do not pay back money they borrow. This is called defaulting on a loan. When someone defaults on a loan, the bank uses money earned from interest to cover the loss.

All of this means that most of the money people have saved in the bank is not there at all! A small amount of the total savings is kept by the bank so that customers can make withdrawals. The rest, however, is made available for loans. The amount that is kept is called the reserve.The reserve must be a certain percentage of all the savings received from customers - for example 20 per cent. This figure is set by the central bank, and this is one of the ways that governments can control the amount of money circulating in the economy.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
If you work, you've probably got a bank account. You could keep the money you earn each month in a box under your bed, but it wouldn't be very sensible. One reason is that it's not very safe. If your house gets burgled, you'll lose everything you've saved. Another reason is that your money will lose value.As prices rise, the money in a box under your bed will be able to buy fewer and fewer things. Money in a bank savings account, however, will earn interest. The interest will help compensate for the effect of in-flation. But banks are more than just safe places for your money. What other services do they offer?The other main service is lending money. Individuals and businesses often need to borrow money, and they need a lender that they can trust. This is exactly what banks are - reliable lenders. In fact, most of the money that people deposit in their bank accounts is immediately lent out to someone else.Apart from storing and lending money, banks offer other financial services. Most of these are ways of making money more accessible to customers. For example, banks help people transfer money securely. They give customers cheque books and credit cards to use instead of cash. They provide ATM machines so that people can get cash any time of the day or night.But how do banks make a living? Basically, they make a living by charging interest on loans. Of course, when you make a deposit into a bank savings account, the bank pays you interest on that money.However, the rate they pay savers is less than the rate they charge borrowers. The extra money they make by charging interest on loans is where banks earn most of their money. For banks, interest is also a kind of security. Sometimes people do not pay back money they borrow. This is called defaulting on a loan. When someone defaults on a loan, the bank uses money earned from interest to cover the loss.All of this means that most of the money people have saved in the bank is not there at all! A small amount of the total savings is kept by the bank so that customers can make withdrawals. The rest, however, is made available for loans. The amount that is kept is called the reserve.The reserve must be a certain percentage of all the savings received from customers - for example 20 per cent. This figure is set by the central bank, and this is one of the ways that governments can control the amount of money circulating in the economy.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
если вы работаете, вы, вероятно, есть счет в банке.ты можешь оставить деньги вы получаете каждый месяц в коробке под вашей кроватью, но это не очень разумно.одна из причин в том, что это не очень безопасно.если ваш дом не ограбили, вы можете потерять все, что вы спасли.другая причина заключается в том, что деньги потеряют ценность.

как цены растут,деньги в коробке под вашей кроватью будут покупать все меньше и меньше вещей.деньги в банк сбережений, однако, будут получать проценты.интерес поможет компенсировать последствия в flation.но банки больше, чем просто безопасные места для ваших денег.какие услуги они предлагают?

других основных услуг кредитных денег.частные лица и предприятия зачастую нужны деньги,и они должны кредитодатель, который они могут доверять.это именно то, что банки - надежные кредиторов.в самом деле, большая часть денег, которые люди на хранение в их банковских счетов, немедленно выдавал на кого - то еще.

помимо хранения и кредитные деньги, банки предлагают другие финансовые услуги.большинство из этих способов заработать деньги, более доступными для клиентов.например,банки помогают людям передавать деньги надежно.они дают клиентам чековых книг и кредитные карты для использования вместо наличных.они обеспечивают банкоматов, так что люди могут получить наличные в любое время дня и ночи.

но как банки делают жизнь?в основном, они живут за счет начисления процентов по займам.конечно, когда вы делаете депозит в банк сбережений,банк платит вам проценты на эти деньги, однако темпы они платят меньше, чем среди вкладчиков, они за заемщиков.дополнительные деньги они делают на взимание процентов по ссудам, где банки получают большую часть своих денег.

для банков, интерес также своего рода безопасности.иногда люди не отдать деньги, они занимают.это называется дефолта по кредиту.когда кто - то дефолт по кредиту,банк использует деньги, заработанные на интерес для покрытия убытков.

все это означает, что большая часть денег люди спасли в банке нет вообще!небольшое количество общая экономия средств хранится в банк, чтобы клиенты могли снять.остальные, однако, предоставляется по кредитам.суммы, которые хранятся называется резерва.резерв должен быть определенный процент всех сбережений, полученные от клиентов - например, 20%.эта цифра, установленным центральным банком, и это один из способов, с помощью которых правительства могут контролировать количество средств, переводимых в экономике.
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