The Houses of ParliamentWelcome to the Palace of Westminster. It consi перевод - The Houses of ParliamentWelcome to the Palace of Westminster. It consi русский как сказать

The Houses of ParliamentWelcome to

The Houses of Parliament
Welcome to the Palace of Westminster. It consists of three parts: the Royal Apartments where the colour is gold, the House of Lords where the seats are red and the House of Commons where the seats are green.
We are now in the Chamber of the House of Lords. Please be quiet and don't sit on these red benches.
The Chamber of the House of Lords is also called the Parliament Chamber, because every year when the Queen comes to open Parliament, all three parts of Parliament come together here for the Queen's Speech. In fact, it's not really the Queen's Speech, because she doesn't write it. The Government writes it for her. In the speech the Queen tells Parliament about the Government's plans for the next year. When she gives her speech, she sits on the throne over there. Can you all see it? Yes, it's that big chair behind the big red cushion.
Oh, and that cushion is, actually, the famous Woolsack. And yes, there is wool inside it. It's a part of a very old tradition which started in the 14th century. It was put in Parliament to symbolise the importance of wool to the British economy at that time.
The person who usually sits on the Woolsack is the Lord Chancellor. He presides over the House of Lords.
Now we are going through into the House of Commons, where MPs make decisions on new laws. Let's walk through this beautiful arch. There are two statues, one on each side of the arch. Both of these two men were Prime Ministers. One is David Lloyd George, and the other - Sir Winston Churchill. They represent the two main British political parties - the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. We have a tradition: if you're a Conservative, touch Churchill's shoe, and if you're Labour, touch Lloyd George's shoe. Have you touched a shoe? Now let's turn right.
Do you see two long narrow corridors on your left and on your right? These are very important for the whole country because MPs come here to vote on bills for new laws. On the left there is the "aye", or yes, lobby. MPs who agree with a bill go there. On the right there is the "no" lobby for MPs who want to vote against the bill. Then the officials count the "ayes" and the "noes" to get the results. So in the British Parliament MPs don't vote by pushing a button; they vote with their feet.
Let's go through the "no" lobby and into the House of Commons, where you'll see that the benches are green. The chamber here isn't very big. In fact, there are only places for 437 people on the benches, but there are 650 MPs, so sometimes they have to sit on the steps when the House is full. Now we're standing behind the Speaker's chair. The Speaker is the person who presides over the House of Commons.
Now look at the floor. Can you see two red lines in front of the benches on each side of the chamber? That's part of a tradition too. The distance between these two lines is two swords' lengths. In the old days when MPs used to carry swords, it was dangerous if they got angry with each other. So these two lines are here to remind MPs that they shouldn't start a fight, and they can't go over this line when they are speaking in a debate.
Today there's nobody here, so you won't see the Mace, which is put on this table when the House of Commons is sitting. The Mace is the symbol of the power which Parliament won from the King a long time ago, and MPs have a lot of respect for it. It even has its own guard, who has a very big sword.
Now let's leave the House of Commons and go to Westminster Hall. This is the oldest part of the Palace of Westminster, and it's more than a thousand years old. The son of William the Conqueror... Do you remember the Norman leader who won the Battle of Hastings? Well, it was his son who started the building of the hall. This building has seen a lot of famous events. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, and in World War II bombs fell on it.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Houses of ParliamentWelcome to the Palace of Westminster. It consists of three parts: the Royal Apartments where the colour is gold, the House of Lords where the seats are red and the House of Commons where the seats are green.We are now in the Chamber of the House of Lords. Please be quiet and don't sit on these red benches.The Chamber of the House of Lords is also called the Parliament Chamber, because every year when the Queen comes to open Parliament, all three parts of Parliament come together here for the Queen's Speech. In fact, it's not really the Queen's Speech, because she doesn't write it. The Government writes it for her. In the speech the Queen tells Parliament about the Government's plans for the next year. When she gives her speech, she sits on the throne over there. Can you all see it? Yes, it's that big chair behind the big red cushion.Oh, and that cushion is, actually, the famous Woolsack. And yes, there is wool inside it. It's a part of a very old tradition which started in the 14th century. It was put in Parliament to symbolise the importance of wool to the British economy at that time.The person who usually sits on the Woolsack is the Lord Chancellor. He presides over the House of Lords.Now we are going through into the House of Commons, where MPs make decisions on new laws. Let's walk through this beautiful arch. There are two statues, one on each side of the arch. Both of these two men were Prime Ministers. One is David Lloyd George, and the other - Sir Winston Churchill. They represent the two main British political parties - the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. We have a tradition: if you're a Conservative, touch Churchill's shoe, and if you're Labour, touch Lloyd George's shoe. Have you touched a shoe? Now let's turn right.Do you see two long narrow corridors on your left and on your right? These are very important for the whole country because MPs come here to vote on bills for new laws. On the left there is the "aye", or yes, lobby. MPs who agree with a bill go there. On the right there is the "no" lobby for MPs who want to vote against the bill. Then the officials count the "ayes" and the "noes" to get the results. So in the British Parliament MPs don't vote by pushing a button; they vote with their feet.Let's go through the "no" lobby and into the House of Commons, where you'll see that the benches are green. The chamber here isn't very big. In fact, there are only places for 437 people on the benches, but there are 650 MPs, so sometimes they have to sit on the steps when the House is full. Now we're standing behind the Speaker's chair. The Speaker is the person who presides over the House of Commons.Now look at the floor. Can you see two red lines in front of the benches on each side of the chamber? That's part of a tradition too. The distance between these two lines is two swords' lengths. In the old days when MPs used to carry swords, it was dangerous if they got angry with each other. So these two lines are here to remind MPs that they shouldn't start a fight, and they can't go over this line when they are speaking in a debate.Today there's nobody here, so you won't see the Mace, which is put on this table when the House of Commons is sitting. The Mace is the symbol of the power which Parliament won from the King a long time ago, and MPs have a lot of respect for it. It even has its own guard, who has a very big sword.Now let's leave the House of Commons and go to Westminster Hall. This is the oldest part of the Palace of Westminster, and it's more than a thousand years old. The son of William the Conqueror... Do you remember the Norman leader who won the Battle of Hastings? Well, it was his son who started the building of the hall. This building has seen a lot of famous events. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, and in World War II bombs fell on it.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
здание парламентадобро пожаловать в вестминстерский дворец.она состоит из трех частей: королевские апартаменты, где цвет золота, в палате лордов, где места, красные и палаты общин, где места, зеленые.мы сейчас в торговой палате лордов.пожалуйста, помолчи и не сидеть на эти красные скамейки.торговой палаты лордов также называется парламент камеры, потому что каждый год, когда королева доходит до открытого парламента, все три части парламента собрались здесь речь королевы.на самом деле, это не совсем речь королевы, потому что она не напишет.правительство пишет, это для нее.в речи королева говорит парламента о планах правительства на следующий год.когда она дает ее речь, она сидит на троне, вон там.ты все видишь?да, это большое кресло за большая красная подушка.о, и эту подушку, на самом деле, знаменитый woolsack.и да, есть шерсть внутри.это часть очень старая традиция, которая началась в 14 веке.он был введен в парламенте символизировать значимость шерсть для британской экономики в это время.человек, который обычно сидит на woolsack является лорд - канцлер.он председательствует в палате лордов.сейчас мы переживаем в палате общин, где депутаты принимать решения о новых законов.давайте пройдем это красивая арка.существуют две статуи, по одному на каждой стороне арки.оба эти мужчины были премьер - министры.это дэвид ллойд джордж, а другой - сэр уинстон черчилль.они представляют собой две основные британские политические партии - партия труда и консервативной партии.у нас есть традиция: если вы консервативный, трогать черчилля чистка, и если ты труда трогать ллойд джордж чистка.ты трогал чистка?теперь давай направо.ты видишь два длинных узких коридоров, слева и справа от вас?это очень важные для страны в целом, поскольку депутаты пришли голосовать по законопроектам, новые законы.слева - "да", или "да", вестибюль.депутаты, которые согласны с законопроектом туда.справа - "нет" лобби для депутатов, которые хотят голосовать против законопроекта.тогда чиновники рассчитывать "ayes" и "," нет ", чтобы получить результаты.так, в британском парламенте депутатов не голосовать нажатием кнопки; они голосовать ногами.пойдем через "нет" лобби и в палате общин, где вы увидите, что скамейки зеленые.камера здесь не очень большой.в самом деле, есть только места для 437 людей на скамейки, но есть 650 депутатов, так что иногда они должны сидеть на шаги, когда дом полон.сейчас мы стоим за кресло спикера.спикер - это человек, который председательствует в палате общин.теперь смотри в пол.ты видишь два красных линий, на глазах у скамейки на каждой стороне камеры?это часть традиции, тоже.расстояние между этими двумя линиями, два меча "длины.в старые времена, когда депутаты носили мечи, это опасно, если они разозлился друг с другом.таким образом, эти две линии здесь, чтобы напомнить депутатам, что они не затевать драку, и они не могут пройти через эту линию, когда они, выступая в прениях.сегодня никого нет, так что, вы не увидите мейс, который положил на стол, когда в палате общин сидит.в мейс - это символ власти, которой парламент получил от короля давным - давно, и депутаты очень уважаю за это.он даже имеет свой собственный охранник, который имеет очень большой меч.теперь давайте оставим в палате общин и идти в вестминстер - холле.это старая часть вестминстерский дворец, а это более тысячи лет.сын вильгельм завоеватель.ты помнишь норман лидера, который выиграл битва при гастингсе?ну, это его сын, который начал строительство зала.это здание было много известных событий.в 1605 году гай фокс попытался взорвать здание парламента, и во время второй мировой войны бомбы падают на это.
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