Alexei is going to leave school in a year, but he realizes that he mus перевод - Alexei is going to leave school in a year, but he realizes that he mus русский как сказать

Alexei is going to leave school in

Alexei is going to leave school in a year, but he realizes that he must

start thinking about further education right now, because it is


to read for exams well beforehand. So he asks his brother to

tell him

about his college and advise.


Alexei: Vlad,I want to ask you about college life. Is it different from

school life?

Vlad: Well, it depends on what you are interested in. We, too, in college have lessons, and marks; teachers give us homework,

and there are examinations and tests.



Alexei: Well,I see. But, then, is there any difference between a


school and a college?



Vlad: Why, of course. First, at college we

have special

subjects in

our curriculum. For example, if one

is going to be a teacher,

he or she will take pedagogy, psychology, and methods of

teaching. If one wants to become an economist,

he or she

will study economics, accounting, taxation and a lot of other

things. It’s really very interesting. Second, if you

work regu­

larly, attend all the lectures and seminars, and get good marks, you will be given a scholarship. If you are at the top of the group, and have excellent marks, the scholarship will be higher.

Alexei: It sounds very nice, I must say. Now, please, describe your usual day at college.

Vlad: Well, our day starts in the assembly hall, where we all gather

together and the head teacher

calls the register. Then the

classes begin. We have several

lectures and seminars every

day, and work in workshops. Students also can stay at col­

lege after classes to do research.


Alexei: How are students assessed?

Vlad: We have exams and credit tests twice a year. But of course, it is important how you work during the year.

Alexei: What is the difference between an exam and a credit test?Vlad: Well, you get marks for an exam, and when you take a credit

test, you’ll get a “pass”. Exams are usually taken at the end


of the course of a subject. For example, if you take chemistry for a year and a half, you will have credit tests in chemistry at the end of two terms, and at the end of the third term you will take an exam.

Alexei: Is an exam more difficult, than a credit test.

Vlad: Not really. In fact, you have more time to read for an exam: you are given from two to five days to get ready, and you are

not given a lot of

time to get ready for a credit



general, it depends on the subject.



Alexei: Well,I see. Now,

what about holidays? They are



same as at school, are they?

Vlad: We have holidays only two times a year: two weeks in Febru­ ary and two and a half months in summer.

Alexei: Vlad, what are you going to do after you graduate?

Vlad: There is a good opportunity for those who get only excellent

marks while they study. When we graduate, we can enter a university without taking entrance exams and continue our education there. That’s why I study hard and try to work

regularly, and not by fits and starts. And

hard work


good results, as I am at the top of the group now.




Alexei: The

prospect is very nice. I wish you good luck, then. Do

you advise me to enter this college, too?




Vlad: You know, it’s up to you to decide. But I

like my studies

there, and I think I have made the right choice. Besides,


got many friends in the

college, and friendship is the


thing in the world!
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Alexei is going to leave school in a year, but he realizes that he muststart thinking about further education right now, because it isessentialto read for exams well beforehand. So he asks his brother totell himabout his college and advise. Alexei: Vlad,I want to ask you about college life. Is it different fromschool life?Vlad: Well, it depends on what you are interested in. We, too, in college have lessons, and marks; teachers give us homework,and there are examinations and tests.  Alexei: Well,I see. But, then, is there any difference between a school and a college?  Vlad: Why, of course. First, at college wehave specialsubjects inour curriculum. For example, if oneis going to be a teacher,he or she will take pedagogy, psychology, and methods ofteaching. If one wants to become an economist,he or shewill study economics, accounting, taxation and a lot of otherthings. It’s really very interesting. Second, if youwork regu­larly, attend all the lectures and seminars, and get good marks, you will be given a scholarship. If you are at the top of the group, and have excellent marks, the scholarship will be higher.Alexei: It sounds very nice, I must say. Now, please, describe your usual day at college.Vlad: Well, our day starts in the assembly hall, where we all gathertogether and the head teachercalls the register. Then theclasses begin. We have severallectures and seminars everyday, and work in workshops. Students also can stay at col­lege after classes to do research. Alexei: How are students assessed?Vlad: We have exams and credit tests twice a year. But of course, it is important how you work during the year.Alexei: What is the difference between an exam and a credit test?Vlad: Well, you get marks for an exam, and when you take a credittest, you’ll get a “pass”. Exams are usually taken at the end192of the course of a subject. For example, if you take chemistry for a year and a half, you will have credit tests in chemistry at the end of two terms, and at the end of the third term you will take an exam.Alexei: Is an exam more difficult, than a credit test.Vlad: Not really. In fact, you have more time to read for an exam: you are given from two to five days to get ready, and you arenot given a lot oftime to get ready for a credittest.Ingeneral, it depends on the subject.  Alexei: Well,I see. Now,what about holidays? They arenotthesame as at school, are they?Vlad: We have holidays only two times a year: two weeks in Febru­ ary and two and a half months in summer.Alexei: Vlad, what are you going to do after you graduate?Vlad: There is a good opportunity for those who get only excellentmarks while they study. When we graduate, we can enter a university without taking entrance exams and continue our education there. That’s why I study hard and try to workregularly, and not by fits and starts. Andhard workgivesgood results, as I am at the top of the group now.   Alexei: Theprospect is very nice. I wish you good luck, then. Doyou advise me to enter this college, too?   Vlad: You know, it’s up to you to decide. But Ilike my studiesthere, and I think I have made the right choice. Besides,I’vegot many friends in thecollege, and friendship is thebestthing in the world!
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
алексей собирается бросить школу в год, но он понимает, что он долженначать думать о дальнейших образования сейчас, потому что этоважночитать к экзаменам, заранее.он просит своего братаскажи ему,о его колледж и консультирования.-алексей: влад, я хочу спросить вас о жизни в колледже.это отличается отв школе?влад: ну, это зависит от того, что вас интересует.мы тоже в колледже есть уроки, и знаки; преподаватели дал нам задание,и есть экзаменов и тестов.--алексей: ну, я вижу.но, тогда, есть ли разница между-в школу и в колледж?--влад: ну, конечно.во - первых, в колледже мыесть специальныепредметынаши программы.например, если одинсобирается быть учителем,он или она будет принимать педагогики, психологии, и методыпреподавание.если человек хочет стать экономистом,он или онабудет проведено исследование экономики, бухгалтерского учета, налогообложения и много другихвещи.это действительно очень интересно.во - вторых, если выработа regu -larly, посещают все лекции и семинары, и получать хорошие отметки, вам будет предоставлена стипендия.если вы в верхней части группы, и есть отличные оценки, стипендия будет выше.алексей: звучит очень мило, я должен сказать.теперь, пожалуйста, укажите ваш обычный день в колледже.влад: ну, наш день начинается в актовом зале, где мы все собираемсявместе и завучпризывает регистра.затемзанятия начинаются.у нас есть нескольколекции и семинары, каждыйдень, и работают в мастерских.учащиеся также могут остаться на кол -lege после уроков для проведения исследований.-алексей: как студенты оценили?влад: у нас есть экзамены, и кредит испытания два раза в год.но, конечно, важно, как ты работаешь в течение года.алексей: в чем разница между экзамен и кредитной тест?влад: ну, вы получаете оценки за экзамен, и когда вы берете кредиттест, вы получите "пас".экзамены, обычно в конце192конечно, такого вопроса.например, если взять химии за полтора года, вы получите кредит тесты по химии в конце два срока, и на конец третьего срока вы будете принимать экзамен.алексей: это экзамен более трудно, чем кредит испытания.влад - не очень.на самом деле, у вас есть время читать на осмотр: вы получили от двух до пяти дней, чтобы подготовиться, и тыне многопора браться за кредитиспытания.вгенерал, это зависит от вопроса.--алексей: ну, я вижу.теперь,что насчет каникул?онинесоветтак же, как в школе, да?влад: у нас есть праздники, только два раза в год: две недели в febru - ари и два с половиной месяца летом.алексей: влад, что ты собираешься делать после?влад: есть хорошие возможности для тех, кто не только отличноемаркс, хотя они и исследования.когда мы заканчиваем, мы можем поступить в университет без вступительных экзаменов и продолжения образования.вот почему я учиться и стараться работатьрегулярно, а не путем проб и ошибок.итяжелая работадаетхорошие результаты, как и я в верхней части группы, сейчас.---алексей: -будет очень мило. - я желаю вам удачи, потом.увы сообщите мне войти в этот колледж, так?---влад: вы знаете, это тебе решать.но якак мои исследованиянет, и я думаю, я сделал правильный выбор.кроме того,яесть много друзей вколледж, и дружба -лучшийвещь в мире!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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