People all over the world know Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. перевод - People all over the world know Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. русский как сказать

People all over the world know Wimb

People all over the world know Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. But most people do not know that it was famous for another game before tennis was invented.
Wimbledon is now a part of Greater London. In 1874 it was a country village, but it had a railway station, and it was the home of the All England Croquet Club. The Club had been there since 1864. A lot of people played croquet in England at that time and enjoyed it. but the national championships did not attract many spectators. So the Club had very little money, and the members were looking for ways of getting some.
In 1875 they changed the name of the Club to the "All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club", and that is the name that you will still find in the telephone book. Two years later, in 1877, Wimbledon held the first world lawn tennis championships (men's singles). The winner was S. W. Gore, a Londoner. There were 22 players, and the 200 spectators each paid one shilling. Those who watched were dressed in the very latest fashion ─ the men in hard top-hats and long coats, and the ladies in dresses that reached to the ground. The Club gained £10. It was saved.
Wimbledon grew. There was some surprise and doubt, of course, when the Club allowed women to play in the first women's singles championship in 1884. But the ladies played well ─ even in long skirts that hid their legs and feet
The Wimbledon championships begin on the Monday nearest to 22 June, at a time when England often has its finest midsummer weather. It is not only because of the tennis that people like to go there. When the weather is good, it is a very pleasant place to spend an afternoon.***
Millions of people watch the championships on television. The Club's£ 10 gain in 1877 has grown to more than £50,000 in the 1970s. Most of this goes to the Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, you will find that it is not at all easy. There are only 400 members ─ 350 men and 50 women. Singles champions are usually made honorary members. Some people say that the easiest way to become a member of the Club is to win the singles in the Wimbledon Championships.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
People all over the world know Wimbledon as the centre of lawn tennis. But most people do not know that it was famous for another game before tennis was invented. Wimbledon is now a part of Greater London. In 1874 it was a country village, but it had a railway station, and it was the home of the All England Croquet Club. The Club had been there since 1864. A lot of people played croquet in England at that time and enjoyed it. but the national championships did not attract many spectators. So the Club had very little money, and the members were looking for ways of getting some. In 1875 they changed the name of the Club to the "All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club", and that is the name that you will still find in the telephone book. Two years later, in 1877, Wimbledon held the first world lawn tennis championships (men's singles). The winner was S. W. Gore, a Londoner. There were 22 players, and the 200 spectators each paid one shilling. Those who watched were dressed in the very latest fashion ─ the men in hard top-hats and long coats, and the ladies in dresses that reached to the ground. The Club gained £10. It was saved. Wimbledon grew. There was some surprise and doubt, of course, when the Club allowed women to play in the first women's singles championship in 1884. But the ladies played well ─ even in long skirts that hid their legs and feet The Wimbledon championships begin on the Monday nearest to 22 June, at a time when England often has its finest midsummer weather. It is not only because of the tennis that people like to go there. When the weather is good, it is a very pleasant place to spend an afternoon.*** Millions of people watch the championships on television. The Club's£ 10 gain in 1877 has grown to more than £50,000 in the 1970s. Most of this goes to the Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, you will find that it is not at all easy. There are only 400 members ─ 350 men and 50 women. Singles champions are usually made honorary members. Some people say that the easiest way to become a member of the Club is to win the singles in the Wimbledon Championships.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
люди по всему миру известно, уимблдон, как центр лаун - теннис.но большинство людей не знает, что он был известен в другую игру, прежде чем теннис был изобретен.
уимблдон сейчас является частью большого лондона.в 1874 году это была страна, в деревне, но еще и железнодорожной станции, и это был дом в англии крокет клуба.клуб был там с 1864 года.много людей, играла в крокет в англии в это время и понравилось.однако национальный чемпионат не привлекают много зрителей.так, в клубе было очень мало денег, и члены искали способы получить.
в 1875 году, они сменили название клуба на "всеанглийский клуб лаун - тенниса и крокета", и это имя, которое вы все равно найдет в телефонной книге.два года спустя, в 1877 году Wimbledon прошел первый всемирный теннисного чемпионата (одиночный разряд).победителем стала S. W гор, лондонца...существуют 22 игроков, и 200 зрителей каждый заплатил один шиллинг.те, кто смотрел были одеты в самом последнем fashion - мужчин в печатном виде цилиндры и длинные пальто, и дамы в платьях, которые пришли на землю.клуб приобрел £ 10.он был спасен.
Wimbledon увеличилось.существует некоторое удивление и сомнения, конечно, когда клуб позволяет женщинам играть в первый женский турнир по хоккею в 1884 году.но дамы играли хорошо - даже в юбках, что спрятали свои ноги
The уимблдонский турнир начнется в понедельник, ближайшего к 22 июня, в то время, когда в англии часто имеет свои лучшие летнюю погоду.это не только из - за теннис, которые люди хотели бы пойти туда.когда погода хорошая, это очень приятно провести вечер. * * *: миллионы людей смотреть чемпионат по телевизору.в клубе £ 10 получить в 1877 году возросло более чем £ 50000 в 1970 - х годах. в основном это идет в клуб лаун - тенниса и крокета, вы увидите, что это совсем не просто.есть только 400 членов - 350 мужчин и 50 женщин.турнир чемпионов, как правило, в почетные члены.некоторые говорят, что самый простой способ стать членом клуба заключается в том, чтобы выиграть турнир в уимблдонский турнир.
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