Результаты (
узбекский) 1:
For centuries, the Inca city of Machu Picchu was lost in the jungle. Then, in 1911, the American explorer, Hiram Bingham, discovered the ruins of the city. It is one of the most extraordinary places in the world. The city ruins, the Inca bridge, the mountain views and the beautiful river valley below are all absolutely breathtaking.<br><br> Today it is also one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Many people choose to follow the Inca Trail, a centuries-old path of 43 km that takes three or four days on foot. Others take the train and then a bus for the last part of the journey.<br><br> Now a hotel company is going to build a cable car to the top of Machu Picchu. “ The cable car is good news for Machu Picchu,” says a company spokesman. “There are going to be a lot more tourists and that means more jobs for local people. Looking after the ruins is expensive. With the extra money; we can spend more on looking after them.”<br><br> However, the plan is not popular in Peru. Ana Redondo, a tour guide, explains the problem. “There are already more than 300000 tourists that go to Machu Picchu every year. The Inca Trail is crowded and dirty with old tea bags and water bottles everywhere. The new cable car is going to bring 400 tourists every hour! The company is also going to build a large hotel and tourist centre with souvenir shops, fast food restaurants and so on. It is the end of Machu Picchu.”<br><br>Ana Machu Picchu qutqarish uchun istaydi bir tashkilotga tegishli bir faoli hisoblanadi. U tashkilot kompaniyaning rejalari to'xtatish uchun ketadi, deb aytadi. "Ertaga biz hukumat vazirlari majlis qilinadi. Keyingi hafta YuNESKO ba'zi odamlar rejalari qarash bu erga keladi. Keyingi oy biz xalqaro konferensiya tashkil etiladi. Biz kabel avtomobil fikr o'lik qadar to'xtamoqchi emas.
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