The climate of a country is one of the factors that in­fluence the sty перевод - The climate of a country is one of the factors that in­fluence the sty русский как сказать

The climate of a country is one of

The climate of a country is one of the factors that in­fluence the style of its architecture. It can be best illus­trated by British residential buildings. The weather in England is often cloudy and there are few sunny days in the winter season, therefore, as a rule, the windows in an English house are of a large size to catch as much light and sunshine as possible. In the houses built in the past century the windows, besides being large, opened up­wards, which is very convenient on windy days.

Since there is much rain in England, typical British houses have high, steep roofs where rain water and melt­ing snow can easily flow down.

Most of the houses have a fireplace which forms the most characteristic feature of an English home and is seldom seen in other European countries.

The plan of an English house also differs from that of the houses where we live. English architects plan some apartments vertically instead of planning them horizon­tally, so that an English family having a separate apart­ment lives on two or sometimes three floors with rooms connected with a narrow staircase. They find it the most convenient style of apartment.There are usually three rooms in each apartment besides a kitchen and a bath­room: a living room, a bedroom and a dining room.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The climate of a country is one of the factors that in­fluence the style of its architecture. It can be best illus­trated by British residential buildings. The weather in England is often cloudy and there are few sunny days in the winter season, therefore, as a rule, the windows in an English house are of a large size to catch as much light and sunshine as possible. In the houses built in the past century the windows, besides being large, opened up­wards, which is very convenient on windy days.Since there is much rain in England, typical British houses have high, steep roofs where rain water and melt­ing snow can easily flow down.Most of the houses have a fireplace which forms the most characteristic feature of an English home and is seldom seen in other European countries.The plan of an English house also differs from that of the houses where we live. English architects plan some apartments vertically instead of planning them horizon­tally, so that an English family having a separate apart­ment lives on two or sometimes three floors with rooms connected with a narrow staircase. They find it the most convenient style of apartment.There are usually three rooms in each apartment besides a kitchen and a bath­room: a living room, a bedroom and a dining room.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
климат в стране является одним из факторов, которые в - флюенс стиль своей архитектурой.это может быть наилучшим образом илл - trated британскими жилых зданий.погода в англии часто облачно и мало солнечных дней в зимний сезон, поэтому, как правило, окна в английский дом большого размера, чтобы поймать столько света и солнца, как это возможно.в домах, построенных в прошлом веке окна, помимо того, что крупные, открыл - палаты, что очень удобно в ветреные дни.поскольку существует много дождя в англии типичные британских домах высокой, крутые крыши, где дождевой воды и тает - ING снег может легко спускаться.большинство домов есть камин, который является наиболее характерной чертой английский дом и редко видели в других европейских странах.план английский дом также отличается от того, что из дома, где мы живем.английский архитекторов плана несколько квартир, по вертикали вместо планирования их горизонт - талли, так что английская семья с отдельной части - мента живет на два или даже три этажа с номера, связанных с узкой лестнице.они считают его наиболее удобным стиль дома. там, как правило, три комнаты в каждой квартире помимо кухня и ванная - комната: гостиной, спальни и столовая.
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