Floating Monaco set to cruise the worldAlmost 1.3 kilometres long and  перевод - Floating Monaco set to cruise the worldAlmost 1.3 kilometres long and  русский как сказать

Floating Monaco set to cruise the w

Floating Monaco set to cruise the world
Almost 1.3 kilometres long and thirty storeys high, it could cruise the high seas, providing a tax haven home for 65.000 people.
Engineers are planning to build the ship, the largest ever, complete with 20000apartments, an airport,golf courses, hospitals, a university-and even a free tram service. The idea is for the 2.7 million tin vessel to circumnavigate the globe once every two years, spending a quarter of its time and the rest anchored close to big cities such as New York.
Called the Freedom Ship, it is the dream of Engineering Solutions, a company based in Florida which has given up all its other work to concentrate on building the enermous vessel. The proposed ship is so large that it will have to be built at sea.
The perks for passengers lie not only in the facilities. They will not have to pay tax or excise duty, although they will have to pay a monthly amount towards the vessel upkeep.
Passengers will be screened to ensure a crime-free environment. It is a chance to create the world's first ideal community,' said Norman Nixon, 58, the projectmanager.The inspiration for the project was to design the best place in the world for living and having fun.
Because of its immerence size, the ship will be able to withstand hurricane-force winds, while its width means, that even a 25 metre wave would displace it by less than two centimetres. Power will be provided by a hundred engines at the rear.
The piece de resistance will be an airport on the ship's top deck, capable of handling commercial flights, as well as the private planes and helicopters of millionaire residents. Docking space for yachts and hydrotoils will be provided on the bottom deck.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Floating Monaco set to cruise the worldAlmost 1.3 kilometres long and thirty storeys high, it could cruise the high seas, providing a tax haven home for 65.000 people.Engineers are planning to build the ship, the largest ever, complete with 20000apartments, an airport,golf courses, hospitals, a university-and even a free tram service. The idea is for the 2.7 million tin vessel to circumnavigate the globe once every two years, spending a quarter of its time and the rest anchored close to big cities such as New York.Called the Freedom Ship, it is the dream of Engineering Solutions, a company based in Florida which has given up all its other work to concentrate on building the enermous vessel. The proposed ship is so large that it will have to be built at sea. The perks for passengers lie not only in the facilities. They will not have to pay tax or excise duty, although they will have to pay a monthly amount towards the vessel upkeep. Passengers will be screened to ensure a crime-free environment. It is a chance to create the world's first ideal community,' said Norman Nixon, 58, the projectmanager.The inspiration for the project was to design the best place in the world for living and having fun. Because of its immerence size, the ship will be able to withstand hurricane-force winds, while its width means, that even a 25 metre wave would displace it by less than two centimetres. Power will be provided by a hundred engines at the rear. The piece de resistance will be an airport on the ship's top deck, capable of handling commercial flights, as well as the private planes and helicopters of millionaire residents. Docking space for yachts and hydrotoils will be provided on the bottom deck.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
плавучие монако набор круизных мире
почти 1,3 километров и тридцать этажей высок, она может круиз в открытом море, предоставляя налоговые убежища дома общей людей.
инженеры планируют построить корабль, крупнейший, в комплекте с 20000apartments, аэропорт, площадки для игры в гольф, в больницах, в университет, и даже бесплатно трамвай службы.идея состоит в том, что 2.7 миллионов тин судна совершить кругосветное плавание, раз в два года, расходы на четверть своего времени, а остальные базируются вблизи крупных городов, таких как нью - йорк.
"свободу корабль, это мечта инженерных решений, компания, базирующаяся в штате флорида, который бросил все свои работы, чтобы сконцентрироваться на строительстве enermous судна.предлагаемые корабль, настолько велико, что оно будет построено на море.
плюсы для пассажиров заключается не только в объекты.они не будут платить налоги и акцизы, хотя они должны будут платить ежемесячную сумму на судно, содержание.
пассажиров будут проверены на предмет того, исключающими преступность среды.это шанс для создания первого в мире идеалов сообщества, - сказал норман никсон, 58,в projectmanager. вдохновением для проекта заключалась в том, чтобы дизайн - лучшее место в мире для жизни и весело.
из - за его immerence размера, корабль сможет выдержать ураганный ветер, а ширина означает, что даже 25 метров волна заменит ему меньше двух сантиметров.власть будет предусмотрено 100 двигателей сзади.
на сладкое будет аэропорта на верхнюю палубу судна, способных коммерческих рейсов, а также частные самолеты и вертолеты миллионера жителей."пространства для яхт и hydrotoils будет представлена на нижней палубе.
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