The ubiquitous bar code, developed more than twenty years ago, is not  перевод - The ubiquitous bar code, developed more than twenty years ago, is not  узбекский как сказать

The ubiquitous bar code, developed

The ubiquitous bar code, developed more than twenty years ago, is not a stagnant product. On the contrary, the technology has been improved so that it can be used more efficiently. Much less expensive than a computer chip, the bar code can hold more information than it has in the past by adding a second dimension to the structure.
The bar code consists of a series of parallel vertical bars or lines of two different widths , although sometimes four widths are used, printed in black on a white background. Barcodes are used for entering data into a computer system. The bars represent the binary digits 0 and 1, just like basic computer language, and sequences of these digits can indicate the numbers from 0 to 9, which can then be read by an optical laser scanner and processed by a digital computer. Arabic numbers appear below the code.
The traditional bar code has been used to monitor skiers at ski lifts and to determine price and perform inventory control on groceries, drugs, medical supplies, manufactured parts, and library books to name a few. The bar code used on grocery products, introduced in the 1970s, is called a universal product code (or UPC) and assigns each type of food or grocery product a unique code. The five digits on the left are assigned to a particular manufacturer or maker and the five digits on the right are used by that manufacturer to identify a specific type or make of product. Traditional single dimension bar codes are not readily customizable because there is little extra space.
The two-dimensional bar code, with an information density of 1,100 bytes, allows a considerably greater amount of information to be coded than does the traditional bar code, including customized information. It also has built-in redundancy, meaning that the identical information is duplicated on the same code. Therefore, if the code is damaged, it can still be read. The technology even allows pictures or text to be contained within the code, as well as barcode encryption. The new technology dramatically reduces the errors of the single dimensional bar code and reduces the enormous costs that some companies have reported in the past.
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Результаты (узбекский) 1: [копия]
Ortiq yigirma yil oldin ishlab chiqilgan hamma joyda bar kodi, bir ko'lmak mahsulot emas. Yanada samarali foydalanish mumkin, shunday qilib, aksincha, texnologiya ishlab chiqildi. Kamroq qimmat kompyuter yonga ko'ra, bar kodi. Tuzilishi ikkinchi o'lchov qo'shib u o'tmishda bor ko'proq ma'lumot ushlab mumkin
bar kodi parallel vertikal panjara yoki ikki xil kengliklari liniyalari bir qator iborat bo'lsa-da, ba'zan to'rt kengliklari oq fon ustida qora chop, ishlatiladi. Barkodlar kompyuter tizimiga ma'lumotlarni kiritish uchun ishlatiladi. Barlar faqat asosiy kompyuter tili kabi, ikkilik raqamlar 0 va 1 vakili, va bu raqam ketliklar keyin raqamli kompyuter tomonidan optik lazer brauzer tomonidan o'qish va qayta ishlanishi mumkin 0 dan 9 gacha raqamlar, ishora mumkin. Arab raqamlari kodi ostida paydo bo'ladi.
An'anaviy bar kodi bir necha ism bakkaliye, dori, tibbiy materiallar, ishlab buyumlar va kutubxona kitoblar haqida inventarizatsiya nazorat teleferik da chang'i kuzatib borish va narxini aniqlash va amalga ishlatilgan. 1970 yilda joriy oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari ishlatiladigan bar kodi, bir universal mahsulot kodi (yoki UPC) deb nomlangan va oziq-ovqat yoki oziq-ovqat mahsulot noyob kodi har turini soladi etiladi. Chapdagi besh raqam muayyan ishlab chiqaruvchi yoki ishlab chiqaruvchi tayinlangan va o'ng besh raqam muayyan turini aniqlash yoki mahsulot qilish uchun ishlab chiqaruvchi tomonidan qo'llaniladi. Oz qo'shimcha bo'sh joy bor, chunki an'anaviy yagona kattalik bar kodlari osonlikcha özelleştirilebilir emas.
1100 bayt axborot zichligi bilan ikki o'lchovli bar kodi, an'anaviy bar kodni nisbatan ma'lumotlarning ancha katta miqdori tayyorlangan jumladan, kodlangan imkonini beradi axborot. Bundan tashqari, ichki bo'ldi ishdan, bir xil axborot Shu kodi bo'yicha takror, ya'ni. Kodi shikastlangan bo'lsa Shuning uchun, u hali ham o'qish mumkin. Texnologiya, hatto rasmlar yoki matn kodi, shuningdek, shtrix shifrlash ichida imkonini beradi. Yangi texnologiyalar keskin bir o'lchovli bar kod xatolar kamaytiradi va ba'zi kompaniyalar o'tmishda xabar ulkan xarajatlarini kamaytiradi.
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