THE DISCRIPTION OF THE “FAMILY PORTRAIT”The sitter's individuality is  перевод - THE DISCRIPTION OF THE “FAMILY PORTRAIT”The sitter's individuality is  русский как сказать


The sitter's individuality is vividly expressed in this portrait. One can easily follow the gentle and even character of the young woman and the outstanding searching, restless personality of her husband. The artist managed to create the impression of spiritual relationship In spite of the difference of characters. The colour scheme of this canvas is very beautiful. The prevailing tones are red, golden and brown.
During the 18th century the truly national school of painting was created, William Hogarth was the first great English painter who raised British pictorial art to a high level of importance. Hogarth (1697—1764} wasn't a success as a portrait painter. But his pictures of social life which he called "modern moral subjects" brought him fame and position. Among his favourite works are six pictures united under the title "Marriage a la Mode." This famous series is really a novel in paint telling the story of the marriage of an earl's son and city merchant's daughter, a marriage made for reasons of vanity and money. Despite the satirical, often amusing detailes, the painter's purpose is serious. He expects his pictures to be read and they are perhaps full of allusions. At the same time Hogarth remained an artist and passages especially in "Shortly after the Marriage" show how attractively he could paint. The Free handing of the "Shrimp Girl" Is combined with cockney vivacity. The girl is brushed onto the canvas in a vigorous impressive style. As a painter Hogarth was harmonious in his colouring, very capable and direct in his theme and composition. He painted many pictures. He is well known as a humorist and satirist on canvas.
In the second half of the 18th century narrative and satirical themes lost their leading role in the English art. The ruling classes tried to show in art a confirmation and glorification of their social position. The most popular form of painting became ceremonial portraits of representatives of the ruling class. Sir Joshua Reynolds was the most outstanding portraitist of the period. In December 1768 the Royal Academy was founded and Reynolds became its first president. He created a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous of his contemporaries. He usually painted his characters in heroic style and showed them as the best people of the nation. As a result his paintings are not free of a certain idealization of the characters. Reynolds was greatly influenced as a painter
by the old masters. This influence can be seen in his "Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus". The picture is close to Titian's style in the use of colour, but it is typical of the 18th century English school of its approach to subject-matter. He often included real personages in his mythological works (Venus — Lady Hamilton). Reynolds did. not want British art to be provincial and isolated. It was he who insisted that artists should be brought up in line with European art and that they should develop the Grand style of painting. As a president of the Royal Academy Reynolds delivered lectures. These lectures were regarded as the most sensible exposition of the Academic view that by well-directed work it was possible to learn the rules of art and use discoveries and ideas of the old masters to create a new style of one's own. He recommended that a would-be painter should put his faith in old masters from whom he should be ready to borrow. He advised that in portraits the grace should consist more in taking the general air than in exact rendering of every feature. He suggested that the proportions of a sitter's figure should be altered in accordance with a fixed ideal.
Reynold's contemporary George Romney reflects Reynold's style to some degree. The portrait of Mrs Greer shows a very attractive young woman whose beauty is emphasized by a contrast between her white face and dark eyes and the severe colouring of her toliette. He did not try to understand the psychology of the sitters. He created only general impression.
John Hopper was one of the better-known portraitists at the turn of the 18th century. He was famous for his ability to portray elegant ladies and children. His men are simplier, especially in later paintings (portrait of Sheridan).
The works of the Scottish painter Henry Raebum bear a certain resemblance to those of Reynolds and his school. But Raebum's portraits are done with greater feeling and he achieves this depth by the effective use of shadow and light (Portrait of Mrs Raebum).
Thomas Gainsborough, one of the greatest masters of the English school, was a portraitist and a landscape painter. His portraits are painted in clear tones. Blue and green are predominant colours. One of the most famous works is the portrait of the Duchess of Beufort. He managed to create a true impression of the sitter. Gainsborough greatly influenced the English school of landscape painting. He was one of the first English artists to paint his native land ("Sunset" , "The Bridge") and others. He was the first English artist to paint his native countryside so sincerely. His works contain much poetry and music. He is sometimes considered the forerunner or the impressionists. Gainsborough was the antithesis of the businesslike Reynolds, He was very poeticby his nature, he abhored rules and cares little about the old masters. By necessity a portraitist he was by inclination a landscapist.
John Constable an English landscape painter painted many well-known works ("A Cottage in a Cornfield" , "The Loch"). He is the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature that is working in the open air. His technique and colouring are very close to the impressionists. Constable ignored the rules established by Reynolds. He insisted that art should be based on observation of nature and
feeling. He was the herald of romanticism. But the realistic qualities of his art
are sensed very strongly.
The furious apostle of the philosophy of romanticism was William Blake who was strongly opposed to the rules of Reynolds proposing that the guiding force for creative spirit should come from imagination not reason.
A complete expression of romantic ideal can find itself in the pictures of Turner. Joseph Turner was an outstanding painter whose most favourite topic was to paint sea ("The Shipwreck"). He painted waves and storms, clouds and mists with a great skill. Although his talent was recognized immediately he deliberately turned his back to the glittering social world of London. Victorian England which found it more important that a man be a gentleman in the first place and only in the second a genius, never forgave him.
The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was an association of painters, formed in London in 1848. Its chief members were Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. As a group, the Brotherhood lasted for little more than a decade, but it gave a new direction to Victorian art which lasted into the 20th century. They determined to paint direct from nature, with objective truthfulness, emulating the work of the great Italian artists before Raphael. They appreciated nothing but beauty and turned to the Bible and
classical mythology for inspiration.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
ОПИСАНИЕ «СЕМЕЙНЫЙ ПОРТРЕТ»Ситтера индивидуальность выражается ярко в этом портрете. Одно может легко следовать нежный и даже характер молодая женщина и выдающиеся Поиск, беспокойная личность своего мужа. Художник сумел создать впечатление о духовной связи, несмотря на различие характеров. Цветовая схема этого полотна очень красиво. Преобладающие тона красного, золотого и коричневого.During the 18th century the truly national school of painting was created, William Hogarth was the first great English painter who raised British pictorial art to a high level of importance. Hogarth (1697—1764} wasn't a success as a portrait painter. But his pictures of social life which he called "modern moral subjects" brought him fame and position. Among his favourite works are six pictures united under the title "Marriage a la Mode." This famous series is really a novel in paint telling the story of the marriage of an earl's son and city merchant's daughter, a marriage made for reasons of vanity and money. Despite the satirical, often amusing detailes, the painter's purpose is serious. He expects his pictures to be read and they are perhaps full of allusions. At the same time Hogarth remained an artist and passages especially in "Shortly after the Marriage" show how attractively he could paint. The Free handing of the "Shrimp Girl" Is combined with cockney vivacity. The girl is brushed onto the canvas in a vigorous impressive style. As a painter Hogarth was harmonious in his colouring, very capable and direct in his theme and composition. He painted many pictures. He is well known as a humorist and satirist on canvas. In the second half of the 18th century narrative and satirical themes lost their leading role in the English art. The ruling classes tried to show in art a confirmation and glorification of their social position. The most popular form of painting became ceremonial portraits of representatives of the ruling class. Sir Joshua Reynolds was the most outstanding portraitist of the period. In December 1768 the Royal Academy was founded and Reynolds became its first president. He created a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous of his contemporaries. He usually painted his characters in heroic style and showed them as the best people of the nation. As a result his paintings are not free of a certain idealization of the characters. Reynolds was greatly influenced as a painterby the old masters. This influence can be seen in his "Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus". The picture is close to Titian's style in the use of colour, but it is typical of the 18th century English school of its approach to subject-matter. He often included real personages in his mythological works (Venus — Lady Hamilton). Reynolds did. not want British art to be provincial and isolated. It was he who insisted that artists should be brought up in line with European art and that they should develop the Grand style of painting. As a president of the Royal Academy Reynolds delivered lectures. These lectures were regarded as the most sensible exposition of the Academic view that by well-directed work it was possible to learn the rules of art and use discoveries and ideas of the old masters to create a new style of one's own. He recommended that a would-be painter should put his faith in old masters from whom he should be ready to borrow. He advised that in portraits the grace should consist more in taking the general air than in exact rendering of every feature. He suggested that the proportions of a sitter's figure should be altered in accordance with a fixed ideal. Reynold's contemporary George Romney reflects Reynold's style to some degree. The portrait of Mrs Greer shows a very attractive young woman whose beauty is emphasized by a contrast between her white face and dark eyes and the severe colouring of her toliette. He did not try to understand the psychology of the sitters. He created only general impression.John Hopper was one of the better-known portraitists at the turn of the 18th century. He was famous for his ability to portray elegant ladies and children. His men are simplier, especially in later paintings (portrait of Sheridan).The works of the Scottish painter Henry Raebum bear a certain resemblance to those of Reynolds and his school. But Raebum's portraits are done with greater feeling and he achieves this depth by the effective use of shadow and light (Portrait of Mrs Raebum).Thomas Gainsborough, one of the greatest masters of the English school, was a portraitist and a landscape painter. His portraits are painted in clear tones. Blue and green are predominant colours. One of the most famous works is the portrait of the Duchess of Beufort. He managed to create a true impression of the sitter. Gainsborough greatly influenced the English school of landscape painting. He was one of the first English artists to paint his native land ("Sunset" , "The Bridge") and others. He was the first English artist to paint his native countryside so sincerely. His works contain much poetry and music. He is sometimes considered the forerunner or the impressionists. Gainsborough was the antithesis of the businesslike Reynolds, He was very poeticby his nature, he abhored rules and cares little about the old masters. By necessity a portraitist he was by inclination a landscapist.John Constable an English landscape painter painted many well-known works ("A Cottage in a Cornfield" , "The Loch"). He is the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature that is working in the open air. His technique and colouring are very close to the impressionists. Constable ignored the rules established by Reynolds. He insisted that art should be based on observation of nature andfeeling. He was the herald of romanticism. But the realistic qualities of his art
are sensed very strongly.
The furious apostle of the philosophy of romanticism was William Blake who was strongly opposed to the rules of Reynolds proposing that the guiding force for creative spirit should come from imagination not reason.
A complete expression of romantic ideal can find itself in the pictures of Turner. Joseph Turner was an outstanding painter whose most favourite topic was to paint sea ("The Shipwreck"). He painted waves and storms, clouds and mists with a great skill. Although his talent was recognized immediately he deliberately turned his back to the glittering social world of London. Victorian England which found it more important that a man be a gentleman in the first place and only in the second a genius, never forgave him.
The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was an association of painters, formed in London in 1848. Its chief members were Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. As a group, the Brotherhood lasted for little more than a decade, but it gave a new direction to Victorian art which lasted into the 20th century. They determined to paint direct from nature, with objective truthfulness, emulating the work of the great Italian artists before Raphael. They appreciated nothing but beauty and turned to the Bible and
classical mythology for inspiration.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
индивидуальность сиделки ярко выражена в этом портрете. Можно легко следовать нежный и даже характер молодой женщины и выдающийся поиска, беспокойная индивидуальность ее мужа. Художник сумел создать впечатление от духовных отношений Несмотря на различие характеров. Цветовая схема этого холста очень красива. Преобладающие тоны красны, золотые и коричневые.
Во время 18-го века был создан поистине национальная школа живописи, Уильям Хогарт был первый большой Английский живописец, кто поднял Британское иллюстрированное искусство к высокому уровню важности. Хогарт (1697-1764} не удался как портретиста. Но его картины социальной жизни, которую он назвал "современные моральные предметы" принесли ему известность и положение. Среди его любимых работ шесть картин, объединенные под названием "брак ла Режим. "Этот известный ряд действительно роман в краске, сообщающей историю брака дочери сына и городской купеческой граф в, брак, сделанный по причинам тщеславия и денег. Несмотря на сатирический, часто забавные детали, цель живописца является серьезно. Он ожидает, что его картины будут читаться, и они возможно полны намеками. В то же время Хогарт остался художником и проходами особенно в "Вскоре после Брака" показ, как привлекательно он мог красить. Свободное вручение "Девочка Креветки "в сочетании с оживлением кокни. Девушка щеткой на холст в энергичном внушительном стиле. Как художник Хогарт был гармоничен в его окраске, очень способной и прямой в его теме и составе. Он нарисовал много картин. Он хорошо известен как юморист и сатирик на холсте.
Во второй половине повествования 18-го века и сатирических тем потерял их ведущую роль в Английском искусстве. Правящие классы старались показывать в искусстве подтверждение и прославление их социального положения. Наиболее популярная форма живописи стала церемониальными портретами представителей правящего класса. Сэр Джошуа Рейнолдс был наиболее выдающимся портретистом период. В декабре 1768 Королевская Академия была основана, и Reynolds стал его первым президентом. Он создал целую галерею портретов наиболее известный из его современников. Он, как правило, окрашены своих героев в героическом стиле и показал им как лучшие люди нации. В результате его картины не свободны от некоторой идеализации характеров. Рейнолдс был сильно повлиял как живописец
Старыми владельцами. Это влияние может быть замечено в его "Амур развязывает пояс Венеры". Картина близка к стилю Тициана в использовании цвета, но это типично для 18 столетия Английской школы его подхода к предмету. Он часто включал реальных персонажей в его мифологические работы (Венера - Леди Гамильтон). Рейнольдс сделал. не хочу, чтобы британское искусство было провинциальным и изолированным. Именно он настаивал, чтобы художники были воспитаны в соответствии с Европейским искусством и что они должны развить Великий стиль живописи. Как президент Королевской Академии Reynolds читал лекции. Эти лекции были расценены как наиболее разумный выставка Академического зрения, что, хорошо направленной работой было возможно изучить правила об искусстве и открытиях использования и идеях относительно старых владельцев, чтобы создать новый стиль своих собственных. Он рекомендовал, что бы-быть художник поместил его веру в старые владельцы, от которых он должен быть готов заимствовать. Он сообщил, что в портретах изящество должно состоять больше во взятии общего воздуха чем в точном предоставлении каждой особенности. Он предположил, что пропорции фигуры няня должна быть изменена в соответствии с установленным идеалом.
Рейнольдса современный Джордж Ромни отражает стиль Рейнольдса в какой-то степени. Портрет миссис Грир показы очень привлекательная молодая женщина, чей красота подчеркнута по контрасту между ее белым лицом и темными глазами и серьезной окраской ее toliette. Он не пытался понять психологию пассажиров. Он создавал только общее впечатление.
Джон Хоппер был один из более известных портретистов в повороте 18-го века. Он был известен его способностью изобразить изящных леди и детей. Его люди проще, особенно в более поздние картины (портрет Sheridan).
Работы Шотландского Живописца Генри Раебума несут определенное сходство с тем, Рейнольдса и его школы. Но портреты Раебум в сделаны с большим чувством, и он достигает этой глубины эффективным использованием тени и света (Портрет госпожи Раебум).
Томас Гейнсборо, один из величайших мастеров английской школы, был портретист и пейзажист. Его портреты окрашены ясными тонами. Синий и зеленый Преобладающие цвета. Один из самых известных произведений является портрет герцогини Beufort. Он сумел создать истинное впечатление от пассажира. Гейнсборо оказала большое влияние на английскую школу живописи пейзажа. Он был одним из первых английских художников красить его родную землю ("Закат", "Мостом") и другие. Он был первый Английский художник, чтобы нарисовать его родную сельскую местность так искренне. Его работы содержат много поэзии и музыки. Он иногда рассматривается предшественником или импрессионистами. Гейнсборо был антитезой деловой Reynolds, Он был очень поэтический по его природу, он abhored правила и мало заботится о старых мастеров. При необходимости портретист он был склонностью пейзажист.
Джон Констебль Английский живописец пейзажа окрасил много известных работ ("Дом в Поле", "Loch"). Он является первым пейзажистом, который считал, что каждый живописец должен делать его эскизы прямыми из характера, который работает на открытом воздухе. Его техника и окраска очень близко к импрессионистам. Констебль игнорировал правила, установленные Рейнольдсом. Он настаивал на том, что искусство должно быть основано на наблюдении природы и
чувств. Он был вестником романтизма. Но реалистические качества его искусства
чувствуются очень сильно.
Разъяренный апостол философии романтизма был Уильям Блейк, который был категорически против правил Reynolds предложения, чтобы сила руководства для творческого духа прибыла от воображения не, рассуждают.
Полное выражение романтического идеала может оказаться в картинах Turner. Джозеф Тернер был выдающийся художник, чей большинство любимой темы должно было красить море ("Кораблекрушение"). Он окрасил волны и штормы, облака и туманы с большим навыком. Хотя его талант был признан, немедленно он преднамеренно направил его спину к блестящему социальному миру Лондона. Викторианская Англия, которая нашла это более важным что человек быть джентльмен, в первую очередь, и только в второй гений, никогда не простил ему.
Прерафаэлитов Братство было ассоциация живописцев, сформированных в Лондоне в 1848 году Его главные члены были Холман Хант, Джона Эверетта Милле и Данте Габриэль Россетти. Как группа, Братство продолжалось для немного больше чем десятилетие, но это дало новое направление в викторианском искусстве, которое длилось в 20 веке. Они решили красить прямым от природы, с объективной правдивостью, подражая работе больших Итальянских художников перед Рафаэлем. Они оценили только красоту и обратились к Библии и
мифологии классической для вдохновения.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
В описание "семьи портрет"
в ситтера, индивидуальность - это ярко выражено в этот портрет. Можно легко следить за бережное и даже характер молодой женщины, так и остающихся поиск, Неупокоенные личности ее мужа. Художник удалось создать впечатление о духовной связи несмотря на разницу в символы.В цветовой гамме этого Canvas - это очень красивый. сложившейся сигналы красного, золотого и коричневый.
в течение 18-ого столетия поистине национальной школы живописи, Похождения повесы была первой большой английский художник который поднял британских иллюстрированную искусства на более высокий уровень. Похождения повесы (1697- 1764} не успех как художник первой половины XIX века.
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