History of LaptopsAlan Kay developed one of the earliest concepts of a перевод - History of LaptopsAlan Kay developed one of the earliest concepts of a русский как сказать

History of LaptopsAlan Kay develope

History of Laptops
Alan Kay developed one of the earliest concepts of a laptop computer/tablet PC at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox PARC) known as Dynabook in 1971. According to an interview with Alan Kay by The Book & The Computer/Online Symposium, “he envisioned ‘a portable interactive personal computer, as accessible as a book.’ The Dynabook would be linked to a network and offer users a synthesis of text, visuals, animation and audio." He also envisioned a computer that would function as a medium through which people could communicate important things and as a tool that could be used in creating an enriching environment for learning. Xerox PARC and the technology developed there are widely considered to be influential on computer design in general. For example, it is believed that the first laptops were inspired by the Xerox NoteTaker, which were built as 10 prototypes, to prove that Alan Kay's Dynabook concept could be a reality, in 1976 at Xerox PARC.
Adam Osborne designed the Osborne 1, a computer some consider to be the first true portable computer, in 1980 for his company Osborne Computer Corporation. Released in 1981, the computer was the size of a small suitcase/sewing machine and was designed to fit under an airline seat for business professionals and was the first commercially available portable computer. Mr. Osborne had transportation in mind when he designed the computer as it was designed to be rugged and able to survive being moved around a lot. It could be folded up to fit under an airplane seat and had a small screen, which was less susceptible to damage than a larger screen. Its technology was designed around CP/M running on a Z80 microprocessor and it contained two 5.25 inch floppy drives, small 52 character display, and several popular applications. Unfortunately without the optional battery pack, the computer had to be plugged in.
The first PC clone laptop arrived in 1983 and was designed by Compaq. The first product from Compaq, it was known as the Compaq Portable, and was made possible through reverse engineering where one team had access to the IBM BIOS source code, took notes on it and another team used these notes to create a new BIOS system that functioned exactly like IBM's.
The first known laptop with a clamshell design was the GRiD Compass 1101 which was designed in 1979 by Bill Moggride but released in 1982. The clamshell design was revolutionary at the time as the innovative design influenced future laptop computer design. The GRiD Compass could be run from batteries, had 320x200 pixel plasma display, and 384 kb bubble memory. In spite of its innovative design and features, it was not commonplace as it cost $10,000 at the time and was limited to specialized applications. This non-IBM compatible computer was heavily used by U.S. military and used in space shuttles in the 1980s.
The Gavilan SC, designed by Gavilan Computer Corporation founder Manuel Fernandez, was the smallest and lightest batter powered MS-DOS laptop introduced in May 1983. The mobile computer included a 3.0" floppy drive, 400 x 64 pixel LCD screen, an internal modem and a touch pad mouse installed on a panel above the keyboard, an innovation at the time. The Gavilan SC was the first portable computer to be marketed as a laptop and utilized the clamshell design innovated by GRiD corporation.
The Kyocera Kyotronic 85 also known as, the Olivetti M-10, NEC PC-8201, and Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 line or Tandy 100 via licenses to Tandy Corporation, Olivetti, and NEC, was released in 1983 and was the biggest selling laptop at the time. The mobile computer operated on AA batteries and was supplied with Microsoft programs. Although not a clamshell computer, the computer contained a 8x40 character LCD screen located above a keyboard, 8kb of RAM and internal modem. The computer was a best seller among journalists due to its portability, good battery life and ease of replacement, reliability and $300 price.
The Toshiba T1000 and T1200, IBM compatible machines, were released in 1987 and were small and light enough to be carried in one's backpack. The computer's operating system was stored in ROM via floppy disks, had 4.77 MHz Intel processors, 512 kb RAM and could be run off of lead acid batteries. These computers introduced and influenced the implementation of the now standard "resume" feature, the computer could safely be paused between sessions without requiring a restart each time, to DOS based machines.
Laptops had gained popularity toward the end of the 1980s among business people. The NEC Ultralite, released in 1989, is considered by some as the first notebook computer as it contained a 2 MB RAM drive and was compact. The Compaq LTE series computers, released in 1989, were the first notebook computers with standard hard drives and resolution screens.
The Mac Portable, released in 1989, was Apple's first portable Macintosh computer. Few PC laptops at the time were as fast or powerful as these la
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
History of LaptopsAlan Kay developed one of the earliest concepts of a laptop computer/tablet PC at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Xerox PARC) known as Dynabook in 1971. According to an interview with Alan Kay by The Book & The Computer/Online Symposium, “he envisioned ‘a portable interactive personal computer, as accessible as a book.’ The Dynabook would be linked to a network and offer users a synthesis of text, visuals, animation and audio." He also envisioned a computer that would function as a medium through which people could communicate important things and as a tool that could be used in creating an enriching environment for learning. Xerox PARC and the technology developed there are widely considered to be influential on computer design in general. For example, it is believed that the first laptops were inspired by the Xerox NoteTaker, which were built as 10 prototypes, to prove that Alan Kay's Dynabook concept could be a reality, in 1976 at Xerox PARC. Adam Osborne designed the Osborne 1, a computer some consider to be the first true portable computer, in 1980 for his company Osborne Computer Corporation. Released in 1981, the computer was the size of a small suitcase/sewing machine and was designed to fit under an airline seat for business professionals and was the first commercially available portable computer. Mr. Osborne had transportation in mind when he designed the computer as it was designed to be rugged and able to survive being moved around a lot. It could be folded up to fit under an airplane seat and had a small screen, which was less susceptible to damage than a larger screen. Its technology was designed around CP/M running on a Z80 microprocessor and it contained two 5.25 inch floppy drives, small 52 character display, and several popular applications. Unfortunately without the optional battery pack, the computer had to be plugged in. The first PC clone laptop arrived in 1983 and was designed by Compaq. The first product from Compaq, it was known as the Compaq Portable, and was made possible through reverse engineering where one team had access to the IBM BIOS source code, took notes on it and another team used these notes to create a new BIOS system that functioned exactly like IBM's. The first known laptop with a clamshell design was the GRiD Compass 1101 which was designed in 1979 by Bill Moggride but released in 1982. The clamshell design was revolutionary at the time as the innovative design influenced future laptop computer design. The GRiD Compass could be run from batteries, had 320x200 pixel plasma display, and 384 kb bubble memory. In spite of its innovative design and features, it was not commonplace as it cost $10,000 at the time and was limited to specialized applications. This non-IBM compatible computer was heavily used by U.S. military and used in space shuttles in the 1980s. The Gavilan SC, designed by Gavilan Computer Corporation founder Manuel Fernandez, was the smallest and lightest batter powered MS-DOS laptop introduced in May 1983. The mobile computer included a 3.0" floppy drive, 400 x 64 pixel LCD screen, an internal modem and a touch pad mouse installed on a panel above the keyboard, an innovation at the time. The Gavilan SC was the first portable computer to be marketed as a laptop and utilized the clamshell design innovated by GRiD corporation. The Kyocera Kyotronic 85 also known as, the Olivetti M-10, NEC PC-8201, and Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 line or Tandy 100 via licenses to Tandy Corporation, Olivetti, and NEC, was released in 1983 and was the biggest selling laptop at the time. The mobile computer operated on AA batteries and was supplied with Microsoft programs. Although not a clamshell computer, the computer contained a 8x40 character LCD screen located above a keyboard, 8kb of RAM and internal modem. The computer was a best seller among journalists due to its portability, good battery life and ease of replacement, reliability and $300 price. The Toshiba T1000 and T1200, IBM compatible machines, were released in 1987 and were small and light enough to be carried in one's backpack. The computer's operating system was stored in ROM via floppy disks, had 4.77 MHz Intel processors, 512 kb RAM and could be run off of lead acid batteries. These computers introduced and influenced the implementation of the now standard "resume" feature, the computer could safely be paused between sessions without requiring a restart each time, to DOS based machines. Laptops had gained popularity toward the end of the 1980s among business people. The NEC Ultralite, released in 1989, is considered by some as the first notebook computer as it contained a 2 MB RAM drive and was compact. The Compaq LTE series computers, released in 1989, were the first notebook computers with standard hard drives and resolution screens. The Mac Portable, released in 1989, was Apple's first portable Macintosh computer. Few PC laptops at the time were as fast or powerful as these la
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
История ноутбуков
Алан Кей разработал один из самых ранних концепций портативного компьютера / планшетных ПК в Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC компании Xerox) , известный как Dynabook в 1971 г. Согласно интервью Алана Кея по книге & Компьютер / Интернет - симпозиум "Предполагается , что он 'портативный интерактивный персональный компьютер, а доступен в виде книги. Dynabook будет связан с сетью и предлагают пользователям синтез текста, визуальные эффекты , анимации и аудио " . Он также предполагал компьютер , который будет функционировать в качестве среды , через которую люди могли бы общаться важные вещи , и как инструмент , который может быть использован в создавая обогащать среду для обучения. Xerox PARC и технология , разработанная там широко считается влиятельным на компьютерном дизайне в целом. Например, считается , что первые ноутбуки были вдохновлены Xerox NoteTaker, которые были построены в 10 опытных образцов, чтобы доказать , что концепция Dynabook Алана Кея может стать реальностью, в 1976 году в Xerox PARC.
Адам Осборн разработал Osborne 1, компьютер некоторые считают первым настоящим портативным компьютером, в 1980 году для его компании Osborne Computer Corporation. Дата выхода в 1981 году, компьютер был размером с небольшой чемодан швейной машины / и был разработан , чтобы соответствовать под сиденьем авиакомпании для бизнес - профессионалов и был первым коммерчески доступным портативный компьютер. Г - н Осборн транспорт в виду , когда он разработал компьютер , как он был разработан , чтобы быть прочным и способен выжить, перемещаемых вокруг много. Он может быть сложен , чтобы соответствовать под самолетного сиденья и имел небольшой экран, который менее подвержен повреждению , чем большим экраном. Его технология была разработана вокруг CP / M , работающего на микропроцессоре Z80 и содержал два 5,25 - дюймовые дисководы, небольшой дисплей 52 символов, а также несколько популярных приложений. К сожалению , без дополнительного батарейного блока, компьютер должен быть подключен к сети.
Первый клон PC ноутбук прибыл в 1983 году и был разработан Compaq. Первый продукт от Compaq, он был известен как Портативный Compaq, и стало возможным благодаря обратной инженерии , где одна команда имела доступ к исходному коду IBM BIOS, записывал на него , и другая команда использовала эти заметки , чтобы создать новую систему BIOS , которая функционировала так же , как IBM.
Первый известный ноутбук с грейферного дизайн был GRiD Compass 1101 , который был разработан в 1979 году Билл Moggride но выпущен в 1982 году грейферного дизайн был революционным в то время как инновационный дизайн повлияли будущий дизайн портативного компьютера. GRiD Компас может быть запущен от батарей, были 320x200 пикселей плазменный дисплей и 384 кб пузырьковая память. Несмотря на свой инновационный дизайн и особенности, это не было обычным явлением , как это стоило $ 10000 в то время и была ограничена специализированными приложениями. Этот совместимый компьютер не-IBM была широко используется американскими военными и используются в космических челноков в 1980 - х годах.
Gavilan SC, разработанный основателем Gavilan Computer Corporation Manuel Fernandez, был самым маленьким и легким Тесто питанием MS-DOS ноутбук введена в мае 1983 года. мобильный компьютер включен 3.0 "флоппи - дисковод, х 64 ЖК - экран 400 пикселей, встроенный модем и сенсорный коврик для мыши , установленного на панели над клавиатурой, новшество в то время. Gavilan SC был первый портативный компьютер должен продаваться как ноутбук и использовал дизайн раскладушки Innovated корпорацией GRID.
Kyocera Kyotronic 85 также известный как, то Olivetti М-10, NEC PC-8201, и Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 линии или Тэнди 100 с помощью лицензий Tandy Corporation, Olivetti, и NEC, был выпущен в 1983 году и был самым продаваемым ноутбуком в то время. мобильный компьютер работает от батареек типа АА и поставляется с программами Microsoft. Хотя это и не раскладушки компьютер, компьютер содержит ЖК - дисплей 8x40 символов , расположенную выше клавиатура, 8kb оперативной памяти и встроенного модема. Компьютер был бестселлером среди журналистов из - за своей портативности, хорошее время автономной работы и легкость замены, надежности и $ 300 цене.
Toshiba T1000 и T1200, IBM совместимых машин, были выпущены в 1987 году и были небольшими , и достаточно света , чтобы нести в своего рюкзака. Операционная система компьютера была сохранена в ПЗУ с помощью дискет, была 4,77 МГц процессоры Intel, 512 Кб оперативной памяти и может работать от свинцово - кислотных батарей. Эти компьютеры введены и повлияли на реализацию в настоящее время стандартной функции "резюме", компьютер можно безопасно паузу между сессиями без необходимости перезагрузки системы каждый раз, к машинам на базе DOS.
Ноутбуки получили популярность в конце 1980 - х годов среди деловых людей. NEC Ultralite, выпущенный в 1989 году, по мнению некоторых , как первый ноутбук , как он содержал диск RAM 2 МБ и был компактным. Компьютеры серии Compaq LTE, выпущенный в 1989 году, были первыми ноутбуками со стандартными жесткими дисками и разрешением экрана.
Компьютер Mac Portable, выпущенный в 1989 году, был первый портативный компьютер Macintosh от Apple. Немногие ноутбуки PC в то время были так же быстро или мощный , как они ла
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