Mechanical engineering has beenrecognized as a sep­arate branch of eng перевод - Mechanical engineering has beenrecognized as a sep­arate branch of eng русский как сказать

Mechanical engineering has beenreco

Mechanical engineering has been
recognized as a sep­arate branch of engineering since the formation of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers of Great
Britain in 1847. The development of
the textile machinery, steam engines, machine-tools, pumping
machinery turbines and locomotives of that time made such a diversity
interest for civilian engineers that
these and allied subjects were called
mechanical engineering.

Mechanical engineering deals with the design, con­struction and operation of machines and devices of
all kinds, and with research and
sciences upon which these depend.
Among these machines are prime movers such as engines and turbines using air,
gas, steam and water as operating media; pumping machines and other
hydrau­lic apparatus; steam boilers, heating,
ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating equipment, transportation structures used in aviation; automotive
engineering, railroads and ships,
machine-tools, special machines for industry and for construction of buildings,
railroads and harbors. In fact, mechanical engineering enters into the work of all engineers whose machines are to be
developed for the processes of
specialists of the other branches of engineering. To understand better
the extent of the activ­ities and interests
of mechanical engineers, the fol­lowing
lists of the professional divisions and technical committees of the American Society of Mechanical
Engi­neers (ASME) are given:

Professional divisions; applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts (printing), heat transfer, hydraulics, industrial instruments and regulators, management, materials handling, metals engineering, oil and gas power, process industries, production engineering, rail­road, rubber and plastics, textiles, wood industries.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Mechanical engineering has beenrecognized as a sep­arate branch of engineering since the formation of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers of GreatBritain in 1847. The development ofthe textile machinery, steam engines, machine-tools, pumpingmachinery turbines and locomotives of that time made such a diversityinterest for civilian engineers thatthese and allied subjects were calledmechanical engineering.Mechanical engineering deals with the design, con­struction and operation of machines and devices ofall kinds, and with research andsciences upon which these depend.Among these machines are prime movers such as engines and turbines using air,gas, steam and water as operating media; pumping machines and otherhydrau­lic apparatus; steam boilers, heating,ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating equipment, transportation structures used in aviation; automotiveengineering, railroads and ships,machine-tools, special machines for industry and for construction of buildings,railroads and harbors. In fact, mechanical engineering enters into the work of all engineers whose machines are to bedeveloped for the processes ofspecialists of the other branches of engineering. To understand betterthe extent of the activ­ities and interestsof mechanical engineers, the fol­lowinglists of the professional divisions and technical committees of the American Society of MechanicalEngi­neers (ASME) are given:Professional divisions; applied mechanics, aviation, fuel, graphic arts (printing), heat transfer, hydraulics, industrial instruments and regulators, management, materials handling, metals engineering, oil and gas power, process industries, production engineering, rail­road, rubber and plastics, textiles, wood industries.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Машиностроение был
признан отдельной отрасли техники с момента формирования
института инженеров-механиков Великой
Британии в 1847 году развитие
текстильной техники, паровых двигателей, станков, насосного
оборудование турбин и локомотивов того времени была принята такая разнообразие
интерес для гражданских инженеров, которые
эти и смежные предметы были названы
машиностроение. машиностроение занимается проектированием, строительством и эксплуатацией машин и устройств всех видов, и с научных исследований и науки, на которых они зависят. Среди этих машин тягачи такие как двигателей и турбин, использующих воздух, газ, пар и воду в качестве рабочих сред; насосные машины и другое гидравлическое устройство; паровые котлы, отопительные, вентиляционные, кондиционирования воздуха и холодильное оборудование, транспортные сооружения, используемые в авиации; автомобильных инженерных, железные дороги и корабли, станки, специальные машины для промышленности и для строительства зданий, железных дорог и портов. На самом деле, машиностроение вступает в работу всех инженеров, чья машины должны быть разработаны для процессов специалистами других отраслей машиностроения. Чтобы лучше понять степень деятельности и интересов инженеров-механиков, следующие списки профессиональных подразделений и технических комитетов Американского общества механиков инженеров (ASME) приведены: Профессиональные подразделения; прикладная механика, авиации, топливо, графика (печатные), теплопередача, гидравлика, промышленные инструменты и регуляторы, управление, обработка материалов, металлов машиностроение, добыча нефти и газа питания, перерабатывающей промышленности, технология производства, железная дорога, резины и пластмасс, текстиля, деревообрабатывающей промышленности.

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