THE MIND MACHINE? Although intelligence has been studied, and the brai перевод - THE MIND MACHINE? Although intelligence has been studied, and the brai русский как сказать

THE MIND MACHINE? Although intellig


Although intelligence has been studied, and the brain has been studied, there is
little understanding of how the brain works to produce intelligence. This has something to
do with the fact that the brain contains around 100 billion cells (about the number of stars
in the Milky Way).
Оne of the continuing myths about the relationship between intelligence and the
brain is that the brains of very clever people are, somehow physically different from
those of ordinary people. At the beginning of the century an American scientist called
E A Spitzka produced a list of the weights of the brains of important, well-known men.
The heaviest brain on the list was that of Turgenev, the Russian novelist, at 2000g.
However, the brain of another great genius, Walt Whitman, weighed only 1282g.
There are no significant differences between the intelligence levels of males and
females. However, girls under seven score a little higher than boys in IQ tests and the
highest IQ recorded is that of Marylin vos'Savant at 230. However, men and women do
differ in the way they think. Generally, women are more skilled verbally and men do
better on visual-spatial tasks.
Interestingly, the fibres which join the two halves of the brain have been found to be
larger in women than in men. This supports the theory that women can change from
.'practical' to 'emotional' thinking more quickly than men.
People with mental problems have often been treated extremely badly. Two
hundred years ago, the mentally ill were swung around in revolving chairs, or holes were
drilled in their skulls to release evil spirits. From the 1930s, the mentally ill were
subjected to electric shock .therapy and lobotomy - the removal of part of their brain. In
the 1960s and 70s, thousands of people were given drugs to cope with anxiety and then
became addicted to them.
The brain needs ten times as much blood as other organs of the body, as it can't
store glucose for later use. This is different to muscles and other organs and although the
adult brain makes up only two per cent of the body weight, its oxygen consumption is
twenty per cent of the body's total.
There are similarities between brains and computers. Computers can do
complicated calculations at incredible speeds. But they work in a fixed way, because
they can't make memory associations. If we need a screwdriver and there isn't one, we


will think laterally and use a knife or coin instead. Computers can't do this. In fact, it is
claimed that when it comes to seeing, moving and reacting to stimuli, no computer can
compete with even the brain power of a fly.
Most of our mental processes are deeply formed habits. Challenging your brain to do
things differently helps it develop. Try changing routines as often as you can: take a bus
instead of going by car, sit in a different chair. An extreme but useful exercise is to
read something upside down - you can actually feel your brain at work.
Exercise more. Good health and fitness levels give you overall improved energy
which leads to better concentration.
Cooking is a good all-round mental exercise. It needs mathematical,
organizational and scientific skills as well as challenging memory and creative ability.
Use recipes at first and then learn to guess amounts, combinations reactions of ingredients
and timing. Do puzzles and play games. Teach yourself to work out codes and expand
your vocabulary at the same time.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
THE MIND MACHINE? Although intelligence has been studied, and the brain has been studied, there islittle understanding of how the brain works to produce intelligence. This has something todo with the fact that the brain contains around 100 billion cells (about the number of starsin the Milky Way). Оne of the continuing myths about the relationship between intelligence and thebrain is that the brains of very clever people are, somehow physically different fromthose of ordinary people. At the beginning of the century an American scientist calledE A Spitzka produced a list of the weights of the brains of important, well-known men.The heaviest brain on the list was that of Turgenev, the Russian novelist, at 2000g.However, the brain of another great genius, Walt Whitman, weighed only 1282g. There are no significant differences between the intelligence levels of males andfemales. However, girls under seven score a little higher than boys in IQ tests and thehighest IQ recorded is that of Marylin vos'Savant at 230. However, men and women dodiffer in the way they think. Generally, women are more skilled verbally and men dobetter on visual-spatial tasks.Interestingly, the fibres which join the two halves of the brain have been found to belarger in women than in men. This supports the theory that women can change from.'practical' to 'emotional' thinking more quickly than men. People with mental problems have often been treated extremely badly. Twohundred years ago, the mentally ill were swung around in revolving chairs, or holes weredrilled in their skulls to release evil spirits. From the 1930s, the mentally ill weresubjected to electric shock .therapy and lobotomy - the removal of part of their brain. Inthe 1960s and 70s, thousands of people were given drugs to cope with anxiety and thenbecame addicted to them. The brain needs ten times as much blood as other organs of the body, as it can'tstore glucose for later use. This is different to muscles and other organs and although theadult brain makes up only two per cent of the body weight, its oxygen consumption istwenty per cent of the body's total. There are similarities between brains and computers. Computers can docomplicated calculations at incredible speeds. But they work in a fixed way, becausethey can't make memory associations. If we need a screwdriver and there isn't one, we 22will think laterally and use a knife or coin instead. Computers can't do this. In fact, it isclaimed that when it comes to seeing, moving and reacting to stimuli, no computer cancompete with even the brain power of a fly.Most of our mental processes are deeply formed habits. Challenging your brain to dothings differently helps it develop. Try changing routines as often as you can: take a businstead of going by car, sit in a different chair. An extreme but useful exercise is toread something upside down - you can actually feel your brain at work. Exercise more. Good health and fitness levels give you overall improved energywhich leads to better concentration. Cooking is a good all-round mental exercise. It needs mathematical,organizational and scientific skills as well as challenging memory and creative ability.Use recipes at first and then learn to guess amounts, combinations reactions of ingredientsand timing. Do puzzles and play games. Teach yourself to work out codes and expandyour vocabulary at the same time.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
разум?хотя разведки была изучена, и мозг был изучен, нетплохо понимают, как работает мозг производить разведку.это что - тоне с тем, что мозг содержит около 100 миллиардов клеток (о количестве звездв млечном пути)."Ne продолжающееся мифы о взаимосвязи между разведкой имозг, что мозг очень умные люди, каким - то образом физически отличаются отэтих простых людей.в начале века американский ученый по имениe spitzka подготовила список веса мозги важно, известных людей.больше мозг в списке, тургенева, русский писатель, на 2000g.тем не менее, мозг другого великого гения, уолт уитмен, весила всего 1282g.нет значительных различий между уровнями мужского пола и разведкиженщины.тем не менее, девочки в семь баллов, немного выше, чем мальчиков в тесты на коэффициент интеллекта ивысокий IQ заносимое в отчет о заседании, - это marylin vos"savant на 230.однако, мужчины и женщиныотличаются, как они думают.женщины, как правило, являются более квалифицированных устно и мужчинылучше на визуальные пространственной задачи.интересно, что волокна, которые присоединятся к две половинки мозга были признаныкрупные женщины, чем мужчины.это подтверждает теорию о том, что женщины могут изменить."practical "и" эмоциональных "думать быстрее, чем мужчины.люди с психическими расстройствами, часто рассматривались крайне плохо.двасто лет назад, психически больные были качнулся в оборотный стулья, или дыркипросверлил в их черепа освободить злых духов.в период с 1930 - х годов, психически больные былиприменение электрошока. терапии и лоботомию - удаление части мозга.вв 60 - х и 70 - х годов, тысячи людей получили наркотики, чтобы справиться с тревогой, а затемпристрастился к ним.мозг нужно в десять раз больше крови в других органах тела, так как он не можетмагазин глюкозу для последующего использования.это различных мышц и других органов, и хотямозг взрослого составляет всего 2% от веса тела, его потребление кислорода -двадцать процентов тела.есть сходство между мозгом и компьютером.компьютеры могут сделатьсложные расчеты на невероятной скорости.но они работают в определенный путь, потому чтоони не могут заставить ассоциации памяти.если нам нужна отвертка и нет, мы22будет думать, что по горизонтали и использовать нож или монеты вместо.компьютеры не могут это сделать.по сути, этоутверждал, что, когда дело доходит до достопримечательностей, продвижения и реагируют на раздражители, никакой компьютерконкурировать с даже мозг власть муху.большинство наших умственных процессов глубоко сформированных привычки.сложный мозг делатьпо - другому помогает развиваться.попробуйте изменить распорядок как можно чаще: на автобусевместо того чтобы ехать на машине, сидеть в другое место.экстремальный, но полезно -читать что - то сверху вниз - на самом деле вы можете чувствовать твой мозг на работе.больше заниматься.хорошее здоровье и фитнес - уровнях дают в целом более энергиичто приводит к улучшению концентрации.готовка - это хороший всестороннего умственной деятельности.она нуждается в математических,организационные и научных знаний, а также сложной оперативной памяти и творческие способности.использовать рецепты на первой, а затем научиться, наверное, суммы, комбинации реакции ингредиентови сроки.паззл и играть в игры.научиться работать кодексов и расширитьваш словарный запас в одно и то же время.
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