Development or degradation? Good or bad? Bliss or bane? What is global перевод - Development or degradation? Good or bad? Bliss or bane? What is global русский как сказать

Development or degradation? Good or

Development or degradation? Good or bad? Bliss or bane? What is globalization actually up to? Let us shed light on it all through this information.
Let's face it. People are moving from one country to another, trade restrictions are being reduced, domestic markets are opening up for foreign investments, telecommunications are being considerably improved and the countries that initiate innovations are passing on their know-how to the countries which do not. In short, people are no longer bound by territorial restrictions, unless of course, there are security issues. It's no longer about 'my country and me’; it's now more like, 'the world and us'. Businesses are expanding, horizons are widening, and people are coming together to form one homogeneous unit – HUMANITY!
Globalization has rocked our conservative and predictable lives. Call it liberalization, in-ternational integration, or broad-mindedness... it has inspired the world with its power and potentiality. If one is asked to give a foolproof answer what it is, it can be said that, globaliza-tion is a process by which people, companies, administrations, and governments all over the world can integrate and interact. It is directed by international business and trade, and effec-tively assisted by information technology. However, globalization does not restrain itself to integration of economies on international basis. There is more to it. Let us begin with defining it.
Definition: Globalization can be defined as an integration of economy, finance, trade, and communications from a world-wide perspective, in order to establish a successful economy on global basis.
The boom of globalization has opened gates for economies both nationally and globally. The last three decades saw many governments adopted the systems of free markets, thus, maximizing their own potential and opportunities for international business as well as invest-ment. What's more, as a result of globalization limitations to business and trade of goods and services across the world are eliminated.
Technology, being one of the chief drivers behind globalization, has transformed the eco-nomic life in such as way that people all over the world have new ways to recognize and val-ue the economic opportunities put forth for them. Globalization has stimulated increasing em-ployment, cash flows, development of cultural contacts, foreign trade, and environmental as well as social awareness among people. However, like it's said that there are always two facets to a coin, globalization entails a few negatives too, that are equally considerable. With equal advantages and disadvantages of globalization, it is hard to arrive to a conclusion whether it is a bliss or a bane to the world.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Development or degradation? Good or bad? Bliss or bane? What is globalization actually up to? Let us shed light on it all through this information.Let's face it. People are moving from one country to another, trade restrictions are being reduced, domestic markets are opening up for foreign investments, telecommunications are being considerably improved and the countries that initiate innovations are passing on their know-how to the countries which do not. In short, people are no longer bound by territorial restrictions, unless of course, there are security issues. It's no longer about 'my country and me’; it's now more like, 'the world and us'. Businesses are expanding, horizons are widening, and people are coming together to form one homogeneous unit – HUMANITY!Globalization has rocked our conservative and predictable lives. Call it liberalization, in-ternational integration, or broad-mindedness... it has inspired the world with its power and potentiality. If one is asked to give a foolproof answer what it is, it can be said that, globaliza-tion is a process by which people, companies, administrations, and governments all over the world can integrate and interact. It is directed by international business and trade, and effec-tively assisted by information technology. However, globalization does not restrain itself to integration of economies on international basis. There is more to it. Let us begin with defining it.Definition: Globalization can be defined as an integration of economy, finance, trade, and communications from a world-wide perspective, in order to establish a successful economy on global basis.The boom of globalization has opened gates for economies both nationally and globally. The last three decades saw many governments adopted the systems of free markets, thus, maximizing their own potential and opportunities for international business as well as invest-ment. What's more, as a result of globalization limitations to business and trade of goods and services across the world are eliminated. Technology, being one of the chief drivers behind globalization, has transformed the eco-nomic life in such as way that people all over the world have new ways to recognize and val-ue the economic opportunities put forth for them. Globalization has stimulated increasing em-ployment, cash flows, development of cultural contacts, foreign trade, and environmental as well as social awareness among people. However, like it's said that there are always two facets to a coin, globalization entails a few negatives too, that are equally considerable. With equal advantages and disadvantages of globalization, it is hard to arrive to a conclusion whether it is a bliss or a bane to the world.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Развитие или деградация? Хорошо или плохо? Bliss или проклятием? Что такое глобализация на самом деле до? Давайте пролить свет на все это через эту информацию.
Давайте посмотрим правде в глаза. Люди переходят из одной страны в другую, торговые ограничения сокращаются, внутренние рынки открываются для иностранных инвестиций, телекоммуникаций в настоящее время значительно улучшилось , и страны , которые инициируют инновации проходят на их ноу-хау странам , которые этого не делают. Короче говоря, люди не будут больше не связаны территориальными ограничениями, если, конечно, нет проблемы безопасности. Это уже не о "моей страны и меня"; это теперь больше похоже, 'мир и нас ». Компании расширяют горизонты расширяются, и люди собираются вместе , чтобы сформировать один однородный блок - ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВО
Глобализация потрясли наши консервативные и предсказуемые жизнь. Назовите это либерализация, в-дународных интеграции, или широким кругозором ... это вдохновило мир своей силой и потенцией. Если просят дать ответ ошибкоустойчивое , что это такое, можно сказать , что, globaliza-ция представляет собой процесс , с помощью которого люди, организации, администрации и правительства во всем мире могут интегрироваться и взаимодействовать. Оно направлено международного бизнеса и торговли, а также эф-тивно при содействии информационной технологии. Однако глобализация не ограничивает себя интеграции экономик на международной основе. Существует больше к нему. Начнем с определения.
Определение:. Глобализация может быть определена как интеграция экономики, финансов, торговли и связи с всемирной точки зрения, для того , чтобы создать успешную экономику на глобальной основе
Бум глобализации открыл ворота для экономики как на национальном , так и на глобальном. Последние три десятилетия видели многие правительства приняли системы свободных рынков, тем самым, увеличивая свой собственный потенциал и возможности для международного бизнеса, а также вкладывать деньги Единение. Более того, в результате ограничений глобализации бизнеса и торговли товаров и услуг по всему миру исключались.
Технология, являясь одним из главных факторов, способствующих глобализации, превратило эко-номический жизнь в таких , как так , что люди во всем мир есть новые способы признания и валин-Ue экономическими возможностями , выдвинутыми для них. Глобализация стимулировала увеличение эм-тости, денежные потоки, развитие культурных связей, внешней торговли и окружающей среды, а также социальной осведомленности среди людей. Однако, как это сказал , что всегда есть два аспекта к монете, глобализация влечет за собой несколько негативы также, что в равной степени значительны. При равных преимуществ и недостатков глобализации, то трудно прийти к выводу о том, является ли это блаженство или отрава к миру.
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