A. While the adults stretched out sleepily in the sun and enjoyed the  перевод - A. While the adults stretched out sleepily in the sun and enjoyed the  русский как сказать

A. While the adults stretched out s

A. While the adults stretched out sleepily in the sun and enjoyed the last of the picnic, the small children began a shopping game. They used two chairs and the cutlery box as a shop counter and took it turns to be the shop keeper. A blanket hung from a low tree branch represented the shop front (and needed shade). On sale were leftovers from the picnic, various garden ornaments and several pairs of shoes.
B. The Hartley family had lived in South East London for several generations. But when John was offered his dream job in Scotland they were all quite keen on the idea of living somewhere else. Scotland, especially, seemed to them in another universe compared to Lewisham and Bexley. Although they are really missing their old friends, their new neighbours have given them a really warm welcome.
C. My little sister has long red hair, blue eyes and a natural ability to cause chaos wherever she goes. Last week she left the cold water tap on upstairs and caused a flood. On Tuesday she left the fridge door open and spoiled the food. Yesterday she spilt her drink on my computer and today she displayed a talent for turning the breakfast toast in to charcoal. But she is kind hearted and beautiful and I love her.
D. When we were small, my uncle and his family lived only 5 minutes’ walk from our house. My cousins, Billy and Tom were often in our house and we nearly always played our special game. It involved one of us hiding something and then making a list of obscure “directions” for the rest of us to “follow”. It still took enthusiasm, imagination and the talent of Sherlock Holmes to find the hidden object.
E. Mrs. Perkin learned her children’s favourite birthday treat from her own mother who in turn learned it from hers. It involved “planting” lolly-pops, sherbet cones and other treats in the garden’ — as if they were small flowers and plants. Early each birthday morning the children run in to the garden with baskets to fill. The smallest ones seem to accept unquestioningly, that the “crop” is entirely natural.
F. Every day after school, Jim likes to play in the park with his friends. But if it is cold or raining, his Mum takes him to the swimming pool. Recently Jim has enjoyed

the swimming so much that if the weather forecast is bad, he sees this as good news. Apparently he is quite a talented swimmer. He learned when he was small and then somehow forgot all about it. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if he forgets the park!
G. My father has two brothers; Billy and Tom. My favourite is Tom. He allows me to go with him into his work shed at the very bottom of the garden, behind an unusual screen of miniature birch trees. Actually you can’t see the shed from the house at all. In this special, secretive place he makes models with wood, paint and glue. He likes making trains and cars but most of all he loves building toy sailing boats.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
A. While the adults stretched out sleepily in the sun and enjoyed the last of the picnic, the small children began a shopping game. They used two chairs and the cutlery box as a shop counter and took it turns to be the shop keeper. A blanket hung from a low tree branch represented the shop front (and needed shade). On sale were leftovers from the picnic, various garden ornaments and several pairs of shoes.B. The Hartley family had lived in South East London for several generations. But when John was offered his dream job in Scotland they were all quite keen on the idea of living somewhere else. Scotland, especially, seemed to them in another universe compared to Lewisham and Bexley. Although they are really missing their old friends, their new neighbours have given them a really warm welcome.C. My little sister has long red hair, blue eyes and a natural ability to cause chaos wherever she goes. Last week she left the cold water tap on upstairs and caused a flood. On Tuesday she left the fridge door open and spoiled the food. Yesterday she spilt her drink on my computer and today she displayed a talent for turning the breakfast toast in to charcoal. But she is kind hearted and beautiful and I love her.D. When we were small, my uncle and his family lived only 5 minutes’ walk from our house. My cousins, Billy and Tom were often in our house and we nearly always played our special game. It involved one of us hiding something and then making a list of obscure “directions” for the rest of us to “follow”. It still took enthusiasm, imagination and the talent of Sherlock Holmes to find the hidden object.E. Mrs. Perkin learned her children’s favourite birthday treat from her own mother who in turn learned it from hers. It involved “planting” lolly-pops, sherbet cones and other treats in the garden’ — as if they were small flowers and plants. Early each birthday morning the children run in to the garden with baskets to fill. The smallest ones seem to accept unquestioningly, that the “crop” is entirely natural.F. Every day after school, Jim likes to play in the park with his friends. But if it is cold or raining, his Mum takes him to the swimming pool. Recently Jim has enjoyedthe swimming so much that if the weather forecast is bad, he sees this as good news. Apparently he is quite a talented swimmer. He learned when he was small and then somehow forgot all about it. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if he forgets the park!G. My father has two brothers; Billy and Tom. My favourite is Tom. He allows me to go with him into his work shed at the very bottom of the garden, behind an unusual screen of miniature birch trees. Actually you can’t see the shed from the house at all. In this special, secretive place he makes models with wood, paint and glue. He likes making trains and cars but most of all he loves building toy sailing boats.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
A. В то время как взрослые вытянута сонно на солнце и наслаждались последним пикнике, маленькие дети начали торговый игру. Они использовали два стула и ящик для столовых приборов в качестве прилавка и взял получается быть хранитель магазина. Одеяло свисала с низкой ветви дерева представлял фронт магазина (и необходимый оттенок). В продаже были остатки от пикника, различные украшения сада и несколько пар обуви.
B. Семья Хартли жил в Юго - Восточной Лондоне на протяжении нескольких поколений. Но когда Джон предложили работу своей мечты в Шотландии все они были весьма увлечены идеей жить где - то еще. Шотландия, особенно, казалось им в другой вселенной по сравнению с Льюишам и Бекслей. Несмотря на то, что они действительно не хватает своих старых друзей, их новые соседи дали им очень теплый прием.
C. Моя маленькая сестра имеет длинные рыжие волосы, голубые глаза и естественную способность вызывать хаос везде , куда она идет. На прошлой неделе она покинула кран холодной воды на верхние этажи и вызвали наводнение. Во вторник она оставила дверь холодильника открытой и испортили пищи. Вчера она пролила свой напиток на моем компьютере , и сегодня она демонстрировала талант для поворота завтрак тост , чтобы древесный уголь. Но она добросердечный и красивая , и я ее люблю.
D. Когда мы были маленькими, мой дядя и его семья жили всего в 5 минутах ходьбы от нашего дома. Мои двоюродные братья, Билли и Том часто бывали в нашем доме , и мы почти всегда играли нашу особую игру. В нем приняли участие один из нас что - то скрывает , а затем сделать список непонятных "направлений" для остальных из нас "следовать". Он по- прежнему принимал энтузиазм, воображение и талант Шерлок Холмс , чтобы найти скрытый объект.
E. Миссис Перкин узнала своих детей любимое лакомство на день рождения от своей матери , которая , в свою очередь узнал его от нее. В нем приняли участие "посадки" палочке-хлопков, щербет конусы и другие угощения в саду »- как если бы они были маленькие цветы и растения. Рано утром каждый день рождения дети работают в саду , чтобы с корзинами для заполнения. Самые маленькие из них , похоже, принимают беспрекословно, что "урожай" вполне естественно.
F. Каждый день после школы, Джим любит играть в парке со своими друзьями. Но если холодно или идет дождь, его мама берет его в бассейн. Недавно Джим наслаждался

плаванием так много , что если прогноз погоды плохой, он видит это как хорошие новости. По- видимому , он довольно талантливый пловец. Он узнал , когда он был маленьким , а потом как - то забыл об этом. Теперь я не удивлюсь , если он забывает парк!
G. У моего отца есть два брата; Билли и Том. Мой любимый Том. Он позволяет мне идти с ним в его работу , пролитой в самом низу сада, за необычным экраном миниатюрных берез. На самом деле вы не можете увидеть навес из дома вообще. В этом особом, скрытного месте он делает модели из дерева, краски и клея. Он любит делать поезда и автомобили , но больше всего он любит строить игрушку парусные лодки.
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