Largenations.Economic security of large nations can bemaintained, whic перевод - Largenations.Economic security of large nations can bemaintained, whic русский как сказать

Largenations.Economic security of l

Economic security of large nations can be
maintained, which means their smaller dependence on world markets. Nowadays
these large nations are provided with such economic fundamentals as natural
resources, good agricultural land, and effective manufacturing enterprises
relatively well, although in future gas, oil and mineral resources will be
exhausted and these nations will have to export them.
Self-sufficiency can be ensured by the government
policies of large nations but it is impossible for more dependent nations.
Self-sufficiency may be achieved by various policies in accordance with
particular economic characteristics of each nation. Although large and rich
nations are less self-sufficient today than they were 30 years ago, they are
still able to rely mainly on their domestic resources and production for
national prosperity.
is an example of a country with a free market economy and strong economic
fundamentals. It’s also known as an economy of free enterprise. American
government does participate directly in foreign trade but it often uses
protective tariffs to support domestic producers. The USA has always been more interested
in the development of domestic market. More than 90 percent of the nation’s
total trade has recently been done on its territory. Thus*, the USA has sought
to maintain its economic security through a policy of protection that has
restrained trade with other nations in favor of a domestic market where
industry and agriculture have been free to develop and expand to meet domestic
At present a variety of policies are being followed
by different countries in the world economy. However, all these policies are
being used in order to provide a certain degree of economic security for a
On the one hand, the economic security of any nation
is based on economic nationalism recognized as the only practical economic way
of life in the modern world. One other hand, various conflicts can be caused if
nation follows policies of restraints in trade which prevent the growth of
world economic well-being.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Largenations.Economic security of large nations can bemaintained, which means their smaller dependence on world markets. Nowadaysthese large nations are provided with such economic fundamentals as naturalresources, good agricultural land, and effective manufacturing enterprisesrelatively well, although in future gas, oil and mineral resources will beexhausted and these nations will have to export them.Self-sufficiency can be ensured by the governmentpolicies of large nations but it is impossible for more dependent nations.Self-sufficiency may be achieved by various policies in accordance withparticular economic characteristics of each nation. Although large and richnations are less self-sufficient today than they were 30 years ago, they arestill able to rely mainly on their domestic resources and production fornational prosperity.The USAis an example of a country with a free market economy and strong economicfundamentals. It’s also known as an economy of free enterprise. Americangovernment does participate directly in foreign trade but it often usesprotective tariffs to support domestic producers. The USA has always been more interestedin the development of domestic market. More than 90 percent of the nation’stotal trade has recently been done on its territory. Thus*, the USA has soughtto maintain its economic security through a policy of protection that hasrestrained trade with other nations in favor of a domestic market whereindustry and agriculture have been free to develop and expand to meet domesticdemand.At present a variety of policies are being followedby different countries in the world economy. However, all these policies arebeing used in order to provide a certain degree of economic security for anation.On the one hand, the economic security of any nationis based on economic nationalism recognized as the only practical economic wayof life in the modern world. One other hand, various conflicts can be caused ifnation follows policies of restraints in trade which prevent the growth ofworld economic well-being.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
экономической безопасности крупных государств можно
утверждал, что означает, что их меньшую зависимость от мировых рынков.в настоящее время
этих крупных наций предоставляются такие основные экономические показатели, как природные ресурсы ", хорошо сельскохозяйственных земель и эффективных производственных предприятий
довольно хорошо, хотя в будущем газа, нефти и минеральных ресурсов будет
исчерпаны, и эти страны будут их экспорт.
самообеспеченности можно обеспечить за счет правительства
политика крупных стран, но это невозможно для более зависимой наций.
самообеспеченности можно добиться посредством различных стратегий в соответствии с
конкретных экономических характеристик каждой страны.хотя крупные и богатые
наций менее самостоятельными сегодня, чем 30 лет назад,они
еще полагаться главным образом на их внутренних ресурсов и производства
национального процветания сша.

является примером страны, со свободной рыночной экономики и прочные экономические основы ".она также известна как экономики свободного предпринимательства.американский
правительства непосредственно участвовать во внешней торговле, но он часто использует
защитные тарифы для поддержки отечественных производителей.сша всегда был больше заинтересован "в развитии внутреннего рынка.более 90% объема торговли страны ", недавно было сделано на своей территории.таким образом, *, сша стремится
для поддержания своей экономической безопасности в рамках политики защиты,
запретили торговлю с другими странами в пользу внутреннего рынка, где
промышленность и сельское хозяйство могут свободно развивать и расширять для удовлетворения внутреннего спроса
в настоящее время целый ряд стратегий, используемых
различных стран в мировую экономику.однако все эти политики
используется в целях обеспечения определенной степени экономической безопасности для
, с одной стороны, экономической безопасности любой страны.на основе экономического национализма, признается в качестве единственной практической экономический путь
жизни в современном мире.другой стороны, различные конфликты могут быть причиной если
государство проводит политику ограничения в торговле, которые не допустить роста
мирового экономического благосостояния.
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