Let’s start with some good news – people live longer nowdays. The bad  перевод - Let’s start with some good news – people live longer nowdays. The bad  русский как сказать

Let’s start with some good news – p

Let’s start with some good news – people live longer nowdays. The bad news for the government is that it has to pay out more pensions. On average, people live for 78 years (75 for men and 80 for women) – in 1911 it was only 52! Is it because we have a healthy lifestyle? Maybe. More people see smoking as a healt hazard; only a quarter of the population smokes compared to half 30 years ago. People eat more fruit and less fat but about three- quarters of men and two- thirds of women between 55 and 64 are seriously overweight.
More people work than ever before – 79% of men and 69% of women have jobs. And people earn three times more in real terms thant 50 years ago- but the difference between rich and poor people is bigger. The most important growth area jobs is in computers. Young people certainly see qualifications as important to get a good job. The percentage of 16 – 18 years – olds in education went up from 5% to 55% in the 1990s. And did you know, the British work the longest hours per week in Europe? That’s an average of 45.7 hours for men and 40.7 hours for women.
Traditional family and home life is changing. In fact, nearly a third of the population lives alone and there are fewer marriages nowdays. Each year, almost a quarter of million babies are born in England and Wales to parents who are not married to each other – that’s 40% of the total. Women are having children later and 29 is now the average age for having a baby. Young people are staying with their parents longer than before, mainly because it is expensive to get a place to live.
The proverb “Early to bed, early to rise” seems a good description of the British lifestyle. On weekdays, most people get up before 8 a.m/(77%) and go to bed before midnight (81%). Main meal times are from 8a.m. to 9a.m. (breakfast), at 1p.m. (lunch) and between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. (dinner).
What do people do in the evenings? Are the Brits a nation of couch potatoes? On average, they watch TV for 25hours a week. Children and teenagers watch less TV than 25- 44 years – olds but spend five times longers on computers, mainly playing computer games. The biggest Internet users are the 16- 24 years – olds – on average, tey are online for four minutes a day.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Let’s start with some good news – people live longer nowdays. The bad news for the government is that it has to pay out more pensions. On average, people live for 78 years (75 for men and 80 for women) – in 1911 it was only 52! Is it because we have a healthy lifestyle? Maybe. More people see smoking as a healt hazard; only a quarter of the population smokes compared to half 30 years ago. People eat more fruit and less fat but about three- quarters of men and two- thirds of women between 55 and 64 are seriously overweight. More people work than ever before – 79% of men and 69% of women have jobs. And people earn three times more in real terms thant 50 years ago- but the difference between rich and poor people is bigger. The most important growth area jobs is in computers. Young people certainly see qualifications as important to get a good job. The percentage of 16 – 18 years – olds in education went up from 5% to 55% in the 1990s. And did you know, the British work the longest hours per week in Europe? That’s an average of 45.7 hours for men and 40.7 hours for women. Traditional family and home life is changing. In fact, nearly a third of the population lives alone and there are fewer marriages nowdays. Each year, almost a quarter of million babies are born in England and Wales to parents who are not married to each other – that’s 40% of the total. Women are having children later and 29 is now the average age for having a baby. Young people are staying with their parents longer than before, mainly because it is expensive to get a place to live. The proverb “Early to bed, early to rise” seems a good description of the British lifestyle. On weekdays, most people get up before 8 a.m/(77%) and go to bed before midnight (81%). Main meal times are from 8a.m. to 9a.m. (breakfast), at 1p.m. (lunch) and between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. (dinner). What do people do in the evenings? Are the Brits a nation of couch potatoes? On average, they watch TV for 25hours a week. Children and teenagers watch less TV than 25- 44 years – olds but spend five times longers on computers, mainly playing computer games. The biggest Internet users are the 16- 24 years – olds – on average, tey are online for four minutes a day.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
начнем с хороших новостей – люди живут дольше сегодня.плохие новости для правительства заключается в том, что он должен заплатить больше пенсий.в среднем люди живут 78 лет (75 мужчин и 80 лет для женщин), в 1911 году было всего 52!это потому, что у нас есть здоровый образ жизни?может быть.все больше людей видеть курение в качестве healt опасности; лишь четверть населения курит, по сравнению с половиной лет 30 назад.люди едят больше фруктов и меньше жира, но примерно три четверти мужчин и две - трети женщин в возрасте 55 - 64 серьезно избыточный вес.больше людей, чем когда - либо прежде – 79% мужчин и 69% женщин имеют работу.и люди зарабатывают в три раза больше, в реальном выражении тан 50 лет назад, но разница между богатыми и бедными людьми больше.наиболее важные области роста рабочих мест в компьютерах.молодые люди, конечно, видят квалификацию, как важно найти хорошую работу.доля детей в возрасте 16 - 18 лет – в сфере образования вырос с 5% до 55% в 1990 - х гг. и ты знаешь, британские работают большее количество часов в неделю в европе?это в среднем 45,7 часов для мужчин и 40,7 часа для женщин.традиционная семья и дом, жизнь меняется.в самом деле, почти треть населения живет одна, и все меньше браков сегодня.каждый год почти четверть миллиона детей рождаются в англии и уэльсе родителей, не состоящих в браке, - это 40% от общей суммы.женщины рожают детей, и позднее 29 сейчас средний возраст ребёнка.молодые люди остаются с родителями больше, чем раньше, главным образом, потому что это дорого, чтобы найти жилье.пословица "рано спать, начала расти", похоже, хорошее описание британской жизни.по будням, большинство людей подняться до 8 часов утра / (77%) и ложиться спать до полуночи (81%).основной еды из 8а. м., 9а. м. (завтрак), к часу дня (обед) и между 17 ч. 00 м. и в 9 часов вечера (ужин).что делают люди, по вечерам?- британцы нацию на диване?в среднем, смотрят телевизор по 25hours в неделю.дети и подростки, смотреть телевизор, чем меньше 25 - 44 лет - возраста, но потратил пять раз longers на компьютерах, главным образом, играя в компьютерные игры.крупнейшим интернет - пользователи 16 - 24 лет – возраста – в среднем, tey онлайн за четыре минуты в день.
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