The Royal FamilyAt present the British royal family is headed by Queen перевод - The Royal FamilyAt present the British royal family is headed by Queen русский как сказать

The Royal FamilyAt present the Brit

The Royal Family

At present the British royal family is headed by Queen

Elizabeth. When the Queen was born on the 21st of April

1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and

her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the

abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as

King George VI.

As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well

as art and music. In addition ehe learned to ride and acquired

her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to take

part in publie life, making her firat broadcast at the age of 14.

The marriage of the young Princess Enrabeth to Philips

Duke of Edinburgh took place November 1947. Bhe came to

the throne after her father's death in 1952 and was crowned

in Westminster Abbey in June 1963.

Among Queen Elizabeth's mamy duties are the regular

visits she makes to foreign countries, and especially thoae

of the Commonwealth, whose interesta and welfare are very

important to her. The Queen has allowed the BBC to make a

documentary film about the every dny of the royal family, Bhe

also started the tradition of the "walkabeut", an informal

feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when Ehe walks

among the publie arowd
and stopa to talk to some people
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The Royal FamilyAt present the British royal family is headed by QueenElizabeth. When the Queen was born on the 21st of April1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne andher uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and theabdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne asKing George VI.As a child she studied constitutional history and law as wellas art and music. In addition ehe learned to ride and acquiredher enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to takepart in publie life, making her firat broadcast at the age of 14.The marriage of the young Princess Enrabeth to PhilipsDuke of Edinburgh took place November 1947. Bhe came tothe throne after her father's death in 1952 and was crownedin Westminster Abbey in June 1963.Among Queen Elizabeth's mamy duties are the regularvisits she makes to foreign countries, and especially thoaeof the Commonwealth, whose interesta and welfare are veryimportant to her. The Queen has allowed the BBC to make adocumentary film about the every dny of the royal family, Bhealso started the tradition of the "walkabeut", an informalfeature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when Ehe walksamong the publie arowdand stopa to talk to some people
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
королевская семья

в настоящее время британской королевской семьи возглавляет королева

элизабет.когда королева родилась 21 апреля 1926 года,

, ее дедушка, король георг V, был на троне и

ее дядя был его наследник.смерти своего дедушки и

отречения дяди привел ее отца на трон короля георга VI, как

в детстве она училась конституционной истории и права, а также

как и искусство.кроме того Ehe уроки ездить и приобретенных

ее увлечение для лошадей.как она подрос, она начала принимать

участие в publie жизнь, сделав ее фират вещания в возрасте 14.

брак княжна enrabeth для Philips

герцог эдинбургский состоялась в ноябре 1947 года.bhe пришел

трон после смерти ее отца в 1952 году и был коронован

в вестминстерское аббатство в июне 1963.

из королева елизавета - мами обязанности являются очередной

визитов в зарубежные страны, она делает, и особенно thoae

содружества, чьи свою долю участия и обеспечения очень

важно для нее.королева позволило би - би - си сделать

документальный фильм о всех dny из королевской семьи, bhe

также начал традицию "walkabeut" неофициальная

особенностью иным официального королевского визита, когда Ehe ходит среди publie arowd

и stopa поговорить с этими людьми
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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