Printing is the final stage in creating a document. Since the results  перевод - Printing is the final stage in creating a document. Since the results  узбекский как сказать

Printing is the final stage in crea

Printing is the final stage in creating a document. Since the results you can obtain with different types of printer will vary substantially, here is a guide to help you decide which one is most suitable for your needs.

To begin with, you should take into account that printers vary in cost, speed, print quality, and other factors such as noise or printing method. Technology is evolving so quickly that there is always a printer for every application or need.

Dot-matrix printers use pins to print the dots required to shape a character. They can print text and graphics; however, they produce relatively low resolution output - 72 to 180 dots per inch (dpi). They are used to print multi-part forms, self-copying paper and continuous-form labels. They are slower than laser printers (see below) but much cheaper.

Inkjet printers operate by projecting small ink droplets onto paper to form the required image. Colour and hues are created by the precise mixing of cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks, lnkjets are fairly fast, quiet, and not as expensive as laser printers. Nevertheless, you can still expect high quality results because there are some inkjet printers on the market with a resolution of 2,400 dpi.

Laser printers produce output at great speed and with a very high resolution of 1,200-2,400 dpi. They scan the image with a laser beam and transfer it to paper with a special ink powder called toner. They are constantly being improved. In terms of speed and image quality; laser printers are preferred by experts for various reasons; for instance, they have a wider range of scalable fonts than inkjets, can emulate different language systems, and can produce high- quality graphics; however, they are still expensive for home users.

Thermal transfer printers are used to produce colour images by transferring a wax-based ink onto the paper. They are popular for printing bar codes, labels and medium-resolution graphics.

Imagesetters produce very high-resolution output (up to 3,540 dpi) on paper or on the actual film for making the printing plates. In addition, they are extremely fast. Imagesetters are most often used in desktop publishing (DTP). Although they produce the highest quality output, they have one important disadvantage: they are too expensive for homes or small offices.

In modern lithographic printing, images are created on a DTP computer and then output directly to the printing plates, without requiring film as an intermediate step.This technology is called computer to plate, or CTP, and the machine used is called a platesetter.

Finally, we have plotters. Plotters use ink and fine pens held in a carriage to draw very detailed designs on paper. They are used for construction plans, engineering drawings and other technical illustrations. Nowadays, traditional plotters are being replaced with wide-format inkjets.
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Bosib hujjatni yaratish final bosqichi hisoblanadi. Natijalar beri siz bu erda hidoyat siz uchun eng mos bo'lgan bir qaror yordam berish, sezilarli darajada farq qiladi, printerni turli turdagi bilan olishingiz mumkin. bilan boshlash uchun, siz ulamolar iqtisodiy, tezlik, bosma farq qilishi hisobga olish kerak sifat va bunday shovqin yoki bosish usuli sifatida boshqa omillar. Texnologiya shunday tez, har doim har bir dastur yoki ehtiyoj uchun printer bor, deb rivojlanmoqda. Nuqta-matrix ulamolar bir belgi shakllantirish uchun zarur bo'lgan nuqta chop uchun mayoqlardan foydalaning. Ular matn va grafik chop etishingiz mumkin; Biroq, ular nisbatan kam qaror chiqishi ishlab chiqarish - dyuym (dpi) boshiga 72 180 nuqtalarni. Ular ko'p qismi shakllari, o'z-o'zini nusxa qog'oz va uzluksiz-shakl teglar chop qilish uchun ishlatiladi. Ular lazer ulamolar ancha sekin (quyida qarang), lekin ancha arzon bo'ladi. Inkjet ulamolar zarur tasvirni hosil qilish uchun qog'oz ustiga kichik siyoh tomchilari loyihalash bilan faoliyat ko'rsatmoqda. Rang va rang ko'k, qizil, sariq va qora siyoh aniq aralashtirish tomonidan yaratilgan, lnkjets to'g'ri, tez, jim va lazer ulamolar kabi qimmat emas. Bozorda bir necha inkjet ulamolar 2400 dpi qarori bilan bor, chunki Shunday bo'lsa-da, hali ham yuqori sifatli natijalar kutish mumkin. lazer ulamolar katta tezlikda va 1,200-2,400 dpi juda yuqori qarori bilan chiqish, ishlab chiqarish. Ular lazer nuri bilan Rasmni ko'rish va toner deb nomlangan maxsus siyoh kukun bilan qog'ozga uni o'tkazish. Ular doimo takomillashib etilmoqda. Tezlik va tasvir sifati jihatidan; lazer ulamolar turli sabablarga ko'ra mutaxassislar tomonidan afzal etiladi; Misol uchun, ular boshqa til tizimlari taqlid mumkin, va Oliy sifatli grafikalar ishlab chiqarish mumkin, inkjets ko'ra ölçeklenebilir shriftlar kengroq doiradagi bor; Biroq, ular hali ham uy foydalanuvchilar uchun qimmat. Issiqlik uzatish ulamolar qog'oz ustiga bir sham asoslangan murakkab o'tkazish bilan rang tasvir ishlab chiqarish uchun ishlatiladi. Ular bosish bar kodlari, teg va o'rta-qaror grafikalar uchun mashhur bo'lgan. tasvir qog'ozga yoki bosim plitalari qilish uchun haqiqiy film (3,540 dpi gacha) juda yuqori qaror chiqishi ishlab chiqaradi. Bundan tashqari, ular juda tez. Tasvir ko'pincha ish stoli nashriyot (nashrga tayyorlash) ishlatiladi. Ular eng yuqori sifatli ishlab chiqarish ishlab chiqarish-da, ular bir muhim ahvolga tushgan. Ular uylarida yoki kichik vakolatxonalar uchun juda qimmat bo'lgan zamonaviy toshbosma chop, tasvirlar nashrga kompyuterda yaratilgan va bir deb filmi talab holda bosish plitalari to'g'ridan-to'g'ri, keyin chiqish, oraliq step.This texnologiya plastinka uchun kompyuter deb ataladi, yoki CTP va ishlatiladigan mashina bir platesetter, deb ataladi. Nihoyat, biz Ploterler bor. Plotter qog'oz ustida juda batafsil dizaynlashtirilgan chizish murakkab va bir tashish o'tkazilgan yaxshi qalam foydalaning. Ular qurilish rejalari, muhandislik qo'lga kiritdi va boshqa texnik rasmlarga uchun ishlatiladi. Bugungi kunda, an'anaviy chizilgan keng formatli inkjets bilan almashtirildi etilmoqda.

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