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высокий заработокOffering students

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Offering students help with their education and careers is an effective marketing method. The Guardian newspaper runs careers fairs and offers discounts on its products, such as Guardian Student, a 32-page newspaper.

Red Bull, a successful energy drinks brand, uses what it calls ‘energy teams’ on university campuses. The company recruits teams of students and gives them a Red Bull car, which has a fridge. The students offer samples and give information about the product benefits. They do this on campus at sporting events and at times of the year when students might need an energy boost. 'It’s extremely important that it’s a student doing this and not a company sales rep', says the company's consumer manager who runs the scheme. 'You need to have an approach that doesn't look like a pitch.'

Having an insider on campus can help marketers understand student life. Youth marketing agency, Virgin D3, has a database of students who act as ‘field staff’. They ask them for help when planning an event at their university. Perhaps, by getting ideas from the students themselves, companies can find ways to reach this difficult market.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
high earningsOffering students help with their education and careers is an effective marketing method. The Guardian newspaper runs careers fairs and offers discounts on its products, such as the Guardian, the Student, a 32-page newspaper.Red Bull, a successful energy drinks brand, uses what it calls ' energy teams ' on university campuses. The company recruits teams of students and gives them a Red Bull car, which has a fridge. The students offer samples and give information about the product benefits. They do this on campus at sporting events and at times of the year when students might need an energy boost. ' It's extremely important that it's a student doing this and not a company sales rep ', says the consumer company's manager who runs the scheme. ' You need to have an approach that doesn't look like a pitch. 'Having an insider on campus can help marketers understand student life. Youth marketing agency, Virgin D3, has a database of students who act as ' field staff '. They ask them for help when planning an event at their university. Perhaps, by getting ideas from the students themselves, companies can find ways to reach this difficult market.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]

high earnings
Offering students help with their education and careers is an effective marketing method. The Guardian newspaper runs careers fairs and offers discounts on its products, such as Guardian Student, a 32 page newspaper-. Red Bull, a successful energy drinks brand, uses what it calls 'energy teams' on university campuses. The company recruits teams of students and gives them a Red Bull car, which has a fridge. The students offer samples and give information about the product benefits. They do this on campus at sporting events and at times of the year when students might need an energy boost. 'It's extremely important that it's a student doing this and not a company sales rep', says the company's consumer manager who runs the scheme. 'You need to have an approach that does not look like a pitch.' Having an insider on campus can help marketers understand life student. Youth marketing agency, Virgin D3, has a database of students who act as 'field staff'. They ask them for help when planning an event at their university. Perhaps, by getting ideas from the students themselves, companies can find ways to reach this difficult market.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]

these high earnings for help with their education and careers is an effective marketing method. the guardian newspaper runs careers fairs and offers edition on its products, such as guardian student, a 32 - page newspaper.

red bull, a successful energy drinks brand, uses what it calls' energy teams' on university campuses.the company recruits teams of students and gives them a red bull car, which has a good. the students offer samples and give information about the product benefits. they do this on campus at sporting events and at times of the year when students might need an energy boost. it's extremely important that it's a student doing this and not a company sales rep 'says the company's consumer manager who runs the scheme. you need to have an approach that doesn't look like a pitch. '

although an insider on campus can help marketers. student life. youth marketing agency, virgin d3 has a database of students who act as' field staff. they ask them for help when planning an event at their university. perhaps,by getting ideas from the students themselves, companies can find ways to reach this one market.
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