The young professor was working in his workshop in a narrow street in  перевод - The young professor was working in his workshop in a narrow street in  русский как сказать

The young professor was working in

The young professor was working in his workshop in a narrow street in Boston, not far from Scollay square. It was a very hot afternoon in June, but the man didn't notice. He was totally absorbed in his strange machine which he had been working on for about three years. Suddenly he heard an almost inaudible sound, the first sound ever transmitted through a wire. The machine was the very first telephone and the young man was Alexander Graham Bell.

Although he was only 28 years old at the time, Alexander had been working in the fields of speech, anatomy, electricity and telegraphy for over 11 years. His grandfather had invented a system to help people with speech problems. In fact, his whole family had been involved in the study of speech and sounds. Alexander’s father had also written several books on how to speak correctly as well as creating a form of sign language called ‘visible speech’.

At the age of 16 Alexander started to help teach young deaf mutes. children who could not hear or speak. He used his father’s system of ‘visible speech’and achieved amazing results. Sadly. a few years later, while working in London.Alexander met two men who would play an important role in his life. Mr Alexander Ellis, a professor of philology, and Sir Charles Wheatstone, an expert in telegraphy, started him thinking about sending sounds through a machine.

unfortunately, it was around this time that the fatal disease called the white plague, spread through Britain and both Alexander's brothers died. As a result Alexander and his parents left the country and moved to Canada. Alexander was teaching to a tribe of Mohawk Indians in a small Canadian town called Brantford, when the Boston Board of Education asked him to come and work in the USA at a new school for deaf mutes.

Alexander was very happy to move to boston and continue the work he had started in britain. He became so successful that he soon opened his own school called ‘The School of Vocal Physiology’. However , he was so busy there that he did not have the time to work on his inventions.

Then, two years later, he agreed to give private lessons to a young boy whose family allowed him to use their basement as a workshop. This gave Alexander the opportunity to resume his experiments with sound transmitters. He used to spend all his free time, and most of his money, on his inventions. At that time he had another student who greatly influenced his life.

She was a young girl who had lost her hearing and the ability to speak because of a childhood illness. Her name was Mabel Hubbard, and four years later they got married. Although many people taught that invent a human voice transmitter was a waste of time, Alexander refused to give up his dream. He continued his experiments with sound vibrations. He even copied the design of the human ear using iron rods and electrical wires to produce the same effect.

Alexander was spending so much time and energy on his inventions he did less work with his students and soon ran out of money. He was about to give up when he met Professor John Henry, an expert on the telegraph and electricity. Professor Henry realized immediately that Alexander had made an amazing discovery and encouraged him to continue with his experiments.

In order to survive financially Bell had to work on the musical telegraph, but he also continued working on his mechanical voice transmitter. On that summer afternoon in 1875, when Alexander heard the first sound transmitted over his machine, he realized that he had finally achieved his goal. Almost a year later, in March 1876, the first words were heard coming through the phone.

On his 29th birthday Alexander Graham Bell registered his invention with the patent office and, because they had never seen anything like it before, they registered his invention ‘an improvement in telegraphy’. The name ‘telephone’ came later.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
The young professor was working in his workshop in a narrow street in Boston, not far from Scollay square. It was a very hot afternoon in June, but the man didn't notice. He was totally absorbed in his strange machine which he had been working on for about three years. Suddenly he heard an almost inaudible sound, the first sound ever transmitted through a wire. The machine was the very first telephone and the young man was Alexander Graham Bell.Although he was only 28 years old at the time, Alexander had been working in the fields of speech, anatomy, electricity and telegraphy for over 11 years. His grandfather had invented a system to help people with speech problems. In fact, his whole family had been involved in the study of speech and sounds. Alexander’s father had also written several books on how to speak correctly as well as creating a form of sign language called ‘visible speech’.At the age of 16 Alexander started to help teach young deaf mutes. children who could not hear or speak. He used his father’s system of ‘visible speech’and achieved amazing results. Sadly. a few years later, while working in London.Alexander met two men who would play an important role in his life. Mr Alexander Ellis, a professor of philology, and Sir Charles Wheatstone, an expert in telegraphy, started him thinking about sending sounds through a machine.unfortunately, it was around this time that the fatal disease called the white plague, spread through Britain and both Alexander's brothers died. As a result Alexander and his parents left the country and moved to Canada. Alexander was teaching to a tribe of Mohawk Indians in a small Canadian town called Brantford, when the Boston Board of Education asked him to come and work in the USA at a new school for deaf mutes.Alexander was very happy to move to boston and continue the work he had started in britain. He became so successful that he soon opened his own school called ‘The School of Vocal Physiology’. However , he was so busy there that he did not have the time to work on his inventions.Then, two years later, he agreed to give private lessons to a young boy whose family allowed him to use their basement as a workshop. This gave Alexander the opportunity to resume his experiments with sound transmitters. He used to spend all his free time, and most of his money, on his inventions. At that time he had another student who greatly influenced his life.She was a young girl who had lost her hearing and the ability to speak because of a childhood illness. Her name was Mabel Hubbard, and four years later they got married. Although many people taught that invent a human voice transmitter was a waste of time, Alexander refused to give up his dream. He continued his experiments with sound vibrations. He even copied the design of the human ear using iron rods and electrical wires to produce the same effect.Alexander was spending so much time and energy on his inventions he did less work with his students and soon ran out of money. He was about to give up when he met Professor John Henry, an expert on the telegraph and electricity. Professor Henry realized immediately that Alexander had made an amazing discovery and encouraged him to continue with his experiments.In order to survive financially Bell had to work on the musical telegraph, but he also continued working on his mechanical voice transmitter. On that summer afternoon in 1875, when Alexander heard the first sound transmitted over his machine, he realized that he had finally achieved his goal. Almost a year later, in March 1876, the first words were heard coming through the phone.On his 29th birthday Alexander Graham Bell registered his invention with the patent office and, because they had never seen anything like it before, they registered his invention ‘an improvement in telegraphy’. The name ‘telephone’ came later.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Молодой профессор работал в своей мастерской на узкой улице в Бостоне, недалеко от площади Scollay. Это был очень жаркий день в июне, но человек не заметил. Он был полностью поглощен своей странной машиной , которую он работал около трех лет. Вдруг он услышал почти неслышимый звук, первый звук когда - либо переданный через провод. Машина была самой первой телефон и молодой человек был Александр Грэм Белл.

Несмотря на то, что он был всего 28 лет в то время, Александр работал в области речи, анатомии, электричества и телеграфной более 11 лет. Его дед изобрел систему , чтобы помочь людям с проблемами речи. На самом деле, вся его семья были вовлечены в исследование речи и звуков. Отец Александра также написал несколько книг о том , как правильно говорить, а также создания формы языка жестов под названием «видимой речи».

В возрасте 16 лет Александр начал помогать обучать молодых глухонемых. дети , которые не могли слышать или говорить. Он использовал систему своего отца "видны speech'and достигнуты удивительные результаты. К сожалению. несколько лет спустя, во время работы в London.Alexander встретил двух мужчин , которые будут играть важную роль в его жизни. Г - н Александр Эллис, профессор филологии, и сэр Чарльз Уитстона, специалист в области телеграфии, начал он думать о доставке звуков через машину. , К

сожалению, это было примерно в это время , что смертельная болезнь , которая называется белой чумы, распространилась через Великобританию , и оба умер братья Александра. В результате Александр и его родители покинули страну и переехал в Канаду. Александр учил к племени могавков индейцев в небольшом канадском городке под названием Брантфорд, когда Бостон Совет по образованию попросил его приехать и работать в США в новой школе для глухонемых.

Александр был очень рад переехать в бостон и продолжить работа , которую он начал в Великобритании. Он стал настолько успешным , что вскоре он открыл свою собственную школу под названием "Школа вокального физиологии». Тем не менее, он был настолько занят , что там у него не было времени , чтобы работать над своими изобретениями.

Потом, спустя два года, он согласился давать частные уроки для маленького мальчика, семья которого позволили ему использовать свой подвал в качестве мастерской. Это дало Александру возможность возобновить свои эксперименты со звуком передатчиков. Он имел обыкновение проводить все свое свободное время, и большую часть своих денег, на его изобретений. В то время он был еще один студент , который в значительной степени под влиянием его жизнь.

Она была молодая девушка , которая потеряла слух и способность говорить из - за болезней детского возраста. Ее звали Мейбл Хаббард, а спустя четыре года они поженились. Хотя многие люди учили , что изобрести голосовой передатчик человека был пустой тратой времени, Александр отказался от своей мечты. Он продолжил свои эксперименты со звуковыми колебаниями. Он даже скопировал дизайн человеческого уха с помощью железных прутков и электрические провода , чтобы произвести тот же эффект.

Александр проводил так много времени и энергии на его изобретений , которые он сделал меньше работы со своими учениками и вскоре кончились деньги. Он собирался отказаться , когда он познакомился с профессором Джоном Генри, эксперт по телеграфу и электроэнергии. Профессор Генри сразу понял , что Александр сделал удивительное открытие , и призвал его продолжать свои эксперименты.

Для того , чтобы выжить в финансовом отношении Белл должен был работать над музыкальным телеграфом, но он также продолжал работать над своим механическим голосом передатчика. В тот летний день в 1875 году, когда Александр услышал первый звук , передаваемый по своей машине, он понял , что он , наконец , достиг своей цели. Почти год спустя, в марте 1876 года , первые слова были слышны по телефону.

На свой 29 - й день рождения Александр Грэхем Белл зарегистрировал свое изобретение в патентное ведомство и, потому что они никогда ничего подобного не видел, они зарегистрировали свое изобретение " улучшение телеграфии. Название 'телефон' пришло позже.
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