Something was happening. Artos could feel it. Their little farm was qu перевод - Something was happening. Artos could feel it. Their little farm was qu русский как сказать

Something was happening. Artos coul

Something was happening. Artos could feel it. Their little farm was quiet as usual, but yesterday he saw a lot of carts on the road. They went past Artos's house all day and all night. "Where are the people going?" he asked. "People are going to the mountains — to safety," his father said. He looked worried. Artos began to feel afraid.
What's the matter, Father?"
Artos, you are only seven, but we must talk. Do you remember our great King Arthur?"
"Of course, I know all about him. Every boy in the tribe does. Arthur was a great king and Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time, helped him. He had thirteen knights - his friends. When they had meetings, Arthur never sat on his throne. He had a special Round Table for the meetings to show that he and all his knights were equal. And..."
"Don't forget the most important thing, Artos. King Arthur beat our enemies, the pagan Angles and Saxons, and gave us fifty years of peace."
"Yes, Father. I know that. I hate the Angles and the Saxons. They first came to Britain in the fifth century after the Romans left."
"Yes, son, it was a hundred and fifty years ago. The Angles and the Saxons landed on the east coast, near London, and moved west. They are slowly taking all of Britain. They even call our land Anglia — the land of the Angles. It is so unfair."
The father sighed. "Now be brave, son. A Saxon king is coming here with a great army. They will burn our beautiful farm and all the farms of the tribe. We must leave our land forever."
Artos began to cry.
Artos, do you remember the motto of our tribe?" "Yes, Father."
"Put your hand on mine and say it."
"Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring. Fight in the ring." And what does it mean, Artos?"
"It means our tribe must stay together and help our friends. We are the People of the Ring. Together we are free and strong like Arthur's Knights of the Round Table." Artos said.
"Tomorrow we will have a special ring meeting. There we will make the decision. I think we should move to the North."
Suddenly Artos was angry. "Why do these Angles and Saxons want our land, Father? They have nearly all our land. WE always have to move. Why?"
"Because," said his father, "behind them in Europe are other tribes. They attack the Saxons, and then the Saxons attack us."
That night Artos couldn't sleep. He was sitting next to the fire and thinking about the horrible news. But the boy wasn't looking at the fire, he was playing with his father's ring. It was the main treasure of their tribe. Artos put the ring on his finger and... fell asleep.
He had a very strange dream. In the morning Artos went to the priest. The boy told the priest about his dream. "What should I do?" he asked. "The ring has spoken (Кольцо заговорило)" the priest answered. "Do what you have to do. Don't be afraid.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Что-то происходит. Артос может чувствовать его. Их мало фермы было тихо, как обычно, но сегодня он увидел много тележки на дороге. Они пошли мимо Дом Артос весь день и всю ночь. «Куда идут люди?»-спросил он. «Люди идут в горы — безопасности,» сказал отец. Он выглядел беспокоился. Артос начал бояться.Что такое дело, отец?»Артос, вы только семь, но мы должны говорить. Вы помните наш Великий король Arthur?»«Конечно, я знаю все о нем. Каждый мальчик в племени делает. Arthur был великий царь, и Мерлин, величайший мастер все время, помог ему. У него было тринадцать рыцарей - его друзья. Когда они имели встречи, Arthur никогда не сидел на троне. Он имел специальный круглый стол для заседаний чтобы показать, что он и все его рыцарей были равны. И...»«Не забывайте, самое главное, «Артос». King Arthur бить наших врагов, языческие углов и саксов и дал нам пятьдесят лет мира.»«Да, отец. Я знаю. Я ненавижу углов и саксов. Они впервые пришли в Великобританию в пятом веке после того, как римляне оставили".«Да, сын, он был сто пятьдесят лет назад. Углы и саксов высадился на восточном побережье, недалеко от Лондона и переехал в запад. Они медленно принимают все из Великобритании. Они даже называть нашу землю Англии — Земля углов. Это так несправедливо.»Отец вздохнул. «Теперь быть храбрым, сын. Саксонский король идет здесь с Великой армии. Они будут гореть наши красивые фермы и всех ферм племени. Мы должны покинуть наши земли навсегда.»Artos began to cry.Artos, do you remember the motto of our tribe?" "Yes, Father.""Put your hand on mine and say it.""Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring. Fight in the ring." And what does it mean, Artos?""It means our tribe must stay together and help our friends. We are the People of the Ring. Together we are free and strong like Arthur's Knights of the Round Table." Artos said."Tomorrow we will have a special ring meeting. There we will make the decision. I think we should move to the North."Suddenly Artos was angry. "Why do these Angles and Saxons want our land, Father? They have nearly all our land. WE always have to move. Why?""Because," said his father, "behind them in Europe are other tribes. They attack the Saxons, and then the Saxons attack us."That night Artos couldn't sleep. He was sitting next to the fire and thinking about the horrible news. But the boy wasn't looking at the fire, he was playing with his father's ring. It was the main treasure of their tribe. Artos put the ring on his finger and... fell asleep.He had a very strange dream. In the morning Artos went to the priest. The boy told the priest about his dream. "What should I do?" he asked. "The ring has spoken (Кольцо заговорило)" the priest answered. "Do what you have to do. Don't be afraid.
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