Livingstone's explorations David Livingstone was a missionary and expl перевод - Livingstone's explorations David Livingstone was a missionary and expl русский как сказать

Livingstone's explorations David Li

Livingstone's explorations
David Livingstone was a missionary and explorer who had two a in life to teach Christianity and to discover the source of the River Nile. He was born into a poor, Scottish family and was one of seven children. In 1823, a the age of 10, he began work in a local cotton mill. He spent his spare time studying and was ordained, becoming Dr Livingstone, in 18 A year later, he arrived in South Africa to begin his life's work He travelled inland immediately, looking for converts and trying to put an end to the slave trade. He spent more than 13 years travelling and teaching. He was the first European to reach deep into Africa. He travelled in the Kalahari and then set out to find a route to the Atlantic, reaching Luanda in 1854. Next he turned around and entered the Zambezi region, arriving at the waterfall that he renamed Victoria Falls, in honour of Queen Victoria. He returned to Britain as a national hero, but only stayed for a year. In 1858 he set out to explore eastern and central Africa. His second expedition was less successful. Navigating the Zambezi River proved to be impossible and morale among the expedition members fell. Worse of all, his wife died of disease and Livingstone turned back Africa, to find the source of the River Nile In 1864, he returned to try to This expedition started badly. The journey was difficult and many of his followers abandoned him, reporting that Livingstone was dead. This story made headline news in the world's press. Livingstone, however, carried on, making more discoveries and penetrating further into the Congo Basin than any European had done before. Livingstone did not manage to send word of his discoveries back to Britain. In Europe, no one knew whether he was alive or dead Two years of travelling had made Livingstone weak and ill. He arrived at Lake Tanganyika in October 1871. He was now very ill and had no medicine and very little food. What Livingstone did not know was that the world had been searching for him. The man who had made so many discoveries was about to be discovered himself Livingstone did not return to Britain, but died in Africa in 1873. He had one wish before his body was taken back to Britain. His heart was removed and buried in the place he loved best of all: in Africa
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Ливингстон исследования David Livingstone was a missionary and explorer who had two a in life to teach Christianity and to discover the source of the River Nile. He was born into a poor, Scottish family and was one of seven children. In 1823, a the age of 10, he began work in a local cotton mill. He spent his spare time studying and was ordained, becoming Dr Livingstone, in 18 A year later, he arrived in South Africa to begin his life's work He travelled inland immediately, looking for converts and trying to put an end to the slave trade. He spent more than 13 years travelling and teaching. He was the first European to reach deep into Africa. He travelled in the Kalahari and then set out to find a route to the Atlantic, reaching Luanda in 1854. Next he turned around and entered the Zambezi region, arriving at the waterfall that he renamed Victoria Falls, in honour of Queen Victoria. He returned to Britain as a national hero, but only stayed for a year. In 1858 he set out to explore eastern and central Africa. His second expedition was less successful. Navigating the Zambezi River proved to be impossible and morale among the expedition members fell. Worse of all, his wife died of disease and Livingstone turned back Africa, to find the source of the River Nile In 1864, he returned to try to This expedition started badly. The journey was difficult and many of his followers abandoned him, reporting that Livingstone was dead. This story made headline news in the world's press. Livingstone, however, carried on, making more discoveries and penetrating further into the Congo Basin than any European had done before. Livingstone did not manage to send word of his discoveries back to Britain. In Europe, no one knew whether he was alive or dead Two years of travelling had made Livingstone weak and ill. He arrived at Lake Tanganyika in October 1871. He was now very ill and had no medicine and very little food. What Livingstone did not know was that the world had been searching for him. The man who had made so many discoveries was about to be discovered himself Livingstone did not return to Britain, but died in Africa in 1873. He had one wish before his body was taken back to Britain. His heart was removed and buried in the place he loved best of all: in Africa
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Изыскания Ливингстона
Дэвид Ливингстон был миссионером и исследователем, который имел два с половиной в жизни, чтобы научить христианство и обнаружить источник реки Нил. Он родился в бедной, шотландской семьи и был одним из семи детей. В 1823, A возраст 10 лет, он начал работать в местном хлопчатобумажного комбината. Он провел свое свободное время, изучая и был рукоположен, став Dr Ливингстон, в 18 год спустя, он прибыл в Южную Африку, чтобы начать работу всей своей жизни он путешествовал вглубь сразу, ищет обращенных и пытается положить конец работорговле. Он провел более 13 лет, путешествуя и уча. Он был первым европейцем, проникают глубоко в Африке. Он путешествовал в Калахари, а затем отправился на поиски пути к Атлантике, достигнув Луанду в 1854 году Затем он повернулся и вошел в Замбези область, прибывающих на водопад, который он переименовал водопад Виктория, в честь королевы Виктории. Он вернулся в Великобританию в качестве национального героя, но осталась только в течение года. В 1858 году он отправился исследовать восточную и центральную Африку. Его вторая экспедиция была менее успешной. Перемещение по реке Замбези оказалось невозможным и мораль среди экспедиции Участники упал. Хуже всего, его жена умерла от болезни и Ливингстон вернулся Африку, чтобы найти источник реки Нил В 1864 году он вернулся, чтобы попытаться Эта экспедиция начался плохо. Путешествие было трудным, и многие из его последователей покинули его, сообщив, что Ливингстон был мертв. Эта история сделала заголовки новостей в мировой прессе. Ливингстон, однако, осуществляется на, делая больше открытий и дальнейшего проникновения в бассейне реки Конго, чем любая европейская делал раньше. Ливингстон не удалось отправить слово из его открытий обратно в Великобританию. В Европе, никто не знал, был ли он жив ​​или мертв Два года передвижных сделал Ливингстон слабым и больным. Он прибыл на озере Танганьика в октябре 1871 года он был теперь очень болен и не имел никаких лекарств и очень мало пищи. Что Ливингстон не знал, что мир искал для него. Человек, который сделал столько открытий был быть обнаружен себя Ливингстон не вернулся в Великобританию, но умер в Африке в 1873 г. было одно желание, прежде чем его тело доставили обратно в Великобританию. Его сердце было вывезены и захоронены в месте, которое он любил лучше всего: в Африке
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