Результаты (
русский) 1:
A path to salvation through innovationKazuo Kashio has led Casio, theJapanese c o n s umer-electronicscompany that he founded with histhree brothers, for 20 years.Whatever problem is put to him,whether it is the yen's strength, theeconomy's weakness or the collapsein Japanese mobile-phone sales, theenergetic executive has a single10 answer: launch new products."For us as a manufacturer, whetherconditions are good or bad is alldecided by our products, and ourstrategy is to make sure as many of15 them as possible are new," he says.30 that his long years of sel ling makehim a keen judge of whether a newproduct will succeed. He perks upconsiderably when given the chanceto praise h i s gadgets, such as35 radio-controlled watches that pick upa broadcast signal to set the time, andthe toughened G-Shock brand, whichredeined watch design.A source of pride at the moment is40 Casio's family of high-speed "burst"digital cameras, which can takeup to 60 shots a second after thephotographer presses the bulton.With such a camera, Mr KashioFTCasio plans to replace 50 per centof its products in the second halfof the year.That strategy a m o u n ts to an20 attempt to maintain sales by taking alarger share of a shrinking market.Challenged as to whether that ispossible, given that rivals are notonly racing to launch new products45 says, a photographer can catch theprecise moment at which a batterhits a baseball and judge instantlyбегун было безопасно ли или out.Продукт принимает Casio вs o на рынке профессиональной фотографии,WH-ИЧ-d o м я nated от Canonи Nikon.к одному» чтобы описать как Casio0 создает то, что не существует-такие как электронный калькуляторчто stmted все это в 1 957 - с нуля.5, но и снижения цен, M r Kashioутверждает, что Casio Продукты дугиуникальный достаточно, чтобы сделать это.Это conidence в его продукции являетсяТипичные M r Kashio. Он часто говорит- • •
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