I'll never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre when I was in  перевод - I'll never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre when I was in  украинский как сказать

I'll never forget my first visit to

I'll never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre when I was in Moscow.

My friend bought two tickets in advance for a matinee performance of the ballet „Swan Lake" by Chaykovsky. We arrived at the theatre long before the performance began, for there were three of us and we were one ticket short.

A notice on the box-office of the theatre said: „Sold out". So we stood at the entrance asking people as they were going in if they had a spare ticket. At last we bought a ticket from a man who had booked two seats but whose friend hadn't turned up. We left our coats in the cloak-room and I got a programme from the usher to see what the cast was.

When we arrived at the hall we saw many people walking down the gangway looking for their seats. The musicians in the orchestra were tuning their instruments. We found our seats, which were in the stalls, and went to look over the theatre. My friend showed me the boxes, the pit, the dress-circle, gallery and balconies. At twelve sharp the lights went out. The conductor appeared and the overture began.

After the overture the curtain went up. I was in raptures at what I saw on the stage. I had never seen anything more wonderful. The setting and the dancing were superb. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. When the curtain fell the house burst into applause. I clapped so much that my hands ached.

During the first interval we went to the buffet. During the second interval we went to the refreshment room (buffet). When the last curtain fell cries of „encore" sounded all over the theatre. The dancers received call after call and were presented with large bouquets of flowers.

The performance was a great succes. My first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre is one of the most pleasant memories I brought away from Moscow.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
I'll never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre when I was in Moscow.My friend bought two tickets in advance for a matinee performance of the ballet „Swan Lake" by Chaykovsky. We arrived at the theatre long before the performance began, for there were three of us and we were one ticket short.A notice on the box-office of the theatre said: „Sold out". So we stood at the entrance asking people as they were going in if they had a spare ticket. At last we bought a ticket from a man who had booked two seats but whose friend hadn't turned up. We left our coats in the cloak-room and I got a programme from the usher to see what the cast was.When we arrived at the hall we saw many people walking down the gangway looking for their seats. The musicians in the orchestra were tuning their instruments. We found our seats, which were in the stalls, and went to look over the theatre. My friend showed me the boxes, the pit, the dress-circle, gallery and balconies. At twelve sharp the lights went out. The conductor appeared and the overture began.After the overture the curtain went up. I was in raptures at what I saw on the stage. I had never seen anything more wonderful. The setting and the dancing were superb. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. When the curtain fell the house burst into applause. I clapped so much that my hands ached.Під час першого інтервалу ми пішли на "шведський стіл". Під час другого інтервалу ми пішли освіження кімната (шведський стіл). Коли останній завіса впала крики "Біс" звучали по всьому театрі. Танцюристи отримав дзвінок після дзвінка і були вручені великі букети квітів.Виступ був великим успіхом. Мій перший візит до Великого театру є одним з найбільш приємні спогади я приніс від Москви.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Я%%%20I%20мали%20ніколи%20бачили%20нічого%20більш%20чудово.%20В%20встановлення%20а%20в%20танці%20були%20superb.%20В%20балету%20здавалося%20до 20% мене%20а%20казка.%20, коли%20в%20завіси%20впав%20в%20будинку%20увірвався%20в 20-20 оплесків.%20I%20аплодував%20так%20набагато%20,%20мій%20руки%20ломило.%5Е%5 EDuring%20в%20перших%20інтервал%20ми%20пішла%20до 20% у 20% фуршету.%20протягом 20-20%у другому 20%20інтервал%20ми%20пішла%20до 20% у 20% оновлений%20кімнати%20(буфет).%20, коли%20в%20останній%20завіси%20впав%20крики%20з%20%E2%80%9 Eencore%22%20звучав%20всі%20над%20в%20театру.%20В%20танцюристів%20отримав 20% називають%20після%20дзвінок%20а%20були%20представив%20з%20великих%20букети%20з 20% квітів.%5Е%5 EThe%20продуктивність%20був%20а%20великої%20успіху.%20Мій%20перших%20візиту%20до 20% у 20% Большой%20Театру%20є%20один%20з 20% до 20% найбільш%20приємні%20спогади%20I%20приніс%20подалі%20від 20% Москви.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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