Результаты (
русский) 1:
A recent survey compared the cost of living for expatriates in citiesaround the world. Not surprisingly, the top ten most expensive citiesincluded Tokyo, London and New York. But more expensive than anyof these was ... Moscow! Less than two decades ago, Moscow was theheart of the world's biggest planned economy. There was no property forsale back then. The state-run shops had few consumer goods. Shortagesfor simple things like shoes were common. Today, things could not bemore different. Moscow is the centre of a free market with some of thehighest property prices in the world. The state-run shops have beenreplaced by expensive shopping centres and designer stores. But thechange has not been easy.The figures for Russia's real gross domestic product since 1991, whenthe economic reforms began, show that the economy has been on quite a14roller-coaster ride. In 1991 GDP was over $350 billion. That felldramatically year after year until 1998, when GDP was just over $220billion. However, the situation improved again from '98. In fact, Russia'sGDP increased steadily year after year from 1999 until 2006 when itreached around $740 billion. What caused such a change of fortunes?Changing over to a completely different economic system could neverbe painless. The Russian government of the early 1990s decided to use ashock therapy approach. They introduced severe fiscal and monetarypolicies. The government drastically reduced its spending. It cutsubsidies to its crumbling state industries. Interest rates and taxes wereraised. Government price controls on nearly all consumer goods werelifted. Only prices for staple goods like food and energy remainedcontrolled by the government. New laws were introduced to allowprivate ownership and businesses to exist.All of these measures were intended to create conditions for a marketeconomy to grow. However, they also caused great hardship forordinary people. Most workers at that time were on fixed incomes. Themeasures caused the cost of living to rise, but their salaries did not riseat the same rate. To make matters worse, events in the banking system in1992 caused the money supply to balloon. This resulted inhyperinflation levels of 2,000%. Despite Russia's enormous reserves ofoil and gas, the economy went into a long and difficult depression.Finally, in 1998, when an economic crisis hit the East Asian Tigers, oilprices began to fall around the world. For Russia, it turned a depressioninto an economic crisis.However, from 1999, world oil prices began to rise again. Mostly withmoney earned from energy exports, Russia began to pay off its foreigndebts. Inflation fell and the value of the rouble stabilised. The economywas recovering. GDP grew steadily year after year, and foreign investorsbegan to show confidence in investing in the country. Moscow's place atthe top of the list of the world's most expensive cities is not enviable.Однако, это явный признак, что Российская экономика пережилатрудное время.
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