The History of EducationAs long as we live we continue to learn, and t перевод - The History of EducationAs long as we live we continue to learn, and t украинский как сказать

The History of EducationAs long as

The History of Education
As long as we live we continue to learn, and the education we receive when we are young helps us to continue learning. We are taught to read and write, and are taught many of the essential facts about the world and shown how to sort them out so that later in life, we shall be able to find out things without asking other people.
The first teachers were fathers and mothers, but very early in the history of man children began to be taught by people other than their fathers and mothers. It is thought that schools first started in Egypt 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and that the invention of writing made them necessary. Reading and writing were quite different from the skills used in everyday life, and writing made it possible to store up knowledge which grew with each generation. Specially trained people were therefore needed to teach it.
Sparta and Athens were two Greek states. The Spartans gave a purely military education to their children. At the age of seven all boys of noble families were taken from their homes and sent to live in schools. They were kept under a very strict discipline and were taught hunting, military scouting, swimming and the use of weapons. The Spartans despised literature, and some people think they could not even read.
At the same time the Athenians were building what we call liberal education. They thought it important to educate the body as well as the mind, and had a programme of physical training. As time went on they paid special attention to reading, writing and literature and these were taught by a special teacher. Common people were not educated; they were trained in craftsmanship, workmanship and trades.
Greek philosophers always discussed what education should try to do and what it should include.
The Romans were very good at organizing, and they were the first people to have schools run by government free of charge. Throughout their great empire there was a network of these schools which provided for three stages of education.
In Great Britain the first teachers we read about were craftsmen. They taught children to read, write and count, to cook and mend their own shoes. In the early 19th century the main system of teaching was the "Monitor" system*. The teacher could manage a class of 100 or more by using older pupils or "monitors" to help him. The schools had long desks which were sometimes arranged so that the teacher could see every child in a large class.
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Результаты (украинский) 1: [копия]
The History of EducationAs long as we live we continue to learn, and the education we receive when we are young helps us to continue learning. We are taught to read and write, and are taught many of the essential facts about the world and shown how to sort them out so that later in life, we shall be able to find out things without asking other people.The first teachers were fathers and mothers, but very early in the history of man children began to be taught by people other than their fathers and mothers. It is thought that schools first started in Egypt 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, and that the invention of writing made them necessary. Reading and writing were quite different from the skills used in everyday life, and writing made it possible to store up knowledge which grew with each generation. Specially trained people were therefore needed to teach it.Sparta and Athens were two Greek states. The Spartans gave a purely military education to their children. At the age of seven all boys of noble families were taken from their homes and sent to live in schools. They were kept under a very strict discipline and were taught hunting, military scouting, swimming and the use of weapons. The Spartans despised literature, and some people think they could not even read.At the same time the Athenians were building what we call liberal education. They thought it important to educate the body as well as the mind, and had a programme of physical training. As time went on they paid special attention to reading, writing and literature and these were taught by a special teacher. Common people were not educated; they were trained in craftsmanship, workmanship and trades.Greek philosophers always discussed what education should try to do and what it should include.The Romans were very good at organizing, and they were the first people to have schools run by government free of charge. Throughout their great empire there was a network of these schools which provided for three stages of education.In Great Britain the first teachers we read about were craftsmen. They taught children to read, write and count, to cook and mend their own shoes. In the early 19th century the main system of teaching was the "Monitor" system*. The teacher could manage a class of 100 or more by using older pupils or "monitors" to help him. The schools had long desks which were sometimes arranged so that the teacher could see every child in a large class.
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Результаты (украинский) 2:[копия]
Історія освіти
Поки ми живемо, ми продовжуємо вчитися, і освіта ми отримуємо, коли ми молоді допомагає нам продовжувати вчитися. Ми вчили читати і писати, і вчать багато з істотних фактів про світ і показали, як в них розібратися, щоб потім в житті, ми повинні бути в змозі з'ясувати, речі, не питаючи інших людей.
Першими вчителями були отці і матері, але дуже рано в історії людства дітей почали вчити інших, ніж їх батьки і матері людей. Вважається, що школи вперше почалася в Єгипті 5000 до 6000 років тому, і що винахід писемності зробили їх необхідності. Читання і запис були вельми відрізняються від навичок, що використовуються в повсякденному житті, і листа стало можливим зберігати до знання, які росли з кожним поколінням. Тому спеціально навчені люди були необхідні, щоб навчити його.
Спарта і Афіни були дві грецькі держави. Спартанці дав чисто військову освіту для своїх дітей. У віці семи років всі хлопчики шляхетських родин були взяті зі своїх будинків і відправлені жити в школах. Вони тримали під дуже суворої дисципліни і вчили полювати, військової розвідки, плавання та застосування зброї. Спартанці зневажав літературу, і деякі люди думають, що вони не могли навіть читати.
У той же час афіняни будували, що ми називаємо гуманітарну освіту. Вони думали, що це важливо, щоб навчити тіло, а також розум, і була програма фізичної підготовки. Йшов час, вони приділили особливу увагу до читання, письма та літературі, і вони вчили за допомогою спеціального вчителя. Прості люди не були утворені; вони були навчені у майстерності, виготовлення і торгівлі.
грецькі філософи завжди обговорювали, що освіта повинна спробувати зробити і те, що вона повинна включати.
​​Римляни були дуже хороші на організацію, і вони були першими, хто є школи у віданні уряду безкоштовно. Протягом усієї своєї великої імперії було мережі цих шкіл, які, передбачених трьох ступенів освіти.
У Великобританії перші вчителі, які ми читаємо про становили ремісники. Вони вчили дітей читати, писати і рахувати, готувати і лагодити свої черевики. На початку 19-го століття основна система навчання була система "Монітор" *. Учитель може керувати клас 100 або більше, використовуючи старі учнів або "моніторів", щоб допомогти йому. Школи були довгі столи, які іноді розташовані так, що вчитель міг бачити кожну дитину у великому класі.
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Результаты (украинский) 3:[копия]
Історія виховання
так довго, як ми живемо ми продовжуємо вчитися, а освіта ми отримуємо під час ми молоді допомагає нам продовжувати навчання. Ми вчили читати і писати, а викладаються багато важливих фактів про навколишній світ і показано як свого роду їх так, що пізніше в життя, ми зможемо з'ясувати речі не запитуючи інших людей.
перші вчителі були батьків і матерів,
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