Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hidden behind the bushes in Hyde перевод - Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hidden behind the bushes in Hyde русский как сказать

Norman Gortsby was sitting on a ben

Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hidden behind the bushes in Hyde Park. It was a warm May evening. The sun had already set and it was rather dark, but he could still make out the faces of the people who were walking past him and hear the sound of their voices. He was a philosopher, and liked sitting in the Park watching people whom he didn't know. While he was wondering who they were and where they were going, a young man came up to the bench, gave a quick look at him and threw himself down by his side. The newcomer was well-dressed and looked like a gentleman. His face was sad and he sighed deeply.
"You don't seem to be in a very good mood," said Norman. The young man was silent. He only looked at Norman again and there was an expression in his eyes that Norman didn't like.
"I really don't know how it all happened." he began at last, "but I've done the silliest thing that I've ever done in my life." He spoke in a low voice, almost in a whisper.
"Yes" said Norman coldly.
"I came to London this afternoon," the young man went on. "I had a meal at the hotel, sent a letter to my people, giving them the address and then went out to buy a piece of soap. They are supposed to give you soap at the hotel but it's always so bad that I decided to buy some for myself. I bought it, had a drink at a bar, and looked at the shops. When I wanted to go back to the hotel, I suddenly realized that I didn't remember its name or even what street it was in. Of course I can write to my people for the address, but they won't get my letter till tomorrow. The only shilling I had on me when I came out was spent on the soap and the drink and here I am with twopence in my pocket and nowhere to go for the night."
There was a pause after he told the story.
"I'm afraid you don't believe me," he added.
"Why not?" said Norman. "I did the same thing once in a foreign capital. So I can understand you very well."
"I'm glad you do," the young man said with a pleasant smile. "And now I must go. I hope by the time it gets quite dark I'll have found a man who'll believe me like you did, and will agree to lend me some money."
"Of course," said Norman slowly. "The weak point of your story is that you can't produce the soap."
The young man put his hand into his pocket and suddenly got up.
"I've lost it," he said angrily.
"It's too much to lose a hotel and a piece of soap on the same day," said Norman.
But the young man did not hear him. He was running away.
"It was a good idea to ask him about the soap, and so simple," Norman thought as he rose to go. But at that moment he noticed a small packet lying by the side of the bench. It could be nothing but a piece of soap, and it had evidently fallen out of the young man's coat pocket when he threw himself down on the bench. Turning red, Norman picked it up.
"I just can't allow him to go away like this," he thought, and started running after the young man.
"Stop!" cried Norman when he saw him at the Park gate. The young man obeyed.
"Here's your piece of soap," Norman said. "I found it under the bench. Don't lose it again, it's been a good friend to you. And here's a pound, if it can help you".
"Thanks," said the young man, and quickly put the money into his pocket.
"Here's my card with my address," continued Norman. "You can return the money any day this week."
The young man thanked him again and quickly went away.
"It's a good lesson to me," Norman thought, and went back to the Park.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hidden behind the bushes in Hyde Park. It was a warm May evening. The sun had already set and it was rather dark, but he could still make out the faces of the people who were walking past him and hear the sound of their voices. He was a philosopher, and liked sitting in the Park watching people whom he didn't know. While he was wondering who they were and where they were going, a young man came up to the bench, gave a quick look at him and threw himself down by his side. The newcomer was well-dressed and looked like a gentleman. His face was sad and he sighed deeply. "You don't seem to be in a very good mood," said Norman. The young man was silent. He only looked at Norman again and there was an expression in his eyes that Norman didn't like. "I really don't know how it all happened." he began at last, "but I've done the silliest thing that I've ever done in my life." He spoke in a low voice, almost in a whisper. "Yes" said Norman coldly. "I came to London this afternoon," the young man went on. "I had a meal at the hotel, sent a letter to my people, giving them the address and then went out to buy a piece of soap. They are supposed to give you soap at the hotel but it's always so bad that I decided to buy some for myself. I bought it, had a drink at a bar, and looked at the shops. When I wanted to go back to the hotel, I suddenly realized that I didn't remember its name or even what street it was in. Of course I can write to my people for the address, but they won't get my letter till tomorrow. The only shilling I had on me when I came out was spent on the soap and the drink and here I am with twopence in my pocket and nowhere to go for the night." There was a pause after he told the story. "I'm afraid you don't believe me," he added. "Why not?" said Norman. "I did the same thing once in a foreign capital. So I can understand you very well." "I'm glad you do," the young man said with a pleasant smile. "And now I must go. I hope by the time it gets quite dark I'll have found a man who'll believe me like you did, and will agree to lend me some money." "Of course," said Norman slowly. "The weak point of your story is that you can't produce the soap." The young man put his hand into his pocket and suddenly got up. "I've lost it," he said angrily. "It's too much to lose a hotel and a piece of soap on the same day," said Norman. But the young man did not hear him. He was running away. "It was a good idea to ask him about the soap, and so simple," Norman thought as he rose to go. But at that moment he noticed a small packet lying by the side of the bench. It could be nothing but a piece of soap, and it had evidently fallen out of the young man's coat pocket when he threw himself down on the bench. Turning red, Norman picked it up. "I just can't allow him to go away like this," he thought, and started running after the young man. "Stop!" cried Norman when he saw him at the Park gate. The young man obeyed. "Here's your piece of soap," Norman said. "I found it under the bench. Don't lose it again, it's been a good friend to you. And here's a pound, if it can help you". "Thanks," said the young man, and quickly put the money into his pocket. "Here's my card with my address," continued Norman. "You can return the money any day this week." The young man thanked him again and quickly went away. "It's a good lesson to me," Norman thought, and went back to the Park.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hidden behind the bushes in Hyde Park. It was a warm May evening. The sun had already set and it was rather dark, but he could still make out the faces of the people who were walking past him and hear the sound of their voices. He was a philosopher, and liked sitting in the Park watching people whom he didn't know. While he was wondering who they were and where they were going, a young man came up to the bench, gave a quick look at him and threw himself down by his side. The newcomer was well-dressed and looked like a gentleman. His face was sad and he sighed deeply.
"You don't seem to be in a very good mood," said Norman. The young man was silent. He only looked at Norman again and there was an expression in his eyes that Norman didn't like.
"I really don't know how it all happened." he began at last, "but I've done the silliest thing that I've ever done in my life." He spoke in a low voice, almost in a whisper.
"Yes" said Norman coldly.
"I came to London this afternoon," the young man went on. "I had a meal at the hotel, sent a letter to my people, giving them the address and then went out to buy a piece of soap. They are supposed to give you soap at the hotel but it's always so bad that I decided to buy some for myself. I bought it, had a drink at a bar, and looked at the shops. When I wanted to go back to the hotel, I suddenly realized that I didn't remember its name or even what street it was in. Of course I can write to my people for the address, but they won't get my letter till tomorrow. The only shilling I had on me when I came out was spent on the soap and the drink and here I am with twopence in my pocket and nowhere to go for the night."
There was a pause after he told the story.
"I'm afraid you don't believe me," he added.
"Why not?" said Norman. "I did the same thing once in a foreign capital. So I can understand you very well."
"I'm glad you do," the young man said with a pleasant smile. "And now I must go. I hope by the time it gets quite dark I'll have found a man who'll believe me like you did, and will agree to lend me some money."
"Of course," said Norman slowly. "The weak point of your story is that you can't produce the soap."
The young man put his hand into his pocket and suddenly got up.
"I've lost it," he said angrily.
"It's too much to lose a hotel and a piece of soap on the same day," said Norman.
But the young man did not hear him. He was running away.
"It was a good idea to ask him about the soap, and so simple," Norman thought as he rose to go. But at that moment he noticed a small packet lying by the side of the bench. It could be nothing but a piece of soap, and it had evidently fallen out of the young man's coat pocket when he threw himself down on the bench. Turning red, Norman picked it up.
"I just can't allow him to go away like this," he thought, and started running after the young man.
"Stop!" cried Norman when he saw him at the Park gate. The young man obeyed.
"Here's your piece of soap," Norman said. "I found it under the bench. Don't lose it again, it's been a good friend to you. And here's a pound, if it can help you".
"Thanks," said the young man, and quickly put the money into his pocket.
"Here's my card with my address," continued Norman. "You can return the money any day this week."
The young man thanked him again and quickly went away.
"It's a good lesson to me," Norman thought, and went back to the Park.
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
норман gortsby сидел на скамейке, скрытые за кустами в гайд - парке.он был теплым майским вечером.солнце уже установлены, и было довольно темно, но он все еще мог разглядеть лица людей, которые шли мимо и услышал звук его голоса.он был философ, и любил сидеть в парке, наблюдая за людьми, которых он не знал.хотя он спрашивал, кто они и где они сейчас, молодой человек подошел к скамейке, дали посмотреть на него и бросился вниз, на его стороне.новичок были хорошо одеты и выглядели, как джентльмен.его лицо было грустно и он глубоко вздохнул."вы, похоже, не в очень хорошем настроении", - сказал норман.молодой человек хранил молчание.он только взглянул на норман снова, и существует выражение в его глаза, что норман не нравится."я действительно не знаю, как все это произошло." он начал в прошлом ", но я сделал так, входите, что я когда - либо сделал в моей жизни." он говорит тихим голосом, почти шёпотом."да", - сказал норман равнодушно."я приехал в лондон, во второй половине дня," молодой человек отправился в ".я еду в гостиницу, направил письмо моего народа, дав им адрес, а потом пошел купить кусок мыла.они должны дать вам мыло в отеле, но это всегда так плохо, что я решил купить для себя.я купил его, не выпить в баре, и посмотрел на магазины.когда я хотел вернуться в отель, я вдруг понял, что я не помню ее имя или даже, что он был на улице.конечно, я могу написать мой народ по адресу, но они не получили мое письмо до завтра.только шиллинг у меня, когда я приехал, было потрачено на мыло и выпить, и я здесь с twopence в кармане и некуда пойти на ночь ".последовала пауза после того, как он рассказал историю."я боюсь, что ты не веришь в меня", - добавил он."почему нет?"говорит, норман.я делал то же самое, когда иностранного капитала.так что я могу понять, что ты очень хорошо "."я рад, что ты сделал", - говорил молодой человек с приятной улыбкой ".и теперь я должна идти.я надеюсь, что к тому времени становится совсем темно, я должен найти человека, который будет, поверь мне, как ты, и будет согласиться одолжить мне деньги "."конечно", - сказал норман медленно ".слабым местом вашей истории заключается в том, что вы не можете получить мыло ".молодой человек положил свою руку в карман и вдруг поднялся."я потерял его", - сказал он в сердцах."это слишком многое потерять, гостиницы и кусочек мыла в тот же день", - сказал норман.но молодой человек не слышал его.он убегал."это была хорошая идея, чтобы спросить его о мыло, и так просто, норман думал, собираясь ехать.но на тот момент он заметил небольшой пакет лежал возле скамейки.это может быть всего лишь кусок мыла, и это явно не молодой человек кармане, когда он бросился вниз на скамейке.переходя красного, норман подобрал."я просто не могу позволить ему уйти вот так", - подумал он, и начался после того, как молодой человек."хватит!"плакала, норман, когда он увидел его в парке ворота.молодой человек следовал."вот твой кусок мыла, норман сказал".я нашел это под скамейкой.не потеряй его еще раз, он был хорошим другом для вас.и вот фунт, если это поможет тебе "."спасибо", - сказал молодой человек, и быстро положил деньги в карман."вот моя карточка в мой адрес", - продолжил норман. "вы можете вернуть деньги в любой день недели ".молодой человек, поблагодарил его и быстро ушел."это хороший урок для меня, норман думал, и пошел в парк.
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