3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria: A New VariantAvraham Zeharia, MD*; Orly N перевод - 3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria: A New VariantAvraham Zeharia, MD*; Orly N русский как сказать

3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria: A New

3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria: A New Variant
Avraham Zeharia, MD*; Orly N. Elpeleg, MDX; Masza Mukamel, MD*; Raphael Weitz, MD ; Raya Ariel, PhD l; Marc Mimouni, MD*
ABSTRACT. 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria has been described in two distinct syndromes. In one there was deficient 3-methylglutaconyl coenzyme A hydratase in fibroblast extracts where the only clinical manifestation was retarded speech development. In the second syndrome, the enzyme activity was normal but prominent neurological deterioration was noted. We describe two siblings with 3-methylgiutaconic aciduria with normal enzyme activity who had choreoathetoid movements, optic atrophy, and mild developmental delay. The boy demonstrated developmental improvement in his second year of life, and his sister developed well, with normal school performance. These patients represent a new dinical variant of the second syndrome with a relatively favorable prognosis. Pediatrics 1992;89:1080-1082; 3methyiglutaconic aciduria, metabolism, choreoathetoid movements, optic atrophy, neurological deterioration.
3-Methylgiutaconic aciduria is a rare inborn error of metabolism. Two distinct syndromes have been described’: in the first syndrome, there was deficient activity of 3-methylglutaconyl coenzyme A hydratase in fibroblast extracts where the only clinical manifestation was retarded speech development2; and in the second syndrome, enzyme activity was normal, but neurological and ophthalmological abnormalities were prominent.6 Metabolic acidosis was noted in some. We describe two siblings with 3-methylglutaconic aciduria accompanied by a new clinical variant of the second syndrome.
Patient A
An I I -month-old infant was referred for evaluation of deterio
ration of motor development. He was born at term by vacuum extraction, weighing 3870 g, following a normal pregnancy. Apgar scores were 6 and 8 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively, and the neonatal period was uneventful. He was the fourth child of unrelated healthy parents of Jewish Iraqi origin. His 4-year-old sister and 7-year-old brother were healthy, and his 14-year-old sister is described as patient B. Patient A developed normally until 5 months of age, when motor deterioration was noticed. He could not grasp an object when placed in his hand, he stopped transferring an object from one hand to the other, and he did not reach for objects. He was restless and made many purposeless movements with his hands,
From the ‘Department of Pediatrics B, §Pediatric Neurology Unit, #{182}Pediatric
Psychology Unit, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Israel, and the MetaboIic Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem Israel. Received for publication Jul 5, 1991; accepted Nov 20, 1991.
Reprint requests to (AZ.) Dept. of Pediatrics B, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva 49100, Israel. PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright (c 1992 by the American Acad
emy of Pediatrics.
head, and mouth. He recognized his par .nts and siblings, and referred to them with happy sounds. At that time there was also arrest of weight gain and head circumference growth; by the age of 1 1 months, his weight decreased from the 90th to the 10th percentile, and his head circumference decreased from the 50th to the 3rd percentile. His length remained stable at the 50th percentile. On physical examination he was restless, and he followed objects with his eyes. Choreoathetoid movements of hands, head, and mouth were evident. He had variable muscle tone, hyperactive tendon reflexes, bilateral extensor plantar responses, and mild optic atrophy. The results of remaining physical examination were normal. The developmental quotient measured by the Gesell Scale at 12
months was 60. His gross motor development was appropriate for 6 months, fine motor development was at an 8.5-month level, adjustment was at a 7.5-month level, social adjustment was at a 9month level, and language was compatible with his chronological age. During follow-up his psychomotor development was slow. At
the age of 2 years he was able to recognize his parents, brothers, and sisters and called them by name. He had a vocabulary of short sentences, reached for objects and transferred them from one hand to the other. He sat with support, crawled, rolled over from side to side, supported himself in the standing position, and walked with help. The results of laboratory investigations, including complete blood count, hepatic and renal function tests, plasma bicarbonate,
lactate and plasma and urinary amino acid analysis by thin layer chromatography, were all normal. The blood ammonia level was
mildly elevated at 120 zmol/L (normal < 40 tmol/L), and the cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration was normal, Electroencephalogram and visual evoked response were normal. Brainstem evoked response audiometry showed impaired cochlear wave, and cranial computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated prominen
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria: A New VariantAvraham Zeharia, MD*; Orly N. Elpeleg, MDX; Masza Mukamel, MD*; Raphael Weitz, MD ; Raya Ariel, PhD l; Marc Mimouni, MD*ABSTRACT. 3-Methylglutaconic aciduria has been described in two distinct syndromes. In one there was deficient 3-methylglutaconyl coenzyme A hydratase in fibroblast extracts where the only clinical manifestation was retarded speech development. In the second syndrome, the enzyme activity was normal but prominent neurological deterioration was noted. We describe two siblings with 3-methylgiutaconic aciduria with normal enzyme activity who had choreoathetoid movements, optic atrophy, and mild developmental delay. The boy demonstrated developmental improvement in his second year of life, and his sister developed well, with normal school performance. These patients represent a new dinical variant of the second syndrome with a relatively favorable prognosis. Pediatrics 1992;89:1080-1082; 3methyiglutaconic aciduria, metabolism, choreoathetoid movements, optic atrophy, neurological deterioration.3-Methylgiutaconic aciduria is a rare inborn error of metabolism. Two distinct syndromes have been described’: in the first syndrome, there was deficient activity of 3-methylglutaconyl coenzyme A hydratase in fibroblast extracts where the only clinical manifestation was retarded speech development2; and in the second syndrome, enzyme activity was normal, but neurological and ophthalmological abnormalities were prominent.6 Metabolic acidosis was noted in some. We describe two siblings with 3-methylglutaconic aciduria accompanied by a new clinical variant of the second syndrome.Patient ACASE REPORTSAn I I -month-old infant was referred for evaluation of deterioration of motor development. He was born at term by vacuum extraction, weighing 3870 g, following a normal pregnancy. Apgar scores were 6 and 8 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively, and the neonatal period was uneventful. He was the fourth child of unrelated healthy parents of Jewish Iraqi origin. His 4-year-old sister and 7-year-old brother were healthy, and his 14-year-old sister is described as patient B. Patient A developed normally until 5 months of age, when motor deterioration was noticed. He could not grasp an object when placed in his hand, he stopped transferring an object from one hand to the other, and he did not reach for objects. He was restless and made many purposeless movements with his hands,From the ‘Department of Pediatrics B, §Pediatric Neurology Unit, #{182}PediatricPsychology Unit, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Israel, and the MetaboIic Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem Israel. Received for publication Jul 5, 1991; accepted Nov 20, 1991.Reprint requests to (AZ.) Dept. of Pediatrics B, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva 49100, Israel. PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright (c 1992 by the American Academy of Pediatrics.head, and mouth. He recognized his par .nts and siblings, and referred to them with happy sounds. At that time there was also arrest of weight gain and head circumference growth; by the age of 1 1 months, his weight decreased from the 90th to the 10th percentile, and his head circumference decreased from the 50th to the 3rd percentile. His length remained stable at the 50th percentile. On physical examination he was restless, and he followed objects with his eyes. Choreoathetoid movements of hands, head, and mouth were evident. He had variable muscle tone, hyperactive tendon reflexes, bilateral extensor plantar responses, and mild optic atrophy. The results of remaining physical examination were normal. The developmental quotient measured by the Gesell Scale at 12months was 60. His gross motor development was appropriate for 6 months, fine motor development was at an 8.5-month level, adjustment was at a 7.5-month level, social adjustment was at a 9month level, and language was compatible with his chronological age. During follow-up his psychomotor development was slow. Atthe age of 2 years he was able to recognize his parents, brothers, and sisters and called them by name. He had a vocabulary of short sentences, reached for objects and transferred them from one hand to the other. He sat with support, crawled, rolled over from side to side, supported himself in the standing position, and walked with help. The results of laboratory investigations, including complete blood count, hepatic and renal function tests, plasma bicarbonate,lactate and plasma and urinary amino acid analysis by thin layer chromatography, were all normal. The blood ammonia level wasmildly elevated at 120 zmol/L (normal < 40 tmol/L), and the cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration was normal, Electroencephalogram and visual evoked response were normal. Brainstem evoked response audiometry showed impaired cochlear wave, and cranial computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated prominen
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
3-Methylglutaconic ацидурия: Новый вариант
Авраам Zeharia, MD *; Орли Н. Elpeleg, MDX; Masza Mukamel, MD *; Рафаэль Вайц, доктор медицинских наук; Raya Ariel, доктор философии л; Марк Мимуни, MD *
РЕЗЮМЕ. 3-Methylglutaconic ацидурию было описано в двух различных синдромов. В одном был дефицит 3-methylglutaconyl коэнзим А гидратаза в фибробласты экстрактов , где единственным клиническим проявлением тормозилось развитие речи. Во втором синдроме, активность фермента была нормальной , но заметным неврологической симптоматики было отмечено. Мы опишем два родных брата с 3-methylgiutaconic ацидурия с нормальной ферментативной активностью , которые имели хореоатетоидными движений, атрофия зрительного нерва, а также умеренную задержку развития. Мальчик продемонстрировал улучшение с развитием в его второй год жизни, а его сестра хорошо развиты, с нормальной школьной успеваемости. Эти пациенты представляют собой новый dinical вариант второго синдрома с относительно благоприятным прогнозом. Pediatrics 1992; 89: 1080-1082; 3methyiglutaconic ацидурия, обмен веществ, хореоатетоидными движений, атрофия зрительного нерва, неврологическое повреждение.
3-Methylgiutaconic ацидурия является редким метаболические заболевания. Два различных синдромы были описаны ': в первом синдроме, была недостаточной активности 3-methylglutaconyl коэнзим А гидратазной в фибробластах экстрактов , где единственным клиническим проявлением тормозилось речи развитию2; а во втором синдроме, активность фермента была нормальной, но неврологические и офтальмологические нарушения были prominent.6 Метаболический ацидоз было отмечено , в некоторых из них . Мы опишем два родных брата с 3-methylglutaconic ацидурия в сопровождении нового клинического варианта второго синдрома.
II -месяц-младенец был передан для оценки deterio
рациона моторного развития. Он родился в срок путем вакуумной экстракции, весом 3870 г, после нормальной беременности. Апгар оценки были 6 и 8 на 1 и 5 минут, соответственно, и неонатальный период протекал без осложнений. Он был четвертым ребенком неродственных здоровых родителей еврейского иракского происхождения. Его 4-летняя сестра и 7-летний брат были здоровы, и его 14-летняя сестра описывается как пациент Б. пациенту развивался нормально до 5 - месячного возраста, когда износ двигателя был замечен. Он не мог понять , когда объект помещается в руке, он прекратил передачу объекта из одной руки в другую, и он не достиг объектов. Он был беспокоен и сделал много бесцельные движения руками,
С "педиатрический факультет B, §Pediatric неврологическое отделение, # {182} детской
психологии группы, медицинский центр Бейлинсон, Петах-Тиква, Sackler Школа Медицины, Тель - Авивском университете. Израиль и MetaboIic Unit, Шаарей Цедек, Иерусалим Израиль. Получено для публикации 5 июл 1991; принятое 20 ноября 1991
Перепечатка запросы к (AZ.) кафедра педиатрии B, медицинский центр Бейлинсон, Петах-Тиква 49100, Израиль. ПЕДИАТРИИ (ISSN 0031 4005). Все права защищены (с 1992 по американским Акад
. Emy педиатрического
. Головы и рта Он признал его Par .nts братьев и сестер, и называли их счастливыми звуками В то время был также арест увеличения веса и роста окружности головы;. По возраст 1 1 месяцев, его вес снизился с 90 - й до 10 - й процентили, и его окружность головы уменьшилась с 50 - й до 3 - й процентили. его длина оставалась стабильной на уровне 50 - го процентиля. при физическом осмотре он был беспокойный, и он последовал объекты с его глазами. хореоатетоидными движения рук, головы, и рот были очевидны. у него был переменный мышечный тонус, гиперактивные сухожильные рефлексы, двусторонние ответы разгибателей подошвенные и мягкий атрофия зрительного нерва. результаты оставшегося физического осмотра были нормальными. фактор развития измеряется по шкале Gesell через 12
месяцев было 60. Его полная двигательное развитие было уместно в течение 6 месяцев, развитие мелкой моторики был на уровне 8,5 месяцев, корректировка была на уровне 7,5 месяцев, социальная адаптация была на 9month уровне, и язык был совместим с его хронологическим возрастом. В ходе последующих его психомоторное развитие было медленным. В
возрасте 2 -х лет он был в состоянии признать его родителей, братьев и сестер и их называли по имени. У него был словарный запас коротких предложений, потянулся к объектам и переносят их из одной руки в другую. Он сидел с поддержкой, пополз, перевернулся из стороны в сторону, поддерживал себя в положении стоя, и пошел с помощью. Результаты лабораторных исследований, в том числе полный анализ крови, печени и почечной функции испытаний, плазмы бикарбонат,
лактат и плазмы и анализа мочевом аминокислотного методом тонкослойной хроматографии, все были нормальными. Уровень аммиака в крови был
умеренно повышен при 120 zmol / л (нормальный <40 tmol / л), и спинномозговой жидкости концентрация белка была нормальной, электроэнцефалограммы и зрительных вызванных ответ были нормальными. Ствола мозга вызывали ответ аудиометрии показали нарушенную кохлеарный волну и черепную компьютерную томографию и магнитно - резонансная томография продемонстрировала prominen
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