Lesson TwoSeverus had an antidote. He didn't know why he hadn't though перевод - Lesson TwoSeverus had an antidote. He didn't know why he hadn't though русский как сказать

Lesson TwoSeverus had an antidote.

Lesson Two

Severus had an antidote. He didn't know why he hadn't thought of it before. It was a potion he had used several times as a student to avoid making a fool of himself. When infatuated with someone, the potion would quench any unneeded and unimportant emotions. He hadn't needed to use it for so long, he had forgotten about it. He cursed himself for not thinking of it sooner.

Now he was prepared for her. He could handle her with the support of this potion and once he got it into his psyche that she was just another student, he would drop the potion and move on with his life. It would work. It had to work.

So he sat confidently in his potions classroom, awaiting the dreaded Miss Granger with an air of indifference. As she entered the room, he looked into her face and felt... nothing! The Potion was working!

"Today, Miss Granger, we are working on a much more complicated potion. Because the complexity of it, I shall aid you in your drafting of it. Here is the list of supplies," he told her impersonally. He felt powerful, controlling his emotions, finally feeling like he was once again in charge! The feeling was bliss.

Hermione set up her cauldron and gathered the necessary ingredients. Severus watched her from the corner of his eye, hoping nothing would emerge from his feelings. If they did... he hated to think that he was that attached to her.

He walked over to her once she was set up and handed her the instructions.

"You will be concocting a Wolfsbane Potion. This is particularly difficult, but also particularly vital in modern times to being a Medi Witch. If you can make this potion you can basically make any that I am going to give you over the course of your lessons. Here are your supplies," he handed her a packet of ingredients, careful to avoid touching her hand.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Lesson TwoSeverus had an antidote. He didn't know why he hadn't thought of it before. It was a potion he had used several times as a student to avoid making a fool of himself. When infatuated with someone, the potion would quench any unneeded and unimportant emotions. He hadn't needed to use it for so long, he had forgotten about it. He cursed himself for not thinking of it sooner.Now he was prepared for her. He could handle her with the support of this potion and once he got it into his psyche that she was just another student, he would drop the potion and move on with his life. It would work. It had to work.So he sat confidently in his potions classroom, awaiting the dreaded Miss Granger with an air of indifference. As she entered the room, he looked into her face and felt... nothing! The Potion was working!"Today, Miss Granger, we are working on a much more complicated potion. Because the complexity of it, I shall aid you in your drafting of it. Here is the list of supplies," he told her impersonally. He felt powerful, controlling his emotions, finally feeling like he was once again in charge! The feeling was bliss.Hermione set up her cauldron and gathered the necessary ingredients. Severus watched her from the corner of his eye, hoping nothing would emerge from his feelings. If they did... he hated to think that he was that attached to her.He walked over to her once she was set up and handed her the instructions."You will be concocting a Wolfsbane Potion. This is particularly difficult, but also particularly vital in modern times to being a Medi Witch. If you can make this potion you can basically make any that I am going to give you over the course of your lessons. Here are your supplies," he handed her a packet of ingredients, careful to avoid touching her hand.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Урок второй Северус противоядие. Он не знал , почему он не подумал об этом раньше. Это зелье он использовал несколько раз в качестве студента , чтобы избежать себя дураком. Когда увлечен с кем - то, что зелье утолит все ненужные и неважные эмоции. Он не должен был использовать его так долго, он забыл об этом. Он проклинал себя за то не думал об этом раньше. Теперь он был готов к ней. Он мог бы справиться с ней при поддержке этого зелья , и как только он получил его в его психику , что она была просто еще студентом, он упадет зелье и двигаться дальше со своей жизнью. Она будет работать. Он должен был работать. Так он сидел уверенно в своем классе зельеварения, ожидая страшного мисс Грейнджер с видом безразличия. Когда она вошла в комнату, он посмотрел ей в лицо и не почувствовал ... ничего! Зелье работает! "Сегодня, мисс Грейнджер, мы работаем над гораздо более сложным зельем. Поскольку сложность этого, я должен помочь вам в составлении этого. Вот список поставок," сказал он ей обезличенно. Он чувствовал себя сильным, контролируя свои эмоции, наконец , чувствуя , как он в очередной раз был ответственным! Чувство было блаженство. Гермиона создала свою казан и собрали необходимые ингредиенты. Северус наблюдал за ней из угла его глаза, не надеясь ничего бы выйти из его чувств. Если бы они сделали ... он ненавидел думать , что он был , что к ней привязан. Он подошел к ней , как только она была создана , и вручил ей инструкции. "Вы будете стряпать Волчье зелье. Это особенно трудно, но и особенно актуальной в наше время , чтобы быть Medi Witch. Если вы можете сделать это зелье , вы можете в основном сделать любой , что я собираюсь дать вам в течение ваших уроков. Вот ваши товары, "он передал ей пакет ингредиентов, осторожны , чтобы не касаться ее руку.

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