THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe United States of America lies in the c перевод - THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe United States of America lies in the c русский как сказать


The United States of America lies in the central part of the North American Continent between the two oceans: the Atlantic ocean in the East and the Pacific Ocean in the West.
Canada in the North and Mexico in the South are the only countries that have borders with the USA.
The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska and the main part. There are fifty states in the USA. They are very different in size, population and economic development. The smallest state is Rhode Island and the biggest is Texas. The total area of the USA is about 9 million square kilometres. The population is about 230 million people.
The USA is a big country and the climate conditions are very different in different places.
There are many big cities in the United States: New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles are the biggest of them.
The USA economically is the most powerful country in the world.
The USA is a parliamentary republic. The government has three branches: the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court.
There are two political parties in the United States: the Democratic Party, their symbol is a donkey, and the Republican Party, their symbol is an elephant. The president is elected for a 4-year term and not more than two times.
The Congress has two houses; the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.

1. What is the size of the United States?
2. What is the smallest state in the United States?
3. What is the largest state in the USA?
4. What are the biggest cities of the Unites States?
5. What are the three branches of US government?
6. What is the political system of United States?
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe United States of America lies in the central part of the North American Continent between the two oceans: the Atlantic ocean in the East and the Pacific Ocean in the West.Canada in the North and Mexico in the South are the only countries that have borders with the USA.The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska and the main part. There are fifty states in the USA. They are very different in size, population and economic development. The smallest state is Rhode Island and the biggest is Texas. The total area of the USA is about 9 million square kilometres. The population is about 230 million people.The USA is a big country and the climate conditions are very different in different places.There are many big cities in the United States: New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles are the biggest of them.The USA economically is the most powerful country in the world.The USA is a parliamentary republic. The government has three branches: the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court.There are two political parties in the United States: the Democratic Party, their symbol is a donkey, and the Republican Party, their symbol is an elephant. The president is elected for a 4-year term and not more than two times.The Congress has two houses; the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.QUESTIONS1. What is the size of the United States?2. What is the smallest state in the United States?3. What is the largest state in the USA?4. What are the biggest cities of the Unites States?5. What are the three branches of US government?6. What is the political system of United States?
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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]
соединенные штаты америкисоединенные штаты америки находится в центральной части северной америки между двумя океанами: атлантического океана на востоке и на западе тихого океана.канада на севере и мексики в южно - единственные страны, на границе с сша.сша состоит из трех отдельных частей.они гавайских островов в тихом океане, на аляске и основная часть.в ней 50 штатов в сша. они очень разные по размеру, населения и экономического развития.самое маленькое государство, - это род - айленд и крупнейшим - техас.общая площадь сша - около 9 миллионов квадратных километров.население - около 230 миллионов человек.сша - большая страна, и климатические условия являются весьма различными в разных местах.есть во многих крупных городах соединенных штатов: нью - йорк, филадельфии, хьюстон, чикаго, детройт, лос - анджелес являются крупнейшими из них.сша экономически - самая могущественная страна в мире.сша является парламентской республикой.правительство имеет три ветви власти: конгресса, президент и верховный суд.существуют две политические партии в соединенных штатах: демократической партии, их символ - осел, и республиканской партии, их символ - слон.президент избирается на четырехлетний срок полномочий, а не более чем в два раза.конгресс имеет два дома, сената и палаты представителей.верховный суд является высшим судебным органом в стране.вопросы1.каков размер соединенных штатов?2.это самое маленькое государство в соединенных штатах?3.что является крупнейшим штатом в сша?4.каковы наиболее крупных городах соединенных штатов?5.какие три ветви правительства сша?6.то, что политическая система соединенных штатов?
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